"Uh... Ex husband, what tactics do we use?"

Looking at Nikolay in flower underpants, Ye Feng whispered around. He didn't know where "looting" was now and whether he could hear Ye Feng's words.


When Ye Feng was absorbed and ready to fight with Nikolay, Nikolay suddenly showed a body shape of "looting and killing". He held a sharp short blade close to Nikolay's back, and the shining blade quietly touched Nikolay's thick neck. The wrist of "looting and killing" holding the knife made a slight stroke on Nikolay's neck.


The strange touch from his hand made "looting and killing" flash aside from Nikolay's back and hide into the invisible again.

Ye Feng witnessed with his own eyes that before Nikolay's neck was cut off by "looting and killing", the whole part of Nikolay's neck was desertification in an instant, and the short blade in "looting and killing" directly fell into the rolling sand. Seeing this, "looting and killing" made a quick decision, took out the short blade and pulled away from Nikolay.

"Desertification? Is this the sand man? Shit, this shape has become exaggerated." Ye Feng recognized who the strong man in big flower underpants and claiming to be Nikolai was. He was a famous sand man in the shield bearer alliance, formerly known as sarion.

On the way to the Fuhu dam, Ye Feng briefly consulted the specific information of those missing heros in the previous action of the shield holder alliance against Dr. Stella. Ye Feng saw the information of sand people in the relevant information.

The sand man in the photo is dressed in a suit with a neat inch. Due to the swelling muscles of the whole body, the suit is bulging, which makes the sand man look a little bloated. Now, the sand man who claims to be Nikola changed his head shape and dress up. Ye fengleng recognized the sand man only after he made him transfer his ability to sand parts of his body.

Obviously, "looting and killing" also recognized the real identity of the sand people. He suddenly appeared beside Ye Feng, and his plain tone was mixed with some helplessness: "as far as I know, he is immune to almost all physical attacks. It is difficult to pose a threat to him with our firepower level."

"Immune to physical attack? How can I fight? I don't know any magic." Ye Feng scratched his head and fired several shots at the sand man. As "looting and killing" said, the part penetrated by the bullet was instantly sandy, and the bullet went straight through the sand man's body.

"I won't..." looting "said calmly.

"Then what time do we waste? Run," suggested Ye Feng.

"Look at the back passage, it's closed..." "looting" pointed to the corridor where they entered the hall behind them. When Ye Feng didn't pay attention, he was quietly blocked by the thick alloy iron door.

"What now?"

Ye Feng's eyes glanced at the closed iron gate behind him. At this time, the murderer had charged to the position where Ye Feng and "loot kill" stood. The "loot kill" was very simple and secret again, which made Ye Feng the only target in the field of vision of the sand man like a small flat tank.

"Shit? You come again?!" Ye Feng looked at the sand man who had rushed in front of him. Facing the big fist of the sand bag waved by the latter, Ye Feng had no time to react more. Before the fist hit his face, he put his arms in front of him.


Ye Feng's unexpectedly strong brute force, Ye Feng's arms made a terrible and brittle sound of "bang". His whole body was like a loaded shell. He was hit and flew more than ten meters away, rolling on the ground covered with sand for several times, and Ye Feng's body stopped the sliding trend.

"Damn it -" before Ye Feng finished his curse, he suddenly felt that his body was shrouded in darkness. He looked up and saw that the sand man was bending over and looking down at Ye Feng lying on the ground.

The corners of the sand man's mouth rose slightly. Under the gaze of Ye Feng, he suddenly raised his huge feet. It's really as huge as an elephant's feet. The sand man Sandy his feet, absorbed the sand on the cement ground and melted them into his sandy feet. In less than half a second, a big foot composed of sand that can cover the whole upper body of Ye Feng hangs on the head of Ye Feng!

This product should have no beriberi

Ye Feng's mind suddenly jumped out of such an idea. At this time, he had to avoid it. He watched big foot Yazi getting closer and closer to his face. Ye Feng seemed to feel that the time had been slowed down a lot.


In such an emergency, when Ye Feng had given up, his body was suddenly pulled out from the sandy feet of the sand man by a powerful force. It was "looting and killing". He grabbed Ye Feng's hair and saved him from the desperate situation of being trampled into meat and mud.

"Ah!!! Are you going to tear off my scalp?!" Ye Feng covered his head and rolled back and forth in pain. At this time, he did not thank for the "looting and killing", only hate! His hair!

"You're welcome." "looting and killing" secretly threw the wisps of Ye Feng's hair in the palm of his hand on the ground. He didn't tell Ye Feng that the hair on the top of his brain had changed from a dense black forest to a saline alkali land with lack of vegetation.

It's okay. Zhang will come back anyway. "Looting and killing" decided not to tell Ye Feng about his hair.

"This product is immune to physical attack, and his physical attack is so strong. Fart!"

Ye Feng stood up unsteadily from the ground. At this time, he realized that the layer of sand paved on the cement floor was not used to force, but TM was used to expand his strength. This goods could absorb the sand from the outside for his own use. It was not written in the report of the shield holder alliance that he could do this! If this TM's goods were placed on the beach, wouldn't it become an existence against the sky?

"Red Queen, can the sand people absorb the sand from the outside?" Ye Feng, who has become a "Mediterranean", asked.

"No, he's just a B-class hero," replied the Red Queen.

"Damn... It must be Dr. Stella's ghost again." Ye Feng cursed, and then he looked at the sand man coming towards him and "looting and killing." man, it's different from the door. Are you willing to cooperate with Dr. Stella? "

"Of course, he who knows current affairs is a hero. The boy in the gate is too hard to be an idiot." the sand man did not hide his contempt for the gate.

"Unexpectedly, the spitting man is still a hard bone..." Ye Feng sighed, then took out two guns and kept shooting at the sand man.

When Ye Feng shot all four magazines, the sand man was still intact. Although the bullets penetrating his body made it inconvenient for the sand man to move, the leisurely light smile on his face made Ye Feng clear that the sand man knew that Ye Feng and "looting and killing" had nothing to do with him.

In fact, it is true.

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