Two days have passed when Gemma tried her best to recover the data in the dead's damaged smartphone. In the past two days, Kate has been under great pressure. On the one hand, she has to face the long guns and short guns of the media from all parties. On the other hand, she has been issuing orders to speed up the closure of the case.

Kate is struggling to cope with all kinds of pressure. As for the external case consultant, Ye Feng, she eats, drinks and plays with Haley all over the world. For Ye Feng and Haili, their tasks have been basically completed. It is clear that as long as Gemma makes progress, this uncomplicated case can be solved in the near future.

During this period, Ye Feng also went to meet Huang Liang. He hasn't seen him for several months. He used Ye Feng's words to describe Huang Liang. The original words are as follows: "Yo, brother, the head lifting lines on the forehead are growing. Haven't you slept well in recent months? You have to pay attention to rest. If you don't take long, our brothers stand together, they look like the next generation."

Huang Liang's answer was very simple. He kindly gave Ye Feng a pair of panda eyes.

From Huangliang, Ye Feng heard that Cao Yan has been busy taking the university entrance examination recently. Although this goods are cute, but according to Huangliang, Cao Yan's academic performance is good and he is hopeful to be admitted to the best local university in Xindu city. He is making a surprise review recently. Although he will help Huang Liang maintain public security in lansdanton city from time to time, the frequency is not very high, Huang Liang can understand.

When Ye Feng told Huang Liang that he was helping Kate solve the case now, for the first time, Huang Liang didn't run too much on Ye Feng. According to Ye Feng's original words, "it's a blessing for all mankind if you don't harm this society. When solving the case, pay attention not to destroy the scene. Your ability is to be a police dog or an internship police dog."

In fact, Huang Liang is not a talkative character, but since he got involved with Ye Feng, the cold-faced tough guy also began to poison his tongue. As expected, he who is close to Zhu is red, he who is close to ink is black, and he who is close to Feng says

Ye Feng's stroll in the new metropolis lasted only two days. When she was ready to see the latest blockbuster, jenma called. On the phone, the little girl excitedly told Ye Feng that she had recovered important information from the damaged mobile phone and asked Ye Feng to hurry to NYPD and meet there.

Ye Feng, who got the news, called a taxi and went straight to the NYPD building.

In fact, this is the first time Ye Feng came to NYPD's headquarters building. Different from the idea in Ye Feng's mind, the central police station of this international metropolis looks more like an art museum. The gray positive architecture with a strong sense of the times gives people a stable and thick feeling.

Entering from the towering main gate, facing Ye Feng is a hall full of desks. Busy police officers and staff walk back and forth in the corridor with many desks. A square corridor with back bars is on the upper floor of the hall, with wide stairs on both sides, connecting the hall and the second floor.

Up to the second floor, a long corridor stretches out on both sides, spanning the whole second floor space. The doors of all offices are open towards the corridor.

Ye Feng walked up the stairs to the second floor. On the phone, Gemma told him to meet Kate's director's office directly. This office is at the end of the right corridor on the first floor, the most spacious office.

"Dong, Dong, Dong."

Ye Feng gently knocked on the solid wood door of the director's office. Kate's voice came from the house: "please come in."

"Hey, ladies, good morning, Kate. I have to say that your NYPD building is really magnificent. This is what people call old money? It's definitely the historical details." Ye Feng sincerely praised.

"Of course, this police station has a history of nearly 200 years. Forget it, we'll talk about this topic later. Ye Feng and Gemma have got important evidence." Kate waved her hand and asked Ye Feng to be closer to the computer screen on her desk.

"I knew you could, darling. Brother, give you a warm hug. Hey! This is the director's office. Put down your shoes!" Ye Feng, who was going to joke, noticed that jenma had taken off her shoes and immediately changed into a righteous face.

"Come on, Ye Feng, look at this." Kate pointed to the information on the screen and said excitedly to Ye Feng.

"Well, yes, that's it, Kate. With the existence of this, can you issue a search warrant for little Maxon?" Ye Feng said excitedly.

"Yes, I've sent someone with a search warrant to find little Maxon. Well, we should be able to bring people and things back in a while." Kate nodded.

"Good, everything is ready. By the way, where's Haley? How can we do without our psychological counselor at such an important moment." Ye Feng wondered why Haley didn't come.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to live in Haley's "pain psychological counseling room", but under the strong opposition of Kate and Gemma, Ye Feng had to be arranged into the "base" under the abandoned plant in the old city, although there was no shortage of water and electricity, quiet and comfortable. But he couldn't get along with soft sister day and night. He still let Ye Feng beat his chest for a while. The feeling of being alone really made Ye Feng unhappy

"When I called her just now, sister Haili should still be awake. According to the speed of her dressing up, it was strange that she could arrive before little Maxon was escorted back..." the girl with high IQ said helplessly.

Gemma once wanted Kate to teach her how to make up, but after learning it for less than half an hour, Gemma gave up. Compared with the lines of code on the screen, Gemma was really not interested in bottles full of dressers. Gemma is naturally beautiful and young. Light makeup is enough. Living like Haley is so exquisite, which is not in line with Gemma's free nature.

"... OK." Ye Feng deeply understands Haley's habit of lazy bed. When she goes to the pain psychological counseling room before 10 a.m., Haley won't wear clothes other than pajamas

"Ye Feng, do you think we can really find the decisive evidence you said?" Kate asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course, don't worry. As long as little Maxon is a modern man, he will leave traces that can't be erased. Although I hate similar things at ordinary times, I have to say that if this case can be solved, I really have to thank those black hearted companies." Ye Feng said confidently.

"Well, I hope we can give the dead a truth this time. An old man who is nearly seventy years old died alone in his own home. The person who committed this crime must make him pay the price!" Kate said righteously.

"Of course, we are on the side of justice. Justice is always victorious."

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