"Man, I think you are a good girl with thick eyebrows and big eyes. You shouldn't do the dirty work of falling into a well? Attack the enemy's back? I don't think you are such a low-key person."

Although Ye Feng still keeps a joking tone, his slightly trembling voice is still exposed. In fact, he doesn't look so relaxed

Damn it, you try hanging half in the air. Your chrysanthemum is only a few meters away from the alien female hooligan who wants to tear you to pieces. Try it. Can you keep an ordinary mind in this situation!? Ye Feng shouted sadly and angrily in his heart.

"Hehe... Do you really think that the nonsense in your mouth has even a trace of sense of humor?" at this point, Alba, who has the absolute advantage, is not in a hurry. She asked the question she wants to know most in her heart: does this human have, even the slightest bit of self-knowledge.

"Yes, I have a great sense of humor. I am a natural comedian. Whether in the silent film era or in the current audio film, it will be a great pity for the whole film industry that I didn't become a comedian. I really think so in my heart." Ye Feng's eyes are very serious, which shows that at least in his personal view, the fact is true

"Ha ha, I'm so happy to kill you myself..." Alba smiled cruelly on her face.

"Before you kill me, you will make some tedious speeches, right?" asked Ye Feng, who was hanging in the air.

What do you think? The standard configuration of villains, when they are about to succeed, can't they just kill the protagonist if they have something to say? Er, now I seem to be the hero to be killed... Ye Feng is thinking about it in his heart.

"Hehe, I'm going to freeze you into a big ice cube. When I want to taste the taste of victory, I'll take you out of the cold storage and knock down part of your body to join my favorite wine. I believe I will be addicted to the taste of victory."

The intoxicated expression on Alba's face, to tell the truth, looked more terrible than when she leaked out her ferocious smile.

"Oh, hey, you really thought about it." Ye Feng said sarcastically.

"In fact," Alba's cold arm sent out bursts of cold air, and she tried to gather the power of cold ice, "yes. There have been similar scenes countless times in my dreams these days."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I'm right? You're really a big sister who looks to the end. Have you finished your nonsense? Let's get down to business!"

Ye Feng made a sudden effort and the metal pipe hanging him was forcibly broken. Then Ye Feng skillfully did a back somersault in the air and landed on the ground. At this time, Alba's face was watered by the water in the disconnected pipe, combined with the extremely cold gas accumulated on her ice arm, the goods turned herself into an ice sculpture. Alba, surrounded by ice, had a fixed expression on her face, which was normal. She fell into a trap set by an out and out psychosis in her eyes, This is really very unexpected.

"Hey, big sister, I'm different from you. I'm a good man, so I'll let you stay here completely forever." Ye Feng relaxed his body and said to Zula popsicle.

Before Ye Feng continued to send a muzzle gun to Alba who became a popsicle, he heard a series of footsteps behind him.

Annoying guys always come one after another, don't they? After all, there are no double blessings, and misfortunes never come singly. Ye Feng turned slowly and faced the uninvited guests behind him.

"Ye Feng, damn it, you beat Alba alone!? what's a saying on earth? By the way: Genius and madman are just one step apart. You really keep surprises for me."

Zagna, who led a dozen K2 Zula soldiers, stared at Ye Feng coldly. She never thought that Alba would be defeated by Ye Feng. She just wanted to bring people to share the joy of the victory of executing the human male. However, the situation was not what zagna expected.

"I didn't expect that you, a retarded person, would be sarcastic. Of course, I killed your best man. You didn't make your brain more useless. I understand very much." Ye Feng was fearless and faced a group of Zula people led by zagna in front of him.

"What you just said, did you say that I beat this big purple potato only after shit luck? You're naive enough, steward." Ye Feng stood in place with his hands in his pockets and said to zagna helplessly.

"Hum, elite Zula soldiers, kill this evil human for the glory of Zula!" zagna gave a kill instruction to the K2 Zula soldiers behind her.

"Well, babies, you all heard her orders. Come on, come and kill me." Ye Feng stood where he was, showing no tension at all.

"What's the matter? Why don't you take action? What's the matter? What's the matter with you?" zagna waited for half a minute, but none of the K2 Zula soldiers behind him obeyed her instructions, all stood in place with painful faces and screamed in pain.

In particular, zagna found that the skin of these more than a dozen K2 Zula people was dissolving!? This terrible scene made zagna pale with shock.

"Hey, steward, do you think you're the smartest one? Do you know how many idiots have tried to copy me? These are the rest of others' play and steward," Ye Feng went to zagna and put his arm on the latter's shoulder, "... You should learn a lesson. The grass on the grave is almost half a meter high for those who try to do this."

Zagna subconsciously put her hand into her pants pocket, prepared the signal transmitter and started the self destruction program of the base.

"Hey, what do you do secretly first?"

Ye Feng keenly noticed this little action. He firmly held zagna's hand in her trouser pocket. Under zagna's desperate gaze, Ye Feng took the signal transmitter that could start the base self explosion program in his hand and then put it into his coat pocket.

"You will go to hell, human." zagna cursed Ye Feng angrily.

"Oh, I also know that you Zula people have made up for the earth's knowledge in hell. This learning attitude is commendable, although your ultimate goal is despised."

"There is nothing wrong with our Zula invading the earth for the sake of ethnic reproduction. You humans have long lost the sense of hardship. In the boundless space, the ethnic competition for survival is an eternal law!"

"Maybe, maybe what you said is right, but this time, it is you Zula who are in charge that failed."

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