"Open the door. Breakfast is coming."

Ye Feng was carrying bags of food in both hands. He had to use his forehead to ring the doorbell.

"Why are you here again, Ye Feng."

Wearing a sleeveless vest, Kate opened the door with sleepy eyes and looked helplessly at Ye Feng standing at the door.

"I'm kind enough to bring breakfast to you and Gemma. What's your attitude? Really, Hello! Gemma, don't sleep in and get up for breakfast!" Ye Feng walked into the kitchen and put porridge and steamed stuffed buns on the plate.

Ye Feng carefully put two portions of pancake fruit aside. He was the only one to eat. Kate and they have never touched pancake fruit since they met Ye Feng.

"Why, it's less than 7 o'clock, Ye Feng, do you know what sleep means to a growing beauty? It means everything!" jenma staggers from her room to the sofa in the living room, changes a comfortable position and is ready to go to bed.

"The plan of the day is in the morning. Did you stay up late to catch up with the drama again yesterday?" Ye Feng took the dinner plate containing food to the tea table, looked at jenma with her upper and lower eyelids hugging together, and asked silently.

"No, they didn't stay up late to watch the play."

"Promising, Gemma, you --"

"I stayed up late to watch the variety show," Gemma turned over and murmured.

"... you don't care about her, Kate. This little girl film is lawless."

Ye Feng handed a bowl of porridge to Kate who had just washed. The latter sat on the sofa with a few sporadic drops of water on his face, which looked beautiful and moving, like a flower in full bloom in the morning sun, dotted with morning dew, cool and clean.

For a moment, Ye Feng was stunned, and the action of handing out the bowl was fixed for a few seconds.

"What do you want to see?" Kate took an angry remark and tried to cover up the blush that appeared on her face.

"No, I didn't see anything." Ye Feng touched his nose and then said, "where are you talking? By the way, no matter how old jenma is, the dark circles under her eyes have occupied the highland -"

"Shut up! Ye Feng, this is smoke makeup! Sister Haley taught me to make it. What do you know?" jenma jumped up from the sofa, swung a pillow directly and threw it accurately on Ye Feng's face.

"Young lady, you'd better practice throwing concealed weapons in the future. You're really talented..." Ye Feng put the pillow aside and handed a small bowl of pumpkin porridge to Gemma, who glared at him.

"It's up to you. I haven't had a good mood all day. Hum!" the red haired girl turned her eyes and reluctantly took the bowl handed by Ye Feng.

"By the way, Kate, do you know where Haley has gone? It seems that I haven't seen her for several days. Yesterday I went to" pain "to find her, and she wasn't there." Ye Feng asked Kate curiously.

"Haley? She has gone to a foreign fashion week. In fact, she is playing and shopping." Kate eats steamed stuffed buns and vaguely answers Ye Feng's doubts.

"So natural and unrestrained? Just go?" Ye Feng bit off half of the pancake fruit and was trying to mobilize his cheeks to chew food.

"Of course, don't you know? Sister Haili is a serious Bai Fumei. Her family is very famous. Money is just a number to sister Haili." jenma told Ye Feng with great interest.

"Ah? Haley? I really don't know. I didn't ask and she didn't say it." Ye Feng suddenly realized why Haley's shop didn't seem to have opened much, but she lived a free life. She opened it whenever she wanted.

"There are many things you don't know. Sister Haley had a fiance before. Don't you know?" jenma said proudly.

"Is it? Fiance?" Ye Feng stared.

"Yes, sister Haley went to the new metropolis alone to escape marriage and cut off contact with her family." jenma said casually.

"You're really investigating, Gemma." Kate looked at Gemma thoughtfully.

"Of course! I -- er... Sister Kate, I don't care about you. Hee hee, don't be angry. I dare not do it in the future. Those were done before I knew you. I'm a hacker, and investigation is my nature." jenma used her pettish method to easily resolve a crisis.

"If she doesn't open a good shop and cut off contact with her family, what does she live on? Gemma, you say money is only a number to Haley?" Ye Feng asked puzzled.

"Sister Haili's lucky money from childhood is an astronomical figure you can't imagine. Believe me, Ye Feng, when I found out the amount of her bank card, my fragile girl's heart was deeply shocked." jenma put on a pinched look.

"... OK, OK, Gemma, have a good meal." Ye Feng said expressionless.

"Hey! Ye Feng, what do you mean! Are you saying I don't have female charm?" Jemma shouted angrily, dissatisfied with Ye Feng's performance.

"Feminine charm? You? You'd better say the word in five years." Ye Feng smiled contemptuously.


“Extreme ways are back again

Extreme places I didn't know

I broke everything new again

Everything that I'd owned”

"Kate, did your cell phone ring?" Ye Feng suddenly heard music in Kate's room.

"Yes." Kate got up, went into the bedroom, picked up the cell phone on the bedside table, and went back to the living room while connecting the call.

"Well, it's me. You say, uh, uh, what!? in Central Park? It's only been a few days... Are you sure it's early this morning? OK, damn... I know. Do your best to protect the scene, send a group of people to check the nearby surveillance pictures, find the surveillance video during the time of the crime, and I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Kate walked into the bedroom with a gloomy face. A few minutes later, dressed Kate simply said "a case happened" with Ye Feng and jenma, and directly pushed the door open and walked out of the apartment.

"... judging from Kate's face, there must be a big mess." Ye Feng looked at Kate's back and left and said to himself.

"But I'll find out what's wrong with central park." jenma trotted into her bedroom, holding a laptop and back on the sofa.

"Did you find it?" Ye Feng came to jenma's side and watched the girl with high IQ fly with her fingers on the keyboard, and all kinds of dazzling web pages pop up quickly.

"Well... It's interesting. It seems that a man claiming to be the executioner appeared in Xindu. In a sports SUV parked in Central Park, next to a body in the car, the killer left a note:" the fire of hell will devour all sins - the executioner. "Jenma pointed to a message on the screen.

"Executioner? Given the name of the second in the middle school, is it sure that Huang Liang didn't do it?"

Ye Feng is going to call Huang Liang immediately to verify

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