"Yes, sister Kate, you're right. Let him pay the price!" jenma clenched her pink fist and shouted angrily.

"Well, if the case is solved, can we reimburse my food and miscellaneous expenses these days?" Ye Feng took out several consumption invoices from his pocket and stared at Kate with expectant eyes.

"... No."

"Isn't it?"


To Ye Feng's surprise, Haley rushed to Kate's office before little Maxon was taken back to NYPD, and Haley carefully bought everyone a cup of coffee.

As soon as Haley's panting front feet arrived, little macson, surrounded by a group of police officers, entered NYPD. Ye Feng directly entered the second interrogation room where little macson was detained with coffee bought by Haley.

Gemma and Haley stood outside the small room in the interrogation room. Through the single-sided transparent glass, they watched Ye Feng and Kate sitting on one side in the small room, while the angry little Maxon sat on the other side. The three people in the room watched silently for a while, and finally little Maxon broke the silence.

"What do you mean by NYPD?" little Maxon's anger was mixed with a trace of imperceptible fear. His tightly pursed white lips revealed his inner tension, his legs began to shake unconsciously, and the frequency of small movements of hands and feet increased.

"Gemma, pay attention to little Maxon's forehead. While he is making expression, the involuntary muscle on his forehead has not moved. This is a fear behavior clue. You carefully observe the expression changes of his left and right faces, look carefully, and find out? Yes, the expressions on his left and right faces are not symmetrical, and his emotions are inconsistent with his words He, Gemma, this man is very flustered now. "Haley, across the glass, analyzes little Maxon's psychological state with professional knowledge.

"Sister Haili, I dare not lie to you in the future. You are so divine that you observe so carefully. If you don't point it out, I really didn't notice. But when you say it, it's really obvious!" jenma sincerely admires Haili's magic.

"It's nothing. The technology industry has expertise. Just like your programming technology, I can't understand it at all." Haley said with a smile holding Gemma.

"However, in any case, without direct evidence, we can't convict little Maxon, judge his true feelings, and whether he lied. It's just an auxiliary means. The rest can only rely on Kate and Ye Feng." Haley said anxiously.

"Relax, sister Haley, with your help and me, sister ye fengha Kate must be fine. I just noticed that sister Kate has been playing with that pair of handcuffs. She has been eager to try." jenma hugged Haley's arm and comforted with confidence.

"Well, you're right." Haley nodded and focused all her attention on the game of the three people separated by a window.

"You should know what it means for the police to bring you here," Kate said coldly.

"You don't usually watch police and bandit films? What garlic is installed." Ye Feng fiercely patted the metal table in front of him. In addition to letting his palm pass through infrared, he received little Maxon's disdainful eyes.

"Director Kate, are there no people in NYPD? What's this thing you're doing next to?" little Maxon said sarcastically.

"Ah, I'll go! Who are you talking about!? I won't waste you!" Ye Feng is about to cross the table and tear it up with little Maxon.

"You come out with me, Ye Feng!" tie Qing's face. Kate forcibly held Ye Feng out of the interrogation room. When she went out, Ye Feng clearly heard the disdainful hum of little Maxon and yelled again.

"OK! Ye Feng, what are you doing?" Kate asked silently, covering her forehead.

"Ah? Am I wrong? I saw that in the police bandit film, the two detectives in the interrogation were both white faced and red faced? I thought the role was a grumpy agent, who would eat the suspect at any time, break through the suspect's inner defense line and destroy him in one fell swoop!" Ye Feng said excitedly.

"... do you think you did it?" Kate asked.

"Er... I don't think so. Am I acting too much?" Ye Feng asked carefully.

"You'd better shut up and I'll lead the trial, okay?" Kate asked.

"Yes, madam!" Ye Feng saluted obediently. Kate sighed, sorted out her emotions, and took Ye Feng into the cabin.

"Sister Haley, I'm a little worried now..." jenma said softly.

"It's all right, there's Kate..." Haley patted Gemma's head gently.

"Mr. Maxon, according to the latest evidence obtained by NYPD, your alibi is not true. If you confess now, I will record this behavior in your file. Believe me, this will be your last chance." Kate returned to her chair. She stared into little Maxon's eyes and said calmly.

"Oh, really? I won't say anything without my lawyer. It's my right. I have the right to remain silent."

A layer of cold sweat appeared uncontrollably on little Maxon's forehead. After all, he was just a dandy who passed both business tests but was ignorant. His heart was not as strong as a professional criminal, but little Maxon thought he was perfect, so he still chose to hold on, although he began to have a bad hunch.

"Man, normal people will look up to their first gear, confident people will look up to their second gear, and arrogant people will look up to their third gear. Don't you really think your little trick can fool you?" Ye Feng made no secret of his disgust for little Maxon.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." little Maxon was sweating as if he had just taken a shower and the water droplets on his body hadn't been wiped away by the towel.

"I'll ask you one last time, does Mr. Paul Mason's death have anything to do with you?" Kate asked step by step.

"I have nothing to do with my uncle's death!" shouted little Maxon.

"You are really a stone in a cesspit, smelly and hard. Man, you lost a chance to commute your sentence. There is no death penalty in Atlanta, at least not in the new metropolis. Do you know? In prison, a young man like you is most favored by those big brothers. They will let you know what life is better than death. I'm not alarmist. Do a good job Are you ready? Buy more boxes of hemorrhoids ointment and be prepared. "Ye Feng smiled cruelly.

"You're wasting everyone's time. I'll complain to you. I'll be sure!" little Maxon shouted in a low voice.

"Oh, really? Then you'd better remember my name. My name is Huangliang. You can complain about me." after listening to Ye Feng beside her, Kate tried not to roll her eyes

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