In the silent waiting, Ye Feng has been thinking about the whole thing in his mind. Looking at it again, the strange feeling in Ye Feng's heart is even better.

Why did the executioner choose queen Anna as his stage?

Even the executioner, a reckless maple, chooses a luxury cruise ship floating on the sea, which is really in line with his abnormal desire to stand in the spotlight. However, there are no more than two consequences: one is a complete failure and was arrested by NYPD before committing a crime.

The other is the successful Commission of crime. Even if the executioner kills the target in his heart, he will inevitably expose his identity. After all, the cruise ship is equivalent to a closed space. If the suspect is screened within a limited range, the executioner will always show his feet.

Why did he take risks?

With such a high-profile crime warning and choosing such an unnecessary cruise ship as the place to commit a crime, he can kill the target without being noticed, just like the previous two cases, so as to destroy the clues to the greatest extent. In this situation, even if the executioner successfully escaped from the "Queen Anna", he left enough clues for NYPD to follow suit and finally find him!

"What's his idea..." Ye Feng murmured.

"Do you think it's weird?" Audrey asked softly.

"Well, do you feel it too?" Ye Feng looked at Kate standing alone not far away and said in a low voice.

"Well, I always feel that the executioner did it deliberately. Is there a personal grudge between him and Carnegie? Why did he cut off Carnegie's head? Is he not afraid to increase the possibility of being found for such time-consuming and laborious behavior?" Audrey said her doubts.

"Indeed, although the executioner did not know how to get Carnegie's locator and tied it to the cat in the cruise to confuse his sight, according to Lao Wang, the victim's death time was one to two hours ago. At that time, the cruise was preparing for the originally planned dinner, and there were still many guests in their Suites in the suite area where the victim was located In this corridor, people come and go. It's too strange and illogical to cut off the head of the dead and throw it around the body at will. "

Ye Feng frowned and analyzed. If he is the executioner, this superfluous behavior should be the redundant steps that should be avoided in the actual crime process. Why does the executioner risk being found and have to let the dead go somewhere else? Ye Feng couldn't figure it out.

"Every step of the executioner's action will not be aimless. Ye Feng, didn't you say before that he sprinkled paper money next to the vehicle containing the body in the case of dumping the body in the park in order to let the latecomers destroy the possible traces. I don't think the executioner cut off the dead's head on a whim, which must have his deep meaning." Audrey heard Haley's psychoanalysis of the executioner.

Audrey was particularly impressed by what Haley said. When she gave the executioner a psychological profile, Haley said this: "The executioner has an antisocial personality and a strong desire for control. Once all the steps of the plan are determined, in the process of implementation, the executioner will certainly implement it in strict accordance with the predetermined plan. This is based on his belief that his behavior has been sublimated to the height of art, which will inevitably produce the paranoia of artists."

"Well, I'm also obsessed with beheading. Why did he take such a big risk to cut off Carnegie's head... Did he have to cut off the dead's head?"

Ye Feng's reasoning was interrupted by Kate who remained silent. Kate's standing body seemed to be hit by an invisible fist. She shook in place, barely controlled her out of control body, and ran out of the banquet hall. Although Ye Feng and Audrey didn't know what happened, it was not difficult to infer from Kate's iron green face that something bad must have happened 。

"What's the matter? Kate, and the victim's body was found?" Ye Feng chased Kate a few steps and asked aloud.

"No, a police officer was attacked by his escort and is being rescued," Kate replied with a gloomy face.

"Hasn't this scene been monitored?" Audrey clicked in her heart. It's broken. The executioner may have separated from the queen Anna at this time.

"No, it seems that it suddenly burst up at the dead corner of the monitoring probe. The police officer lost consciousness after being violently hit by heavy objects. Then the escorted staff acted alone in the cruise ship." Kate's face was pale and terrible.

"This bastard... It's really a waste for him not to be an actor and become a film emperor." Ye Feng said with a bitter smile. The executioner is not suspected by most of the employees on the "Queen Anna" and is still working at his post. He can mingle with these people and prepare for escape calmly.

"It should be possible to determine the exact time of the attack," Audrey asked.

"Well, according to the images between the two cameras, it can be determined that the attack occurred 15 minutes ago." it is easy to infer the time when the executioner violently attacked the police officer. If we find the last camera where the two people appear in the picture at the same time, we can determine the accurate time.

"15 minutes..." Ye Feng didn't say the following words. 15 minutes is more than enough for disengagement

Things only get worse, not the worst. When Kate and others arrived at the scene of the attack, Kate sent out search men to feed back to Kate a thunderbolt like news: Howard Philip, that is, the attacker, had boarded an emergency boat on the cruise ship 10 minutes ago and left the "Queen Anna" under the eyes of a team of staff.

"Howard Philip is the executioner of the red wanted notice issued in the new metropolis. If he doesn't want to be buried, he can only drive back to the new metropolis. Send all human and material resources to guard every inch of the coastline of the new metropolis!"

After Kate gave the order, the whole person fell back straight as if dehydrated. Ye Feng quickly catches Kate, picks up Kate in a coma and walks to the lounge.

During the return of the queen Anna, Audrey took care of Kate, while Ye Feng went to the appraisers to ask if there was anything found.

The identification experts did find that Ye Feng had collected a broken fingerprint on a brown notebook found in the executioner's apartment. In Howard Phillips' dormitory, a complete fingerprint was collected on his personal belongings, which matched the broken fingerprint.

This discovery basically determined that the executioner was Howard Philip.

"Oh... Really?"

Ye Feng is so excited about mastering the real identity of the executioner so easily. At the same time, there is still an indelible confusion in his heart

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