"By the way, can you return the chameleon armor to me? I won't charge the borrowing fee. We are all our own people - er, I won't say..." looting "looked back at Ye Feng who tried to get his equipment back. The latter saw the cold light in the eyes of" looting ", immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.

That's eight x-21 metal daggers. When "looting and killing" turned around just now, he intentionally or unintentionally took out two daggers with cold light and played with them in his hands. Ye Feng thinks that his fighting ability is no different from "looting and killing". Although he is better than "looting and killing" in terms of self-healing ability, the "looting and killing" with x-21 metal dagger completely occupies an absolutely strong position

In short, Ye Feng doesn't want to die yet.

Along the way, Ye Feng and "looting and killing" did not encounter the slightest resistance. On the way to the lower entrance, "looting and killing" searched several rooms along the way. As he expected, no valuable information was found. There was no harvest except an old photo that shocked Ye Feng.

The photo has experienced the baptism of years and is slightly yellow. This is just an ordinary scene. The background is the Fuhu dam on Ye Feng's head. On the embankment next to the dam, 13 men in different clothes gathered together and took a group photo.

This photo didn't attract Ye Feng's attention. When "looting" pointed to the photo and asked Ye Feng to have a closer look, Ye Feng suddenly found the strangeness of the photo. The 13 men in the picture are wearing the same face!?

"The person in the picture is Dr. Stella." looting and killing "said to Ye Feng.

"Dr. Stella is 13 to protect the fetus?" Ye Feng exclaimed in disbelief. Looks like Dr. Stella is the real freak!

"No, Dr. Stella doesn't have brothers and sisters. The other 12 people who are exactly like Dr. Stella are replicates cloned by Dr. Stella himself." "looting and killing" knows nothing about maple leaf. I've seen it for a long time. "Looting and killing" believes that without his own appearance, the God of death is still wandering in the T5 floor. I don't know how long it takes to meet the "guard".

"Wait, you said that Dr. Stella was the only one in the base except the" guard ". Do you mean that all the underwater base were Dr. Tesla's clones?" Ye Feng suddenly remembered what he said before "looting and killing". He didn't understand such a large base at that time, How Dr. Stella can maintain normal operation alone.

"Well, that's what I mean." "looting" nodded.

"I'll go. A perverted science madman is already a scourge. A group of science madmen with high IQ and antisocial personality gather together. No wonder they can come up with such a brain opening plan as" Veronica ",," murmured Ye Feng.

"OK, let's go. It seems that the owner here doesn't intend to use drone armor as cannon fodder. Only the" guard "blocking the door is the obstacle we must solve."

"Looting and killing" turned and walked out of the room that seemed to be a single bedroom. Ye Feng finally took a look at the old photo in his hand, and then put the photo back on the dusty table to keep up with "looting and killing".


"Brother ex husband, this man should be the" guard "on this floor."

Ye Feng pointed to a muscular man lying on a recliner, wearing big flower underpants, exposed the bronze color of his big chest muscles and combed his back meticulously. The muscular man pretending to hide under the sun umbrella has a big face that is dark and shiny by the sun, a high nose like a knife, sunken eyes and fierce eyes, like a fierce vulture.

"Well, it should be." "looting" nodded.

"Is this product engaged in performance art?" Ye Feng looked at the strangely dressed "guard".

The "guard" blocked in front of the giant elevator is wonderful enough to hold a big sun umbrella indoors. It seems to match his fancy beach underpants. Around him, he is artificially covered with a thick layer of sand.

In front of Ye Feng and "looting", the "guard" leisurely kicked the sand. On one side, there was a small round table with a half drunk cocktail cup, and a cylindrical wireless Bluetooth speaker, playing leisurely and soothing music.

"Who knows..." looting and killing "can't hold the" guard "in the way. What are you doing.

"Hey, Hello," flower underpants greeted Ye Feng and "plunder and kill" friendly, "this is the first time someone has visited here. By the way, my name is Nicholas."

"Sure enough, it's him!" the voice of the Red Queen sounded in Ye Feng's ear.

"It's your shield bearer alliance's missing hero again?" Ye Feng asked. The Red Queen was very quiet along the way, which also made Ye Feng clean.

"Well... It seems that the matter between the gates is not a case. I have to report to captain Shengli quickly." the Red Queen said this. No matter how Ye Feng called her, she just ignored it.

"Shit, before you report your work, you said his abilities and weaknesses!" Ye Feng cursed in a low voice.

"Brother ex husband, it seems that the goods can communicate. I'll negotiate with him first to see if we can avoid head-on conflict." Ye Feng whispered in the ear of "looting and killing".

"Do it yourself." "looting and killing" ignored Ye Feng. He directly started the chameleon armor to hide his body shape and silence.

"... no one is a good man." Ye Feng calmed down, put on a bright smile, and shouted to Nicholas, the "doorman" on the artificial beach not far away: "Hey, man, I'm death, a superstar in the mercenary world. I don't know if you've heard of me -"

"Never heard of it," Nikola replied honestly.

"- er... Forget it, it's not a big deal," Ye Feng comforted himself. "Can you let me and my friends into the elevator behind you? You know, everyone needs to contribute to saving the world. Didn't you work in the shield alliance before? They are just partners. Help."

"I'm sorry I can't help you. I've changed my job." Nikolay drank a cocktail.

"Are you dissatisfied with the salary? Or does the shield alliance not provide you with career planning? The rising channel is blocked? In fact, I am very interested in the shield alliance. I have submitted my resume several times, but I have not been favored by HR." Ye Feng asked Nikolai seriously.

"... are you here to chat with me?" Nikolay began to feel that the conversation with Ye Feng was a little off track.

"Er... No, I was going to kill you and then go down to the T3 floor." Ye Feng said honestly.

"Now? Have you changed your mind?" Nikolay said, moving his muscles.

"Unfortunately, No."

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