"In fact, due to the existence of this smartphone, your alibi is no longer tenable. The real time of the deceased's death should be around 9:46, which is consistent with the results of forensic identification. At this time point, you are not under the monitoring of the Internet cafe you said. Nearly an hour is enough for you to return from the deceased's villa and enter the Internet cafe , make an alibi, "said Ye Feng.

"These are all your assumptions. What evidence? What evidence do you have to prove that I was in that damn villa at the time of my uncle's death!" little Maxon calmed down.

After dozens of minutes of interrogation, he did not think that the two people in front of him could master direct evidence. If there was no direct evidence, as long as he bit to death and did not admit his crime, the law could not punish him!

"Well, you're right, little Maxon, but why do you think Kate and I talked so much nonsense with you for so long? Just wait for the direct evidence to come out, man, thank you for your cooperation. The direct evidence you want is on the way here. Don't worry." I noticed Kate nodded to herself, Ye Feng said excitedly to the sneering little Maxon.

"Oh? Really? Posturing doesn't work for me." little Maxon snorted.

"Dong Dong Dong"

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Kate answered.

"Sir, it's been handled." police officer Nick put a mobile phone and a report on the table in front of Kate, and then he withdrew directly from the interrogation room.

"Look what this is, Mr. Maxon." Kate held up a mobile phone. Little Maxon recognized it at a glance. Before being taken into interrogation, all his belongings were searched, including this mobile phone.

"This is my mobile phone. I must warn you that if your police peek at the contents of my mobile phone, I must --"

"Complain about you. I'm really tired of hearing these three words. Man, we're not interested in what you do with other people's wives, but you know what? In today's modern society without privacy, almost every smartphone app has location positioning and recording functions. As long as your phone is connected to the Internet and communicates data with the outside world, every place you've been Fang, when you arrive and how long you stay will be recorded by the app running in the background. Even some of the next app will automatically take photos without your knowledge. "Ye Feng said with a smile, although this smile is more like the devil's ferocious smile in little Maxon's eyes

"You, what do you mean?" little Maxon felt the earth spinning. He could hardly keep his balance in his seat.

"It's not interesting. It's very simple. From your mobile phone, there are three social software, which faithfully record your location, arrival time and length of stay on the day of the crime. Look here, little Maxon, look clearly. From 8:15 to 9:52 p.m., the location is where your uncle's villa is!"

Ye Feng crumpled the report sheet into a ball and threw it on little Maxon's face. The latter hurriedly picked it up and looked at it carefully for a few seconds. Then the whole person seemed to freeze. He was stunned for half a minute and began to hold his head and roar madly.

"It's not my fault! It's the old man who has to donate all his property. He ignores my life and death. It's his fault! It's his fault! Ah ah!!! It's his fault!"

"Nick, bring some people here and lock up the murderer. The rest is up to you." Kate looked up and ordered the monitoring probe in the interrogation room. Then she stood up and took a disdainful last look at little Maxon, who was shouting on his knees, and Ye Feng walked out of the interrogation room.

"Sister Kate, you are so handsome ~" looking at Kate and Ye Feng walking out, Haley jumped onto Kate's back, grabbed Kate's arm and said in worship.

"Kate, this matter is finally solved," Haley said relieved as she watched several police officers enter the interrogation room and take away the paralyzed little Maxon who was still saying "it's his fault".

"Yes, it's a truth to the victim," Kate finally said with a smile.

"OK, after working hard all morning, I drank half a cup of coffee. Shall we reward my shriveled stomach first?" Ye Feng rubbed his croaking stomach and said with a bitter face.

"Go back to my office and order some takeout. After little Maxon signs the confession, we'll have a good meal. I'll treat you then!" Kate suggested easily.



In Kate's office, four people finished a large table of takeout and stayed leisurely for a few hours.

Of course, Kate has been busy dealing with official business. It's Ye Feng, Haley and jenma. They have nothing to do. They are fighting the landlord in full swing in the director's office of NYPD and have bothered Kate to drive them out several times

"Boss, have a look at Maxon's confession and the final case file." Nick knocked on the door of the director's office and put two documents on Kate's desk.

"Sure enough, it's similar to what we thought. After learning that his uncle was going to modify his will, little Maxon conceived a plan to kill his uncle. He wanted to produce an explosion accident by giving a poor mobile phone charger, wounding or directly killing his uncle, so as to prevent the change of his will.

"But because the dead man was not interested in the mobile phone, his assumption didn't happen. This led him to come to himself, to knock his uncle on the corner of the table, and then disguise an unexpected scene. In order to make the alibi, he put the watch and mobile phone time of the dead for an hour, and then drove to the Internet cafe after processing the scene. , made his alibi. "

Kate looked at the crime process described by little Maxon and said to Ye Feng.

"For the sake of money, people really have no limit." jenma sighed.

"Although there are such ugly places in human nature, there are still many praiseworthy shining points. Like Ye Feng, he helped a lot this time." Haley sorted out a few strands of hair on jenma's head and said with a smile.

"Well, sister Haley is right. There are still many good people." jenma nodded.

"Of course, as Haley said, Ye Feng is a real decent person, and nobility is my pronoun. By the way, Kate, ask you something." Ye Feng looked at Kate eagerly.


"I can't report the room and board fee. Can you report the toll for me?" Ye Feng took out several invoices for taking a taxi.

"... no!"

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