"Very dangerous?"

"It's dangerous. Without backup, you need to enter the enemy's headquarters alone," Captain victory said.

"In other words, it's a narrow escape?" Ye Feng said disapprovingly.

"It may be a near death to others, but you should not be afraid of death?" Captain victory asked.

"Of course, I'm the God of death! What about the reward?" Ye Feng asked his most concerned question.

"40 million Asian dollars. If you take over the task, 20 million will be directly entered into your account, and the rest will be called to you after you finish the task."

"Cool, I like to deal with rich people like you. What's my specific task?"

"Get virus 115," replied captain victory.


"Well, for the safety of the world, you must take virus 115 from Dr. Tesla."

"For the safety of the whole world? Is it so serious? You put a lot of pressure on me."

"I'm not alarmist. Two groups of hero of the shield bearer alliance have lost contact. After they sneaked into Dr. Stella's base, we lost contact. The higher heros are fighting against alien forces in the universe. The hero left on earth must maintain peace in all regions. He is forced to -"

"So you found me? You've sent two groups of people in the past. What, Dr. Tesla didn't run away long ago?" Ye Feng said disapprovingly.

"The two groups of heros sent before raided Dr. sterling's other bases. This time, the mission location you want to go to is Dr. Stella's headquarters and his nest."

"Why do I feel that you have no faith in me?"

Captain Shengli's calm tone annoyed Ye Feng. He was obviously ready to take Ye Feng for a try. If he could succeed, he would lose some money.

"You don't need my confidence, you just need to finish the task alive." Captain victory said noncommittally.

"Well... You're right. What's this virus 115 for?" Ye Feng's curiosity never stops.

"Infectious virus can make infected people lose their fertility." Captain Shengli knew that if he didn't satisfy Ye Feng's curiosity, he would keep pestering.

"I'll go. I'm another madman who wants to destroy the world? What makes people infertile!?" Ye Feng's egg rolled his eyes in pain.

"In a word, God of death, if you choose to take over the task, go downstairs now. Downstairs of your apartment, there is a silver SUV parked on the roadside and get on the bus with a specific task plan and the equipment you need," Captain victory said.

"Well... OK, I'll go downstairs now, captain. You can have more snacks about the new metropolis branch. I -- this bastard, hang me up." Ye Feng put on his clothes and walked to the door. "Jenma, I've got a job. I may be on a business trip for a week or so. Tell Kate and me."

"Are you going again?" jenma heard the sound and hurried out of the bedroom barefoot.

"Well, don't worry, little case." Ye Feng put on his shoes, pushed open the door and walked out.

"You should pay attention to safety. In case of danger, life comes first and work comes second. Remember?" jenma's face was full of worry.

"I know. It's okay. I'm the God of death. I'm at home waiting for my triumphant return. I don't earn more money. What can I take to support you." Ye Feng left jenma a relaxed figure. He didn't want a girl with high IQ to worry too much about him.

"Go home early..."



"Dr. Tesla is really imaginative. He built his nest under the dam..."

Overlooking the magnificent Fuhu dam in front of him, Ye Feng not only had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery, but also lamented that Dr. Tesla's headquarters was hidden under this huge dam.

Fuhu dam is a key project for the comprehensive development of youdifala river resources in the United States of Atlanta. It is located in the Ming Valley at the junction of rosata city and Neva. It has comprehensive benefits such as flood control, irrigation, power generation, shipping and water supply.

The dam is a concrete gravity arch dam with a height of more than 200 meters. The reservoir formed by the dam is called Demi lake. It began construction in the 1930s and took eight years to complete. It is the largest dam in Atlanta.

As an arch gravity artificial concrete dam, Fuhu dam is a world-famous water conservancy project. The udifara River under the dam was originally the deepest and most turbulent River in Atlanta. Now it runs slowly, just like a tame beast.

The surging udifara river is tamed by the dam. The wide water surface is very calm, and yachts swim around from time to time

It was sunset when Ye Feng reached Fuhu dam. After several hours of flight, Ye Feng finally saw the long lost natural air duct. On the vast man-made lake, there are no clouds, the clear sky is high, and the beautiful scenery under the sunset makes Ye Feng not only dazzling.

Take a look at the whole dam. While watching the magnificent water pouring down, you can enjoy the calm and calm of the lake. The two different landscapes are on the same place and have a panoramic view. It's really a beautiful visual feast.

After sufficient preparation, Ye Feng took the shield bearer alliance's invisible harrier transport plane to the mission's destination - Fuhu dam. Together with the equipment, it was put into the mountains near the dam. Ye Maple dragged the equipment through the wooded mountains.

Because he was wearing the most advanced optical camouflage armor, Ye Feng was not afraid to be found by Dr. Stella. This code named chameleon armor can change its color within a certain period of time to achieve the purpose of stealth. The only disadvantage of this armor is that when viewed from a close distance, if ye Feng is in motion, he will be seen with a faint body outline.

However, when he was able to personally experience the sophisticated weapons developed by the shield bearer alliance, Ye Feng was excited and kept thinking about how to take possession of the equipment in his hand

"Dr. Stella's headquarters is located under Demi lake. You need to take a micro submarine and sneak into Dr. Stella's headquarters without disturbing any guards in strict accordance with the system prompts." a sweet voice came from Ye Feng's ear. This is his contact person for this mission: the Red Queen. The Red Queen is not a real person. It is a sophisticated artificial intelligence and AI of the shield bearer alliance.

"If you succeed in sneaking in, can I invite you to dinner?" Ye Feng teased AI on his way.

"Let me refuse, you are not my dish," said the Red Queen calmly.

"Well, you hurt my self-esteem," said Ye Feng.

"According to my analysis of your data, I don't think you have anything similar to self-esteem, Lord death." the Red Queen stood solemnly against Ye Feng.

"..." Ye Feng was slapped when he flirted, but he was choked by the Red Queen and couldn't speak.

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