"--, OK, I see. I owe you a favor this time. I'll -- hello? Hello? Invitino? Shit! I haven't finished! What quality!"

Ye Feng threw her mobile phone onto the sofa. Kate, who was reading, frowned and looked up at Ye Feng unhappily.

"Captain Hanshuang's grandson hung up on me." Ye Feng simply explained one by one, "come on, Kate, let's go to NYPD."

"You shamelessly asked me to take a day off at home a few hours ago, and now you've changed your mind?" Kate closed her book.

"The plan can't keep up with the change. You're the director. It's a matter of minutes for you to apply for a search warrant?" Ye Feng asked casually.

"No reason?" Kate asked.

"Well, no," replied Ye Feng.

"Can't do it, can't go through the process," Kate said seriously.

"You can't do it either?" Ye Feng asked.

"There is no reason. No one can do it. The taxpayer accountability system is not a decoration. If something goes wrong, taking the blame and resigning is the minimum punishment." Kate explained, "what did you find?"

"Well, if you can't apply for a search warrant... You have to start first, Kate. On the way, I told you that we can only go to the spot this time, hoping to find something." Ye Feng thought for a while and decided to act first.

"Hmm? OK." Kate looked at Ye Feng suspiciously and picked up the car key and coat.

"Put on the gun, Kate," Ye Feng reminded.


"Come on, don't let it slip. Where are we going?" Kate, who was driving a Porsche sports car, noticed that Ye Feng had finished her call. When she was waiting for the red light, she asked Ye Feng on the co pilot.

"I have asked Audrey to set out with them, but they are a little far away from where we are going and may not arrive in time." Ye Feng said to himself.

"Where are you going?"

Kate glanced at Ye Feng, then shifted gears and accelerated, moving forward in the traffic. As it was noon and a rainy Tuesday, there were not many cars on the road, but the traffic flow was very slow due to the wet road.

"The destination is an old apartment under the name of Ron real estate company, Tanigawa apartment, which is a kind of single apartment rented all year round. It is very common in the urban-rural fringe, with bad environment but low price." Ye Feng replied.

Ye Feng leaned against his seat and looked at the hazy scenery outside the window. Although Ye Feng didn't want to admit it, he did think that such weather cast a shadow on the action. His intuition warned him that the trip might not be smooth

"Tianchuan apartment? Where is the executioner?" Kate stared round and turned her head to Ye Feng.

"Look at the road, honey, I don't want to die in a traffic accident caused by a female driver - Hey, driving with one hand is very dangerous!" Ye Feng patted Kate, stretched out to pinch his hand, rubbed his swollen arm and said, "I met captain Hanshuang a few days ago. You should have heard?"

"Well, Gemma told me."

"The little girl knows that my sisters never care about my brother..." Ye Feng read a few words, and then said, "that guy is now from good, except for grabbing some all day --"

"Milk powder and diapers, I know that many supermarkets jointly asked NYPD to arrest captain Hanshuang, but this guy does have two brushes," Kate said reluctantly.

"I know him. He just takes it as a hobby. Captain frost has a rogue Gang under his command. Although he said it has been dissolved, after all, he is the boss. The idle egg pain rich second generation must still listen to him." Ye Feng noticed that the raindrops are getting denser and denser. The blue rainstorm warning prompt on his mobile phone is really not nonsense.

"Those young people who are immersed in the stimulation of crime and enjoy it?" Kate has dealt with the rogue Gang several times and knows the existence of this group of young people.

"Well, it's those children with distorted three views. Kate, when I was their age, I was a jungle, snow mountain, desert island. While absorbing knowledge and skills, I fully embraced nature, thus forming my own outlook on life, world outlook and values." Ye Feng said hi with a big mouth.

"This joke is not funny at all," Kate said blandly.

"Really, I've experienced a lot. If it weren't for the old man who can't remember who I am, I would never be such an excellent man now." Ye Feng said firmly.

"How did you get to this topic? It doesn't matter. It's the rogue gang." Kate rolled her eyes helplessly. Because there was a gray Nissan leaving the car at will, Kate angrily destroyed the horn on the steering wheel to express her dissatisfaction.

"My dear, easy, road rage is a terminal disease. The rogue Gang under captain frost, although their brains are not normal, they can get in touch with people from all social classes in the new metropolis. Instead, they are the most sensitive people for the disturbances in the new metropolis." Ye Feng tightened his tight seat belt.


"It's very simple. They have money, and some people need money. They just use money to deal with those people who teach a lot of things and exchange real money for other people's social currency, so these bastards can know a lot of information we can't find out. It's not my exaggeration, Kate. When you reveal your identity, many people will shut up and say nothing."

"Indeed, this often happens." Kate listened to Ye Feng's words and smiled helplessly.

"When these bastards inquire about the situation, those who have information usually think that it is the childe's buddies' rampant curiosity. When they accept money with peace of mind, they will not be prepared to tell all the information they know." Ye Feng pressed the switch of vehicle air conditioner. Because the temperature is a little low, Ye Feng needs to blow some warm air.

"Well, you have a point." Kate nodded thoughtfully.

"But don't expect anything. The executioners I described to captain Hanshuang are almost all the images inferred by Haili through psychological profile, with a probability of more than 90%. I guess the person we'll see later won't be the executioner," Ye Feng said.

"So pessimistic?"

"Of course, in fact, I got the feedback from captain Hanshuang yesterday. In another place, a five-star hotel, I found a middle-aged man whom the scoundrel helped to find out and had an intimate conversation with him for more than two hours. I can be sure that he must not be the executioner." Ye Feng shook his head helplessly.

"How are you sure he isn't?" Kate looked at Ye Feng warily.

"It's very simple. In the second half of the conversation, he has begged me to kill him. He must not be." Ye Feng replied casually.


"Don't make such a fuss. You didn't do anything too much, just scratch the center of your feet." Ye Feng touched his nose and said.

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