"Er... Didn't I make up for it? I found a good job for your sister. You know, the art troupe is world-class. Many people can't squeeze their heads in."

Ye Feng is really not exaggerating. If it were not for the head of the art troupe, he had entrusted Ye Feng to catch his wife's affair (at the beginning of Ye Feng's career, he had many similar entrustments). Even if the sister of captain Hanshuang was excellent and danced well, she could not join the art troupe at such a young age.

"You did help me with this! But why should you arrange work for my sister!" ivantino's whole face was deformed by anger.

"Er... I had a phone conversation with her. She said that joining the group was her dream. I thought I had done a good thing..." Ye Feng said inexplicably. What world? Is it wrong to help people with dreams realize their dreams? As for gnashing your teeth?

"Bastard! Do you know what my sister did after she joined the regiment? She made a boyfriend, even got married and got a license after only knowing her for a few months, and even got pregnant before long! I'm now an uncle!" ivantino roared to Ye Feng, looking extremely sad and angry.

"Er... My sister has a favorite career, a favorite person, a favorite family and a favorite baby. Shouldn't you bless her? It turns out that you went to the chain supermarket to grab milk powder and diapers for your little nephew. Although the way is a little strange, it's still very loving." Ye Feng said suddenly.

"... if I continue to be indignant, will you regard me as a sister?" ivantino thought for a few seconds, then calmed down and asked Ye Feng expressionless.

"In fact, I always think you are a deep sister control, hopeless." Ye Feng nodded seriously.

"... you're tough enough." ivantino stared at Ye Feng with a livid face and squeezed out these words for a long time.

"Talk about business, Captain frost, are your scoundrels still there?" Ye Feng asked bluntly.

"Disbanded? Why are you asking?" Captain Frost said with a cold face.

"Disbanded? You should still keep the group for contact?" asked Ye Feng

"Well, yes."

"Can you ask your former subordinates to help me check a person? I really need information about him now." Ye Feng said seriously.


"Executioner, you should have heard about him? Just looking for him." Ye Feng said to captain Hanshuang.

"A code can't be found."

"Well, let me briefly describe the features that can be pieced together at this stage. Most of them are just the speculation of psychological counselors, but now they can only be a living horse doctor. You can record, well, um, he is about 190cm tall, thin and gentle. In the process of contacting him, he can often surprise you and have unique views in many different fields Solution.

"Although he is very friendly to the people he contacts, you can obviously feel a sense of distance in his contact. He often inadvertently inquires about all kinds of things in the new city, especially showing unusual interest in some dark crimes.

"That's about it. Invitino, your sister also lives in the new city. You don't want people like executioners to go unpunished in this city."

"Hum." Captain Hanshuang is noncommittal, but with Ye Feng's understanding of him, Ye Feng knows that captain Hanshuang absolutely takes his sister's safety above everything.

"I'll wait for your call." when Ye Feng saw that things were almost done, he was ready to leave.

"Thank you."

The faint sound of thanks came to Ye Feng's ears as he walked outside the wharf. Ye Feng paused slightly, raised his right arm and waved.

"Be nice to your sister while you still have a chance."

Looking at Ye Feng's back, somehow, ivantino seemed to see a sad self reproach himself, something that aroused his strong resonance. Ivantino didn't know why, but he could see that Ye Feng was a person with a sad past.

"Better? I will."


When Ye Feng acted in her own way, Audrey, Jane and Chu Qian were still fighting crime in the night sky of lansdenton city. They expected to ask for information about the executioner, but unfortunately, this time, their opponent was a lonely person, and he had no group or organization.

In this metropolis with tens of millions of people flowing, it is no exaggeration to describe it by looking for a needle in a haystack. Even the urban area of lansdanton has made Audrey and her three tired.

Through the information of similar cases queried on the network, people agree that the executioner should not be imitating the crime. This professional technique can not be done overnight only through imitation. He must have rich experience in actual crime.

After logical analysis, the executioner has a high probability of being connected with those cases in other regions, and may even have committed them. After all, those cases did not catch the suspect in the end.

According to the analysis results, Kate focused her investigation on finding the migrant population, but it is impractical for her to dispatch human and material resources to cover the whole new city. This kind of large-scale survey is also a helpless move. After all, there is no other line, and she can only make door-to-door inquiries from one hotel to another.

Almost half of the manpower in the new metropolis has been invested in the census of migrant population. In this process, Kate and others do not know whether any staff members have met the executioner himself, nor can they draw a conclusion. Perhaps the perpetrator was really missed in the screening process, or perhaps the perpetrator had a face-to-face conversation with the staff of the door-to-door investigation and checked the situation, but he did not attract anyone's attention.

Who knows.

The needle in a haystack investigation continues, but the appearance of the executioner not only makes people panic, but also makes those criminals who do evil in ordinary days really stop for a few days.

Taking the previous two victims as examples, these criminals who secretly engage in evil activities really feel the threat of the executioner. Although it seems absurd, the crime rate in the new metropolis fell by 10 percentage points after the emergence of the executioner. As expected, it is in line with the old saying: Ghosts fear the wicked.

The crime rate has fallen, but the fear value is gradually approaching its peak.

Many wealthy people in the new metropolis began to travel abroad with their families. And those citizens who have no conditions to leave the new metropolis began to minimize the frequency of going out alone. More than a month ago, it was the new metropolis of the city that never sleeps. After the sun set, there were almost no passers-by walking alone. Some people even give up going home and prefer to spend the night in the office rather than go home alone after working late.

The fear caused by one person is destroying the life of a city.

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