"Oh, that's right... It's a beautiful time when you are young. Although you will make mistakes, don't everyone grow up in mistakes? What do you think?" Noguchi smiled at himself and continued to stare at Ye Feng.

"You're right, but everyone must be responsible for their mistakes. I've always had doubts about the tragedy on the queen Anna. You should be able to solve my doubts," Ye Feng said.


"Please listen to my reasoning first. My first question is: why does the executioner have to cut off Carnegie's head? This matter bothers me most. We all know that every action of the executioner must have his deep meaning. Regardless of his temporary nerves, if he has to cut off Carnegie's head, he must cut off Carnegie's head.

"If according to the inference made by the police, the executioner is Howard Philips, disguised as Queen Anna" After killing Carnegie cruelly, an employee on the attacked the police officer on the way to the banquet hall for interrogation and fled in an escape boat. This seems a reasonable inference. It doesn't explain why the executioner must cut off Carnegie's head. In particular, the executioner left too many traces, which is the same as the leakless executioner in the previous two cases In sharp contrast.

"I'm not praising you. You'd better not show the winner's smile. You're really powerful. You seize the thinking inertia of the police in handling cases: the police are usually more rigorous in dealing with evidence favorable to the suspect, but more relaxed in dealing with evidence unfavorable to the suspect.

"You took advantage of this to blame all the sins on the innocent Howard Phillips. Yes, I've seen through your trick. Why do you have to let Carnegie's body head be different? That's because the body is not Carnegie's basic person at all. Lying on the carpet of that suite is Carnegie's head and Howard Phillips's body Body!

"Sorry, I'm a little excited. I'm calm and calm. You don't need to look at me with such shocked eyes. When I learned that the body truck transporting Carnegie's body ignited spontaneously, I basically determined the little trick you played. The Carnegie I talked to in the library that day was dressed up by you. The real Carnegie may be on the queen Anna." You killed him a few days before the inaugural ceremony.

"You put the frozen Carnegie's head on the queen Anna before you issued the challenge After that, you disguised as Carnegie and boarded the ship on the day of the inaugural ceremony. You identified Howard Philip, an innocent young man, as your scapegoat. The reason is very simple. They are very close to your figure, just like the reason you chose to kill Carnegie.

"Before the dinner, you tied your locator to the cat to confuse the police. You tried to call Howard Philip to Carnegie's room and brutally killed him. You had to cut off his head, put Howard Philip's body and Carnegie's head on the stall, and then you dressed up as Howard Philip himself and took Howard with you Philip's severed head left the crime scene, disguised as Carnegie's death.

"After regaining consciousness, the officer who was attacked by you recalled that you attacked him with a suitcase. I think that suitcase should be a portable freezer. At that time, it contained Howard Philip's head.

"You also deliberately took Howard Philip's fingerprint and printed it on your notes. You even calculated that you might be found by the police. Man, you are really good. Everything is in your plan. You didn't expect it except me.

"When I learned that you might kill Kate, I directly changed my position and thought, what would I do if I wanted to kill Kate? First of all, I would collect all the information about her life, especially her work and rest schedule, so I would personally go to Kate's side and observe her. The location of this cafe is undoubtedly the best. Sure enough, I found you, and your body has been deeply shaped It's in my head. "

Ye Feng finished his reasoning and looked at the executioner with a smile.

"Accidents always appear in ways you can't imagine. God of death, I didn't expect you to become an accident in my life." Noguchi said calmly.

"You know who I am? That's easy. Let's go and turn ourselves in with me to NYPD across the road." Ye Feng stood up from his seat and said to Noguchi.

"Why should I turn myself in? I didn't do anything. What you just said is just your reasoning. Without the support of direct evidence, what you said is just your personal fantasy. God of death, this is a society ruled by law, and everything needs evidence." Noguchi sat leisurely in the chair and drank the remaining coffee in the cup.

"You're really a coffee accuser. Executioner, you're right. I don't have your evidence in my hand, but you may forget a little." Ye Feng stared at Noguchi coldly.

"Oh? What did I forget?"

"I'm not a policeman, I'm a mercenary. I can't catch people, I usually only kill people." Ye Feng said coldly, "You tortured my beloved Kate. Do you still naively think I want to send you to prison? Let you read, exercise and cultivate hobbies leisurely during your hundreds of years' imprisonment? Let you die in a boring and ordinary prison cell after decades? You'd better not dream."

"Oh? What do you want? Do you need me to remind you? You can't even send me to prison. Are you going to kill me directly? Come on, do you think I'm afraid of death?" Noguchi smiled disapprovingly.

"Death? No, I know you're a pervert and you're not afraid of death at all. In fact, don't you always believe that what you do is punishing sin for God? My revenge for you is very simple. I'll kill you and find a friend of mine to clone your replicator with your DNA.

"I will let this replicator turn himself in instead of the dead you, and let him turn himself in in the spotlight all over the world in your name. Don't you like to attract attention? Rest assured that the world will hear your confession. Let you break everything you believe in."

After listening to Ye Feng's crazy revenge plan, Noguchi's expression was no longer as calm as water. He looked at Ye Feng in panic: "you're bluffing me!"

"Oh? Really? You should feel that your body doesn't work. I added a little toxin extracted from puffer fish to your coffee, and you will die slowly in the hardness of your whole body. Hmm? Can't you speak? I know you can still hear my voice, executioner. I don't know your name. I don't care. I had a good chat with you, but unfortunately, there won't be any next time Times... "

Finally, he glanced down at Noguchi, who was sitting on the seat and couldn't move at all. Ye Feng leisurely left the "love coffee shop after the rain" and didn't look back.

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