"I don't know if it's a surprise this time. With this experience, it's even more difficult to catch the executioner again. In fact, even after a face-to-face confrontation, I still didn't see the executioner's facial features and didn't say a word to him..." Ye Feng said regretfully. In addition to personally confirming that the man who claimed to be the executioner was tall and thin, Basically no harvest... Harvest!?

"Information in his room -" Ye Feng suddenly got up from the hospital bed. Then the pain eroded his whole body, and he lay down again.

"Don't be excited. The information in his room is safe and has been studied by the identification Department of NYPD. However, according to Kate, there are few valuable clues, but it is only certain that the man is indeed the executioner. In his notebook, he recorded in detail the information of the victims in the Park corpse dumping case and the subway murder case, as well as several feasible schemes when committing the crime." Haley covered maple leaf with a quilt.

"What about the laptop? Is there a clue?" Ye Feng remembered the laptop he couldn't open.

"Jenma is working on it. She said that some folders in the laptop must be unlocked with multiple passwords. As long as there is a layer of password error, the folder will automatically destroy the stored data and cannot be recovered. She is racking her brains to try to crack it, but according to her, there is little hope of cracking it, and the owner of the laptop has made complete precautions." Haili said truthfully.

"Really? HMM..." Ye Feng was lost in thought.

"You know, Ye Feng, when you were in a coma, many people came to see you." Haley tried to change a lighter topic.

"A lot of people? Huang Liang and Cao Yan also came?" Ye Feng asked later.

"Well, they also came, but Cao Yan was preparing for the exam and left without waiting for a long time. So was Huang Liang. Seeing that you were still breathing, he turned and left." Haili said with a smile.

"These two heartless bastards." Ye Feng scolded angrily.

"By the way, you'll never guess who else came to see you." Haley said playfully.

"Who?" Ye Feng said several names, but they were rejected by Haili.

"Captain frost," said Haley.

"Ah? He's here too?" Ye Feng was shocked by ivantino's visit.

"Well, he rushed directly into the ward, threw down two boxes of supplements, and then turned directly out of the window." Haley pointed to the window in the ward. "After her feet, several police officers also rushed into the ward, which startled jenma and me. They saw captain frost turn out of the window and run out of the ward."

"... can't these goods give up the leisure sport of cat and mouse?" Ye Feng listened to Haley's description and imagined the scene at that time in his mind. He couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Do you know him well?" Haley asked curiously.

"Well, it's not very familiar, but we have one thing in common." Ye Feng thought for a moment.


"They are all very handsome." Ye Feng said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Stink shameless."


On the second day after Ye Feng regained consciousness, despite the persuasion of Haili and others, Ye Feng went through the discharge formalities.

As Ye Feng expected, in the face of his persistence, the women together arranged Ye Feng into Haley's "pain psychological counseling room", so that Haley can take care of Ye Feng at any time.

Seeing that the plan of cohabiting with Haili was about to succeed, when Ye Feng was full of expectations for his next life, Ye Feng was disappointed to find that not only did he come in "pain", but Gemma followed up, calling it helping to take care of Ye Feng.

But when Ye Feng looked at jenma, the cunning in the little girl's eyes made Ye Feng clear that the little ancestor came to look at him to prevent him and Haley from getting angry

Kate works almost day and night in order to catch the executioner. Every time she comes to see Ye Feng, Ye Feng can feel that she is thinner than when she last met. Although Kate who has lost weight has a feeling of pity, Ye Feng still hopes that Kate can return to her former healthier, careless and informal little sister.

Since she lived in Haley's "pain", Audrey came almost every day. She didn't talk much with Ye Feng. She just sat by Ye Feng's window with a book.

Although she is also unsmiling, Jane's way of expressing her relationship with Ye Feng is completely different from Audrey. She brings Ye Feng delicious food, all kinds of snacks, or the most popular dessert every day. Jane brings different foods every day, but they are all equally delicious. The only thing makes Ye Feng a little dissatisfied. No matter how many times she asks, Jane just doesn't bring pancakes and fruit to Ye Feng

Compared with Audrey and Jane, Chu Qian stayed with Ye Feng almost all the time, chatted with him, peeled fruit for him, and painted plays with him, which made Ye Feng feel like returning to the short and happy days when he and Chu Qian had not divorced in the past.

Chu Qian is very sensible. When Ye Feng is accompanied by someone, she sits alone. Once Ye Feng is alone, she will sit on Ye Feng's bed and take good care of him.

With what Haley said to jenma, we can vividly describe the picture of Chu Qian and Ye Feng together: "look, it's like a couple who have gone through the baptism of years hand in hand."

"It's more like a single mother taking care of her brain disabled son," jenma usually responds to Haley with such words.

This time, the speed of physical recovery was slower than Ye Feng's imagination. Perhaps the glass debris stabbed into the body was contaminated with too many harmful substances. Although the wound on Ye Feng was recovering, it was slow and painful. Ye Feng can clearly feel the confrontation in his body. Although the self-healing gene often defeats the injury, the price is also huge.

Ye Feng thinks that his tolerance to pain is far beyond ordinary people, but during this period, he sweats and hisses in pain several times a day. At this time, Chu Qian usually holds him tightly. If Chu Qian happens to be absent, this person will become Haley.

The whole recovery process is slow and painful, but fortunately Ye Feng is not alone. He doesn't have to lie alone on the floor of a single apartment and bear the pain alone as before. He is not alone now. He is surrounded by a group of people, which makes Ye Feng feel the most cured.

Being able to walk in the sun was a wish Ye Feng dared not expect in the past. Now, he shines in the warm sun and walks in the daytime all the time. This inner peace and happiness makes him cherish.

However, a voice from the bottom of my heart always reminds Ye Feng that there is an unstable existence, which is hidden in this city carrying Ye Feng's countless memories. The executioner, Ye Feng knows that there must be a end between them, and the person who finally tastes the bitter fruit of failure will never be ye Feng!

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