"Hello? Who? Oh, honey, it's you. Well, I miss you. Why don't I miss you. You've come back from a holiday abroad? Adeline, how many months of your twelve months a year are spent traveling around the world? Your ex husband's" looting "must have paid you a lot of alimony.

"Don't be angry. I won't mention that bastard. Hmm? How have I been recently? HMM... I'm very comfortable personally, but you know, the Madman of the executioner has made a big mess again. I'm a little tired of participating in his arrest. Well, this guy is hard to deal with. Under everyone's eyes, he's just on the" Queen Anna " Cut off the head of the Carnegie tycoon

"My friend Kate? Well, she's been having a hard time recently. The calls for her to take the blame and resign have been rising one after another. I'm distressed to see her. Alas, it's hard to say. The executioners are torturing Kate crazy, this bastard.

"By the way, why did you ask her? I don't remember I mentioned Kate to you. Hmm? Adeline, you said I was listening, huh... Huh... Huh? Where did you know that!? I don't care. Kate is my important friend! Eh... I'm not a girlfriend yet. I'm a dedicated person, Adeline, I -- believe it or not, don't swear

"Well, I've written down what you said. Anyway, there are professional teams doing the search and arrest. If what you said really happens, this may be an opportunity to be ahead of the executioner. Adeline, how do you know about the executioner?

"You've been a detective? You can't judge by appearances! HMM... well, you probably dealt with the executioner in your career. Again, what was his pseudonym? The punisher? The second disease of the goods was an old problem. Well, Adeline, thank you. I'll go out now and follow the clues you provided. Well, I love you too, sister, When this is over, I'll come to you in luoshengdu. Well, MUA, it's a deal. Bye. "

Jumping up from the bed, Ye Feng changed her clothes three times, five times and two times and walked out. Zhenma, who was awakened by Ye Feng, nestled in the swivel chair, looked at Ye Feng walking out dimly, and whispered, "Ye Feng, why are you going?"

"Go to sleep, darling. Adeline provided me with a clue that I might be able to find the executioner." Ye Feng went to jenma's side and spoiled the high IQ girl's scattered hair. Jenma was busy all night last night trying to find clues about the executioner.

"I'll go with you." as soon as she heard the clue of the executioner, Gemma immediately became refreshed.

"Good, I'll be fine alone. I'll do it my way this time. You'd better go to NYPD to accompany Kate later. She needs you more." Ye Feng said in an indisputable tone.

"Well... Well, be safe, Ye Feng." looking at the seriousness in Ye Feng's eyes, Gemma nodded skillfully.

"I may live outside these days. Don't worry about me. I'm the immortal god of death." Ye Feng smiled. After saying that, he took his coat and walked out of the base under the gaze of zhenma.


Noguchi likes the coffee in this coffee shop very much, which suits his taste very much.

In recent days, he would sit on the window seat of the "rain added love cafe" at 10 a.m. every day. Through the transparent window, Noguchi would spend hours looking at the ancient building across the road and meditating.

Today may be the last time Noguchi sits in this familiar seat. He has got all the information he needs. Tomorrow, after the last performance, he will leave the city. As for whether to go abroad or to another city, Noguchi has not decided, and his God has not given him instructions.

"Your coffee, sir." a waiter came to Noguchi's table with a cup of coffee. He put the coffee cup on the tray in front of Noguchi.

"Thank you." Noguchi nodded politely. He didn't like adding sugar or creamer to coffee. He preferred the original bitter taste of coffee.

"What can I do for you?"

After taking a sip of coffee, Noguchi noticed that the waiter didn't leave directly after putting down the coffee, but sat on the opposite seat of Noguchi.

"To tell you the truth," the waiter took off his mask and threw it on the table. "You look completely different from what I thought."

When the male waiter took off his mask, Noguchi was stunned. He knew this face. This man's name was Ye Feng and had a short communication with him.

"What do you mean?" Noguchi looked at Ye Feng who found him with great interest. He knew that the young man in front of him had known his secret, and he even chased here.

"Well, maybe it's preconceived. I thought you would be ferocious, at least a gloomy and cold face. I didn't expect you to have a woman's face. You're really drunk."

Ye Feng carefully looked at the man facing him across the table. This tall and thin man has a beautiful face that makes women jealous. His face is extremely feminine and exudes fatal charm in softness. Ye Feng had to admit that it can be called a beautiful face, but it's a pity to grow on a man.

But this soft face brings only endless nightmares to Noguchi. The dirty things he experienced when he was young finally form Noguchi's distorted and cruel character.

"Thanks to this disgusting face, I can hide my arrest again and again." Noguchi shrugged noncommittally and drank a sip of coffee.

"I see. No wonder I can't catch you all the time. The police's attention is focused on the fact that the suspect is male and has entered the blind area of thinking. You can pass the coastline blocked by NYPD unconsciously a few days ago. You also used this trick. Men dress up as women?" Ye Feng patted his thigh.

"...." Noguchi shrugged and didn't speak.

"Don't worry, I don't have a recording." Ye Feng opened his arms and motioned that he didn't use small things such as a recording pen. He didn't need it.

"There's no harm in being careful." Noguchi put down most of his coffee and stared into Ye Feng's eyes. "How did you find me?"

"It's a friend of mine who has dealt with you. You had a big fight in the city where she works, and she was very impressed by you. She told me that the perverted serial killer she met at that time ended up assassinating the arrest commander in chief of the city after committing a series of vicious cases, and then disappeared. I think if the executioner and my friend said that The punisher is a person, so he should be very interested in Kate, "Ye Feng explained lightly.

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