"Hey, steward, let me tell you." Ye Feng's expression changed and began to explain the whole story to zagna seriously.

"I'm really annoyed. At the end of the story, the protagonist or villain boss comes to a lengthy explanation, which really drags the rhythm. I remember a professional term to describe this situation: standing on a pile to speak." Ye Feng puts on a helpless expression.

"Then don't say it." zagna stared at Ye Feng angrily. "Why, you're so good when you get a bargain? I can't stand your ugly face."

"Hey, personal attack is not good. In charge, my self-healing ability is acquired. Although this ability can heal any injury I suffer and even regenerate my limbs. However, because it's not inherent in me, there is a problem." Ye Feng reluctantly spread his hand.

"What's the problem?" zagna cooperated with the mysterious Ye Feng very much.

This is his last duty, poor stupid villain... Ye Feng looks at zagna with pity.

"Ha ha, you want to know, don't you? It's very simple and adaptable. When you make those synthetic humans, you have to add your Zula genes, which creates a problem." Ye Feng said to zagna with a relaxed look.

"You're talking nonsense. What we want to build is a genetically modified Zula soldier. If we don't add Zula gene, do we use all other races?!" zagna asked angrily.

"Why do you have to join? It's easy to understand. You see I'm so handsome and excellent, so you hope your Zula soldiers can be as excellent as me. However, the steward, I want to say but, listen clearly. I lost my self-healing ability once before. Later, with the help of a friend of mine, I was given the self-healing gene again.

"What do you ask my friend? Forget it, he's the craziest bad ass in the universe. You absolutely don't want to know him. I confuse your fans with perfume. It's a perfume that volatiles through the air. It can make the creatures smell in love madness. What are you not affected by? How do I know, maybe you are not a normal creature.

"All in all, I sprayed perfume on my body. This is why the zusha sisters in the base are crazy about me. This extremely frightening thing was invented by my friend, although the timeliness of this thing almost broke my great event, but through this, do you have a general impression of my friend's ability? Well, good.

"It was from him that I got the self-healing gene again, but this self-healing gene is tailored for me and only I can use it. To put it simply, this unique self-healing gene will work normally only in my body. It's a simple truth. One key opens one lock, so you should understand it?"

Ye Feng takes great pains to explain to zagna that for the wonderful expression on the latter's face, Ye Feng feels that this waste of words can not only help readers solve their doubts, but also get a little extra fun. To tell the truth, Ye Feng is very cool now, but he has to pretend to be light on the surface.

"Play a role?" zagna dutifully played a supporting role.

"That's right. When my self-healing genes are put into other people's bodies, or other creatures, these creatures mixed with my unique genes will have strange changes, such as the K2 Zula soldiers you transformed and synthesized.

"Self healing genes will constantly exert their ability, that is to say, they are constantly creating new cells. They are not as intelligent as when they are in my body. They know when they should work and when they should stay still. Er, you still don't understand, do you? Aliens who don't turn their brains

"In short, self-healing genes will continue to give birth to new cells. Your beloved K2 Zula soldiers will eventually be killed by the explosion of excess cells, just like expanded popcorn. Is it simple enough? Calculate the time, they should explode."

Ye Feng smiled triumphantly. To be exact, it was a bad smile. He looked at zagna who was stunned.

It's really an enjoyable way to enjoy the lonely and shocked expression of losers. Otherwise, how can so many people like to be bad people? It's really disgusting evil fun... Ye Feng thought in his heart with ease.

It seems to confirm Ye Feng's words. The K2 Zula soldiers who fought behind zagna looked back in horror. She saw what Ye Feng said: the body of each K2 Zula soldier is extremely expanding, like balloons filled with too much gas, which may explode and die at any time.

At this point, zagna knew that she was completely played by the neurotic human in her eyes, and she lost.


Zagna shouted in her heart.

She did not fail completely. At least she transmitted the collected data about the earth back to the mothership. Her people will invade the earth in the near future with the help of these valuable intelligence, seize this rare oasis in the universe and reproduce the glory of Zula!

"Stop dreaming."

Ye Feng's words interrupted zagna's meditation. She was shocked that Ye Feng seemed to see through what she thought. Zagna raised her head and looked at the human being who had devastated her.

"What are you talking about?"

"I said don't dream. I'm in charge. I'm sorry. When I invaded your base database, I found that you were transmitting data, so I uploaded some viruses. You know, it's a worm specialized in eating data. Although the big purple potato named Alba interrupted my work, I uploaded the virus to you before she disturbed me No matter who receives the data, what is waiting for them will only be a piece of random code. Even luck is not on your side. "

Watching the expression on zagna's face become richer and richer, Ye Feng knows that he has finished killing zagna.

"It's really embarrassing, steward. It turns out that you're not as smart as you think. It's time to say goodbye, you know, facing the sea and blooming flowers in spring." Ye Feng turned around and prepared to leave gracefully, "by the way, the steward, the man who wrote this poem, later committed suicide on the track."

"You must die! Zula's glory will eventually destroy you!" zagna cursed Ye Feng angrily.

"Shut up and let Zula's glory stay aside. Wait, you remind me that there's something I haven't finished yet."

Ye Feng, who had turned and walked out, suddenly stopped, turned back and looked at zagna, who was trembling with anger.

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