From the perspective of Ye Feng and Kate, the tall man jumped onto the concrete floor under the six storey apartment. He must die.

But Ye Feng turned up on the top floor and ran to the place where the tall man jumped off the building. He suddenly found the mystery: scaffold, cement mixer and a dark blue pipe, which was used by the workers repairing the roof to throw waste below.

In fact, these pipes are made of hard plastic, which is a bit like amusement facilities in a water park. They enter from one end of the pipe, slide in a thrilling and exciting way, and finally shoot into the pool from the other end of the pipe. But the pipe shot on the roof and the exit downstairs is aimed at a garbage dump full of all kinds of domestic and industrial garbage.

"Kate! You take the stairs!" Ye Feng shouted, ran up directly, jumped into the air and jumped down without confidence.

"Ye Feng!!! Damn it." Kate knew this height. Even if ye Feng fell directly on the concrete floor, it would only take several hours to heal herself. Thinking about this, she turned and ran downstairs down the stairs.

You can only see Ye Feng's. Kate thought anxiously.

Although Ye Feng jumped for the first time, he was lucky. In a second or two after the fall, Ye Feng felt that time seemed to be full. His limbs relaxed and close to his body. When the inlet of the pipe swallowed him, he had a sense of speed that suddenly returned to normal. It was as if the slow motion lens was suddenly fast forward at eight times the speed, which overwhelmed Ye Feng's eyes.

First the legs, then the waist, and finally the shoulders and head. Ye Feng's whole body fell into the pipe. When he saw the tall man being swallowed by the pipe, Ye Feng was still worried. Because his body was much stronger than the tall man, Ye Feng took off his coat before jumping to the pipe. Fortunately, although it was not spacious, Ye Feng would not be stuck in the pipe.

The pipe is full of dust and cement. Ye Feng's eyes are inevitably fascinated. He can feel his body falling at a high speed and the fierce collision between various parts of his body and the pipe. When Ye Feng is suffering from severe pain, a fear suddenly rises in his heart: if the tall man blocks the pipe outlet, he will be in trouble

The long pipe Ye Feng was in was like an elongated √ shape. When Ye Feng felt that he was gradually slowing down, he knew that the exit was approaching. At this time, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly stared round, and his limbs began to struggle violently to slow down the sliding speed, but the huge inertia pushed Ye Feng to the exit, Waiting for Ye Feng's ending is doomed.

"M, it must hurt..."

Ye Feng closed his eyes in despair. A second later, his body hit a piece of cement full of glass debris in front of the pipe outlet. What Ye Feng fears most is not the sharp glass fragments, but the dark viscous substance stuck to the sharp fragments. Who knows what they are

In a series of "poop" sounds, Ye Feng was as if he had experienced a punishment of "iron virgin", his whole body was pierced by countless sharp glass fragments, and his blood instantly dyed the cement block red.

Then, with great inertia, Ye Feng rushed out of the pipeline with the cement block combined with him, and slid more than ten meters under the dark sky of pouring rain. Ye Feng was in a coma before his body came into contact with the cement block. He didn't hear the ticking sound of raindrops smashing on the ground, nor did he see the scene of Kate screaming and rushing towards him. One second before he lost consciousness, Ye Feng had only one thought in his mind: no wonder the executioner would live in such a broken apartment, So he likes to play with slides


"Er... It hurts..." Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes. Due to the harsh white light in the house, he could only squint. The secretions in his eyes kept growing to alleviate the dryness of his eyes. "Am I in the hospital?"

Ye Feng asked about the smell of disinfectant that disgusted him. He looked at the blank white walls around him from his slightly open eyes. The touch under his body was clearly some rough white sheets. Ye Feng knew that he was in the ward and one of the few environments he disliked most.

"Ye Feng, are you awake?"

The voice was clearly Haley's. Ye Feng turned his neck hard and looked at Haley.

"How's it going? Do you feel all right? Thirsty?" Haley put down her book and said happily. Ye Feng glanced at the book in Haley's hand. It's very thick. Its name is "walking in the white night". Ye Feng has read this book. It's a good-looking book.

"OK, just a little pain." Ye Feng wanted to laugh, but the sharp pain caused by turning over twisted his face, "my eyes are very uncomfortable..."

"It must be uncomfortable. Your left eye is pierced by the glass." Haley came forward and held Ye Feng's hand and said softly.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Ye Feng closed his right eye and only opened his left eye. After looking at the ceiling, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. His eyesight was all right, but there was some astringency in the eye frame.

"Well, it's almost three days," Haley replied gently.

"Three days!? so long?" Ye Feng asked incredulously. Even the injury of a broken limb can usually heal in a few hours. It took him three days to regain consciousness this time?

"Ye Feng, thanks to your strong self-healing ability this time, you know? There are paint and stains on the broken glass stabbed into your body. Chemicals and even strong alkaline corrosives have been detected. If it's just stabbing, it won't pose a threat to you, but there are these dangerous substances on the glass. Ye Feng, you're really in hell this time "I've been away for a while," Haley said with lingering fear.

"The executioner is really cruel..." Ye Feng said with a gloomy face.

"Isn't Kate hurt?" Ye Feng suddenly remembered Kate who passed with him. At that time, he let Kate take the stairs. There should be no accident.

"She's fine. She's just scared by your tragedy," Haley said with a bitter smile.

"I must have been miserable at that time," Ye Feng smiled bitterly. "Where is she? She's still working?"

"Well, not only Kate, but everyone began to investigate the trace of the executioner day and night. I'm the only one who can't help. Fortunately, I have medical nursing knowledge and can wait by your side." Haley was a little depressed. Looking at Kate and their crazy search for the executioner, she couldn't help. Haley was still a little unwilling.

"You've helped us a lot. I can only find the executioner according to your psychological profile. Although I still let him run away," Ye Feng said softly, holding Haley's hand.

"At this time, I still need your comfort. I'm such a failure as a psychologist." Haley said with a red face and a smile.

"Darling, let your brother hug you, kiss you and comfort you." Ye Feng said with a mouth.

"Ye Feng, you've only been awake for a few minutes, and you're playing rogue again?" Haley looked helplessly at Ye Feng, who was still tooting her mouth.

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