"To tell you the truth, I'm quite disappointed," Ye Feng pointed to Jia Qinghu's body, "I thought the guard at the entrance of T1 would be a tough role. Obviously, some people in our circle, such as Jia Qinghu, have given a reputation that is inconsistent with their strength. There are not many positive comments on me, a strong man with real materials like me."

"Really?" "looting and killing" just asked a rhetorical question. After cracking and opening the door of the giant elevator, he directly entered it, and Ye Feng followed him into the elevator. At the moment when the elevator door was closed, Ye Feng seemed to see Jia Qinghu's right hand in a trance and made an "OK" gesture?!

"That bastard!" Ye Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at "looting and killing".

"You're wrong." "looting and killing" said blandly.

In fact, Ye Feng is right. What Ye Feng doesn't know is that Jia Qinghu is the insider of "looting and killing" in Dr. Stella's underwater base. It is because of his existence that "looting and killing" knows so much valuable internal information. Otherwise, with Jia Qinghu's strength, it is even "looting and killing" With Ye Feng, the last person standing will be Jia Qinghu

The origin between "looting and killing" and Jia Qinghu can also be traced back to that entrustment. The target of the task of "looting and killing" is Jia Qinghu's employer. After "looting and killing" and successfully seriously injuring the target into a vegetable in Jia Qinghu's hands, Jia Qinghu did not choose to kill the almost dying "looting and killing", but chose to take "looting and killing" Fled the big manor.

"Looting and killing" once asked Jia Qinghu why he didn't kill him. Jia Qinghu's answer was very simple: "you succeeded, man. Even if I killed you, my employer won't recover. As a loser, I'm not qualified to kill and defeat you."

After this experience, "looting and killing" and Jia Qinghu, two cruel men who are also not good at words, have become close friends. They often don't contact each other for several years, but as long as they receive each other's help, no matter thousands of miles away, they still go to help. The friendship between gentlemen is as thin as water. This sentence aptly describes the friendship between "looting and killing" and Jia Qinghu.

When he learned that "looting and killing" had been tracking Dr. Stella, Jia Qinghu took the initiative to join the breakthrough team of the shield bearer alliance, contacted Dr. Stella closely, and secretly provided information for "looting and killing" after gaining Dr. Stella's trust. The friendship between the two middle-aged uncles explains what it means to "even if I am an enemy of the world, I still stand behind you, er, support you" 。


After arriving at the T1 floor, Ye Feng and "looting" were stunned by the general chaos of the vegetable market In the busy corridor, Dr. Stella's replicators in white coats are making a loud noise, urging research reports, complaining loudly that they can't catch up with the work plan, flattering their superiors, and running around silently carrying all kinds of instruments and equipment. Everyone in the corridor and room is focusing on themselves In front of me, I turned a blind eye to Ye Feng and "looting and killing" who came out of the elevator. I didn't seem to find that they were outsiders.

"Er... How do I feel neglected?" Ye Feng stared at the busy T1 layer in sharp contrast with the upper layers in his field of vision. He suddenly saw so many busy people with the same face. This feeling was so strange that Ye Feng couldn't describe it for a moment.

"It's a little strange." "looting" attracted the attention of all the busy Dr. Stella's replicators in the simplest way. He shot at the ceiling.


After the gunshot, the originally noisy corridor was instantly quiet. Ye Feng looked awkwardly at the reproducers who projected their eyes on him and "looting and killing". He choked for a long time and finally said, "Hi."

"Hi, your sister! Who are you? How do you get to this floor?" a replicator of Dr. Stella, who has been in a bossy suit and similar to the role of manager, asked Ye Feng and "looting and killing" angrily.

The answer to him was the bullet from Ye Feng's smoking pistol. The body of the rude replicator fell to the ground, and other replicators around him even gave out uncontrollable cheers.

"I understand. I'm dead at last!", "well done, man.", "who are you? Hero?"

"I am the famous death -"

"Alarm, alarm!" zero "broke through to the T1 floor! Everyone take refuge immediately! Repeat!" zero "broke through to the T1 floor! Everyone take refuge immediately!" a series of harsh roars interrupted Ye Feng's self introduction. After hearing the alarm, people around him immediately rushed to Ye Feng and "kill" like their hips on fire The giant elevator behind you.

The giant elevator, which was originally called a particularly spacious elevator, was crowded by a large group of crazy replicators. From time to time, the replicators who were knocked down never stood up.

Although Ye Feng was confused, he still remembered the purpose of his trip. Ye Feng grabbed a replica of Dr. Stella dressed as a researcher. The latter frantically tried to break away from Ye Feng's control and desperately wanted to enter the giant elevator where people stepped on people.

After Ye Feng pointed his gun at him, the impatient replicator pointed to a room with great self-knowledge and shouted to Ye Feng: "virus 115 is put in that laboratory. Damn it, what's the purpose of studying this thing? To be robbed?! damn it! Let me go!"

Ye Feng loosened the arm of the replicator and looked at the crazy replicators who were still squeezing into the gradually closed elevator door. Ye Feng was a little confused, but a little frightened. It was obvious that even after entering the destination on the T1 floor, there was still danger approaching them.

"Spirit? Do you mean ghosts? Brother ex husband, I'm not afraid of anything. I'm afraid of supernatural monsters. You should protect me later." Ye Feng asked the "looting and killing" nearby.

"Go get virus 115 first." "looting and killing" has no redundant response, but walks to the room referred to by the replicator just now. As long as you get this, the rest is to consider how to get out.

"By the way," the "looting and killing" walking in front suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to Ye Feng, "give me back the chameleon armor."

"Er... This is mine..." Ye Feng protected the chameleon armor.

"Give it to me." "plunder and kill" said faintly.

"It's mine..." Maple Leaf's voice gradually weakened.

"..." plunder and kill "stared at Ye Feng.


Although the tough and "looting and killing" stared at each other for more than ten seconds, in the end, Ye Feng counseled

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