"Kate, Audrey and I have reached the position you said. Except for a policeman as confused as us, there is no Carnegie," Ye Feng said quickly to Kate through the channel.

Hurried to the place indicated by Kate. At the end of the corridor, except for a confused policeman standing where he was, there was only an orange cat lying leisurely on the corridor, yawning with his hands.

"It's impossible. The signal sent by Carnegie's locator is displayed in the corridor where you are. It's strange. How can there be no one?" Kate called out the monitoring picture of the corridor and looked at the image in the corridor. There was no Carnegie.

"Damn it! It's the cat!" Ye Feng stared at the fat orange cat. He suddenly realized why the location signal showed that Carnegie was here, but he didn't see him. It's the cat!

Audrey immediately understood what Ye Feng meant. She directly took off her high heels. Under the gaze of Ye Feng and the young policewoman, she jumped in front of the fat orange cat and picked it up. In fact, she didn't intend to move at all. Maybe she liked the smell of Audrey very much. The fat orange cat didn't resist at all. She lay comfortably in Audrey's arms and licked her hair.

"Here it is." Audrey lifted the fat orange cat's left hind leg, and a small black device was tied to the orange cat's leg.

"Kate, send someone to check Carnegie's room. If not, issue search instructions on the whole ship. We must find him! Carnegie's body is very similar to the executioner. If the executioner disguises as Carnegie to board the cruise ship, now he is in the blind spot of our vision, and we must find him before he commits a crime!" Ye Feng shouted to Kate as he ran.

After learning the location of Carnegie's room, Ye Feng turned and ran to Carnegie's room. Audrey handed the fat orange cat to the policewoman who was still in the clouds. She picked up the high-heeled shoes thrown on the ground and put her bare heels behind Ye Feng. Her backless dress greatly limited Audrey's movement. She simply stopped and looked at Ye Feng in surprise, Audrey tore open the evening dress and tore the long dress into a cheongsam.

"... Haley will work hard with you..." Ye Feng looked at Audrey's white thighs and couldn't help swallowing.

"It's all right. She's so stingy. She has two wardrobes with such an itchy skirt." Audrey said disapprovingly.

"Maybe..." Ye Feng was shocked by Haley's big pen again.

The two men ran all the way. Before the police officers sent by Kate arrived, Ye Feng and Audrey came to the door of Carnegie's suite.

"Mr. Carnegie, are you in the room?" after knocking on the door, Ye Feng shouted a few times, but no one agreed.

"Audrey, it's up to you." Ye Feng dodged and gave Audrey room. As his body had just recovered, Audrey had to do heavy physical work, such as breaking the door.

"Drink!" Audrey Jiao drank and kicked Carnegie's door open with a beautiful turn.

"Honey, does your foot hurt?" Ye Feng noticed that Audrey's steps into the house were strange. He asked both distressed and funny.

"Shut up, Ye Feng, look."

With a gloomy face, Audrey reached out and pointed to the body lying on the carpet in the luxury suite. Carnegie's bloody head was about 30 cm away from his body. The bright red blood pool became a large area, and the blood was splashed on the expensive silk carpet. This high-grade silk carpet with a square meter of up to 200000 Asian dollars was declared to be scrapped less than two days after it was used.

"Kate, send someone to find Carnegie. Well, his body is in his suite, and he was beheaded..." Ye Feng didn't expect that Carnegie would be killed in his suite. In such a cruel way, he looked at the eyes on Carnegie's head, and Ye Feng hit the wall hard, Another life has been blasphemed


"---- the rigidity of the body is not high, the body spot still hasn't appeared, the cornea is still very clear, and the time of death should be about one to two hours. The specific time of death can be inferred from the degree of digestion of the food in the deceased's stomach, but the ship doesn't have such conditions." Wang Qiusheng conducted an autopsy on Carnegie's headless body. He stood up and said to Ye Feng and Kate.

"Well, I see, Lao Wang." Kate looked at Carnegie, whose head was different, and couldn't see any expression on her face.

"Boss, we have investigated the alibi of 856 staff members on board, of whom 43 have the time conditions to commit the crime. They have been found and are gathering in the banquet hall." police officer Nick walked into Carnegie's room and asked Kate.

"It's up to you to collect clues," Kate told the indoor staff. "Ye Feng, Audrey, at least this time we can know who the executioner is..."

Kate walked out of Carnegie's room. Ye Feng looked at Kate's exhausted back and sighed. He couldn't say a word of comfort. He had to follow Kate behind her with Audrey and walk towards the hall where the huge grand dinner was originally planned in the cruise ship.

As Kate said, this time they can at least know the true face of the executioner. The queen Anna, which has sailed on the sea, is like a closed secret room. The executioner can only be among the hundreds of people on the ship. Leaving aside the 115 boarding police officers, the remaining 43 crew members without alibi are the most suspected.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the cruise ship, the staff with complete alibi continue to work in their respective posts. The 46 guests who were originally in the hall can generally be ruled out by asking about their time lines. In order to calm these people's emotions, Kate asked her men to take the 46 guests to the theater in the cruise ship.

In the banquet hall, in addition to the 12 police officers, only Ye Feng, Kate, Audrey and 35 suspected cruise staff are still on their way to the banquet because the remaining 8 staff work far away from the banquet hall.

In the process of waiting for everyone to arrive, Kate remained silent. No matter whether she could catch the executioner or not, she and NYPD finally lost in the contest with the executioner.

Bringing the cruel criminals to justice is not Kate's ultimate goal. What she expects is to prevent them before they happen and kill them before they happen. The series of murderous acts of the executioner shattered Kate's belief in the idea. She has never doubted herself like this. Is her efforts really meaningful? Kate doesn't know the answer anymore

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