"It's time to start working. Well, what's my task?"

Ye Feng stood on the stand on the second floor of Noda's training room and looked at dozens of K2 Zula people wearing Ye Feng's same "God of death" suit. Ye Feng had an inexplicable sense of absurdity.

These baldheaded K2 Zula ladies wear Ye Feng's iconic yellow and black hoods, which makes them look sexy. Being able to share a room with a large group of hot alien girls and being watched by them with loving eyes, Ye Feng was so cool that he couldn't breathe. This was one of the peak moments of his life.

The corners of Ye Feng's mouth grinned to the back of his head: "this is heaven."

"OK, it's time to do some exercise. In the corner on my left, there are a group of second-generation K2 Zula people in red and black uniforms. Strictly speaking, you are all my continuation and my babies." Ye Feng pointed to the dozens of K2 Zula people.

"Ye Feng, we love you forever!", "Ye Feng, we support you forever!", "Ye Feng, we belong to you forever!", "Ye Feng!!!"

Ye Feng's face looked like a fury. He thought he was natural and unrestrained, waved his hand and motioned the screaming crowd to be quiet: "quiet, quiet. I like girls who are a little reserved. Of course, don't be too reserved. It's the degree of the transition between reserve and madness. You can spend some time thinking about this scale."

"These purple skinned ladies and sisters in the corner next to my right hand are the first generation of reformers, K1 Zula people. Although their birth has no direct connection with me, I believe, K1 Zula people, you are also committed to my love, right?"

"Of course! Maple leaf is the light of my life!", "Zula's glory has let me find my love!", "maple leaf! Gulaki directory, haw -"

"Er... I don't understand Zula. I'd better use Chinese, thank you. I think we should calm down and get to know each other well. What do you say?"

The smile on Ye Feng's face is gradually disappearing. He is no longer complacent because he is loved by Zula people. When he sweeps the eyes of Zula people on the first floor of the training room, Ye Feng's heart has begun to get up and down.

For no other reason, Ye Feng saw extreme madness in their eyes, which is not the eyes of simple admirers. Ye Feng now has no doubt that the following group of extraordinary super Zula soldiers will cut him up like Fujiang often described by master ITO. Zula's little sister will divide a small piece of Ye Feng's body!!!

In particular, Ye Feng witnessed the transformation of Zula people by the following two generations. With the problem of "who is Ye Feng's favorite", the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, and gradually evolved to the degree of fighting or even killing each other. Ye Feng quickly advised the two Zula people.

In fact, until now, Ye Feng see light suddenly, what makes Dick say that he is fond of perfume, is a taboo he created, enough to conquer the universe, and the power of this thing will not only make the deceptive creature lose itself, even even use the perfume. Ye Feng's scalp is numb now by the following group of Zula little sisters with green eyes!

"Damn... I think I'll still be exposed to this kind of thing in the future. No, I should be less exposed to Dick. What can I do now? I don't want to end up being separated by these eldest sisters!" Ye Feng whispered.

Ye Feng is anxious. He has seen Miss Zula on the first floor and has begun to look at himself with longing. Ye Feng just noticed that several anxious Zula people are preparing for sports. It seems that he wants to grab a favorable position in the next "Ye Feng competition".

no way! We must not let things go on. If caught by such a group of superpowers, I will have no residue left! In this way, I will definitely be cut into dumpling stuffing before the perfume fails.

I'm not Fujiang! I don't want to be Fujiang!

Ye Feng's brain was running at full speed. Suddenly, he thought of a good idea, a good idea that could get him out.

"Everybody, do you all want all my love?" Ye Feng shouted loudly.

"Of course!", "that's right!"

"In that case, we can play a game. K1 Zula people form a camp, and K2 Zula people belong to one camp. The two camps engage in unarmed fighting. The winning party will get the opportunity to have close contact with me. How about you? Are you confident?" Ye Feng continued to flicker.

"Yes! We will win!", "yes! The glory of Zula will bless us invincible!"

Ye Feng smiled a few times and then said, "the rules of the battle are very simple. Knock down the opponent. However, the premise of all battles must not endanger the opponent's life. I hope this is a wonderful but not bloody battle. On the contrary, the dead man will never get my favor. Do you understand?"

"Understand!", "yes!", "you are a perfect gentleman!"

I hope that the effect of your love perfume will be relieved. You can still think of this. Ye Feng looks down upon a crowd of people who are excited by their arms.

After the introduction, Ye Feng, the two groups of super Zula soldiers of different ages who competed with the chamber, bowed down and shouted to the two teams, "are you ready? Go on, knock down all the people opposite!"

I'm really a genius. I can think of letting them fight each other and vent all their energy. I'm really a loser, although I'm undoubtedly the worst public lover

"Yes!!! Knock down the Zula people who are different from themselves neatly!!!"

Looking at the hot-blooded battle of the fierce scuffle below, Ye Feng, standing on the viewing platform on the second floor, breathed a sigh of relief. If he faced this group of Zula people with explosive combat effectiveness alone, he would be torn into pieces

This scene of scuffle between dozens of sexy and hot alien little sisters is not so common. After all, it is not easy to raise more than 100 big girls with super abilities and let them fight together with passion.

I'm a genius. If captain victory could see this, he might open a back door for me to join the shield bearer alliance or something. By the way, I still have a task. What the hell am I doing here?

Ye Feng tries to think about the task entrusted to him by Captain Shengli, but Ye Feng's memory is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Now he really can't remember his purpose of sneaking into the Zula base

"Forget it, maybe I'll remember later. Should I find a bag of potato chips now?" Ye Feng leisurely looked at the Zula girls who had fallen more than half below.

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