Ye Feng asked Huang Liang to dispose of yekou Xiu's body. After all, he has rich experience in this field.

As Ye Feng said to Noguchi, after Noguchi died, Ye Feng found dick with some Noguchi hair and asked the latter to help him clone a clone of Noguchi.

For this non challenging request, Dick only asked Ye Feng to wait for two days, and he threw Ye Feng the brainwashed successful Noguchi replicator.

Since Dick engraved the thought of "obeying Ye Feng's words" in the brain of Noguchi No. 2, the replicator will strictly implement every word said by Ye Feng as an oracle.

Ye Feng first asked nokou xiu2 to falsely assassinate Kate.

Ye Feng didn't tell anyone about it except Huang Liang, including the fake assassination, and Ye Feng didn't tell Kate. In order to ensure that the fake assassination can hide everyone's eyes, Ye Feng asked yekou xiu2 to take the way of poison needle assassination. In order to ensure Kate's safety, Ye Feng will let Kate take the antidote in advance and put it into the milk before the assassination.

When the assassination of nokouchi II was officially launched, according to the original plan, nokouchi disguised as the victim's family. Before Kate entered the NYPD headquarters building, in the face of a large group of reporters blocking the entrance of the building, he rushed to Kate's side and stabbed Kate's body with a poison needle.

When the actual situation reached this moment, Ye Feng, who had already prepared, directly grasped the wrist of Noguchi xiu2 and stopped the assassination of Noguchi xiu2 at the critical moment.

In order to establish Kate's positive image in public opinion, Ye Feng whispered to Kate when holding nokou xiu2's wrist: "come on, subdue him!"

Although Kate didn't know what happened for a while, she subconsciously chose to believe Ye Feng. In front of the long guns and short guns of the media reporters, Kate used an anti joint catcher to neatly put nokoushu No. 2 uniform on the ground. While nokou xiu2 began to make a big noise at the right time, shouting that he was the executioner. As expected, nokou xiu2 attracted the attention of all media reporters.

After being arrested, Noguchi took an extremely cooperative attitude. He not only explained all the crimes he committed in the new metropolis, but also took the initiative to disclose several places he used to hide in the new metropolis, showing a state of broken cans after the assassination failed.

If Noguchi's body hadn't been cremated by sorghum, he might have been angry and survived.

Public opinion paid great attention to Noguchi's arrest, but after he confessed all the crimes, Noguchi was called "the most glass hearted serial killer in history", "the giant in action, the dwarf in thought", "the obscene and cowardly scum" by the media, which would arouse an uproar in Xindu, Finally, he was not only despised and ridiculed by the world, but also had to face a total of 568 years in prison.

After being quickly tried and thrown into the prison with the highest security level, the mission of Noguchi No. 2 did not end. Ye Feng issued an order to Noguchi: clean up the unrepentant felons in the prison. Nokou xiu2 followed Ye Feng's order and set off a bloody storm in the prison. That's what we'll talk about later. Let's not mention it.

Kate, who was facing the blame and resignation, reversed her previous negative image and became a hero who bravely arrested the executioner after experiencing the attempted assassination of her by nokouchi No. 2. Not only in the public opinion began to establish Kate's glorious image of enduring humiliation and bearing heavy responsibilities and taking personal risks, but also some people spread the snap pictures of Kate's uniform nokouchi No. 2 in the social network to carry out positive publicity for Kate. For a while, this virus marketing style made Kate a female God of war representing safety and justice in the hearts of the citizens of the new metropolis.

Of course, Ye Feng contributed to these things. With the help of zhenma and Xu wenweak, Ye Feng carried out a vigorous image public relations, which finally enabled Kate, who fell to the bottom, to win back the trust of the citizens of the new metropolis, and to see the reappearance of the smile on Kate's face, which made Ye Feng feel that all his efforts were worth it.

After ending the storm brought by the executioner, Ye Feng took the time to check the decapitated Carnegie and why he was targeted by the executioner. It doesn't matter if you don't check. Ye Feng was surprised by the results of his investigation. Carnegie once had a large fruit plantation in a backward small country. At that time, as the owner of all this, he showed heinous cruelty. As long as the local indigenous workers made a mistake, Carnegie would cut off his arm as a punishment. More than half of the fruit plantations under his control, more than 50000 local indigenous workers, have only one arm.

After making enough money, Carnegie carefully withdrew from the backward small country that was devastated by him before the conflict broke out. With this wealth stained with blood and tears, he became bigger and stronger step by step and became today's industrial tycoon.

Although the accumulation of original capital is usually full of sin and blood, the act of accumulating huge wealth by relying on this cruel and terrorist means still makes the well-informed Ye Feng smack his tongue. He can barely understand why the executioner should take action against Carnegie.

To tell the truth, Ye Feng also wants to give Carnegie a taste, but in the process of killing Carnegie, the executioner also killed the innocent Howard Philip. Ye Feng can't agree that this kind of crime involves the lives of innocent people in order to realize his own justice.

"Hello? Who?"

That day, Ye Feng was lying on the sofa eating watermelon. The hot weather didn't make him want to go out at all. Just lie in a comfortable apartment and enjoy the cool.

"I, Captain victory." a very magnetic bass came over the phone.

"Yo, it's the captain. What can I do for you?" Ye Feng was interested when he heard that it was captain Shengli. He put the half pull watermelon in his arms on the tea table and sat up.

"Keep your voice down and don't disturb my ball." jenma's voice came from her bedroom. The ball in her mouth was a lovely gray chinchilla. When she moved back to Kate's apartment from the base a few days ago, jenma pestered Ye Feng to buy it for her.

"I'm talking about business. OK, I know. I'll keep my voice down." Ye Feng flexibly avoided a slipper thrown out of jenma's bedroom. Ye Feng reluctantly reduced his volume.

"Are you busy?" Captain victory asked.

"No, I haven't done anything recently. I'm fooling around with underage girls every day. Captain, how's the new metropolis branch of shield bearer alliance? Ye Feng is very concerned about it.

"It's still under discussion. It's expected to be soon. Ye Feng, I have a commission here. Are you interested?" Captain Shengli said bluntly on the phone.

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