When the chameleon armored "loot kill" entered the laboratory and took out a tube of light green unknown liquid stored in absolute cold, "loot kill" carefully hung it on the multifunctional belt around the waist. After careful observation by "loot kill", The test tube containing virus 115 is extremely strong and can be used as a cold weapon.

"It should be that we haven't developed an antiviral serum..." looting "looked at other items in the laboratory and didn't find anything similar.

"Brother ex husband, this thing is so dangerous, why don't I take it for you?" Ye Feng looked carefully for other test tubes containing 115 virus. It seemed that the finished product was only the bottle hung on his waist. Ye Feng had a headache.

"No talk."

"Looting and killing" turned and walked out of this highly secure laboratory, but because the researchers in the laboratory had no time to close the door and start the defense system, the defense system that had to be tested for several layers was in vain. After "looting and killing" and Ye Feng slowly entered the laboratory that was the most difficult to enter in the underwater base, It takes no effort to get the only bottle of completed body sample of virus 115 directly

"Hey, hello."

When "looting" and Ye Feng walked out of this large but empty laboratory, in the spacious corridor, Dr. Stella, dressed in a suit and white research clothes, stood gracefully in place and was coldly watching Ye Feng's "looting".

"I have to admit, children, I underestimated you. This is my mistake. The last time I was so upset about my stupidity dates back to the Second World War. If I could develop the" Fulin gas "a month in advance, my motherland might not have swallowed the bitter fruit of failure."

Dr. Stella, No. 13, stood in front of Ye Feng and "looting and killing" and kept talking.

"World War II? How old are you?" Ye Feng broke his fingers and counted back and forth, but he still couldn't figure out the real age of the thin man who looked only about 30.

"My physical age is only 25, but my memory age is 126," Dr. Stella said calmly on the 13th.

"Oh, I see," Ye Feng suddenly realized, "are you also a clone of Dr. Stella? I thought the final boss would be Dr. Stella himself."

"You're right. I'm the 13th clone of Dr. Stella and the earliest cloned clone of Dr. Stella in the world." No. 13 nodded.

"What about your previous twelve brothers? You killed them all?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"No, except for two of my own hands, everyone else died in their disputes," said Dr. Stella, No. 13 light cat.

"Also, you are exactly the same in physical strength and intelligence. In the end, you can only lose both." Ye Feng nodded.

"No, I'm different. I'm the one who won in the end!" Dr. Stella said excitedly on the 13th. "It's me, on the same level, and I'm unique. I'm the most --"


Ye Feng stealthily touched the shot, which was like hitting an invisible bulletproof steel plate erected in front of Dr. Stella No. 13. After a crisp sound of "Dang", the extruded warhead fell directly next to Dr. Stella No. 13's shoes.

"Hey, hey," Ye Feng scratched his hair awkwardly. "In fact, I don't mean anything else. I just want to try the effect of your defense field. Well, it's much better than my suit. Go on, continue beeping."

"Stupid human beings," Dr. Stella looked at Ye Feng contemptuously, "you human beings will eventually surrender to my feet. You and him are the sacrifice of this change!"

"Brother ex husband, I'll bet you 50 yuan," Ye Feng said to the "plunder" next to him in a low voice. "Dr. Stella must have had a special life. Look what his replicators are crazy."

"I'll give you a hundred dollars and shut your mouth." "plunder" said coldly.


As Ye Feng guessed, it is impossible for a person with a normal and peaceful life to have the distorted idea of losing the reproductive ability of all mankind. Dr. Stella himself is an extremely distorted person. Of course, his clones with the same memory will produce some normal thinking. Even more distorted by the realization that he is a clone.

Dr. Stella himself was born in a scientific family. Almost all his ancestors were engaged in science related undertakings. Therefore, since Dr. Stella was born, his life has been completely planned by his strict mother. His mother arranged when to read, when to eat, who to contact and where to go.

Like mice living in cages, Dr. Stella has become sensitive and unable to communicate with people normally in a repressive and tight growth environment. He can't even go to shops on the street to buy goods alone, but he is undoubtedly the pride of his family. At the age of 12, little Stella has completed three doctoral degrees successively. He is a real genius, There is no doubt about this.

But if a genius can't socialize and integrate into life, he is just a genius, to be exact, a freak in the eyes of others. Young Stella did not enter the society, but became the youngest university lecturer in history in a world-famous university and participated in some scientific research projects.

However, little Stella's social ability is almost zero, which greatly limits his teaching work. After only half a semester, the school clearly realized that little Stella could not become a university teacher. The school decided to let little Stella devote himself to experimental research, which is what he is good at.

A few years later, when World War II broke out, Stella, who was already an adult, was selected into a scientific research team to study the deadly chemical poison gas. In those days, he got the recognition he had been longing for.

Stella's enthusiasm for scientific research is more favored than the bottom line that other scientists have always adhered to. Stella became the leader of the scientific research team. Under his paranoid leadership, the team produced the notorious chemical gas bomb, which killed countless soldiers. Those sad soldiers who were not killed but were permanently disabled showed Stella's twisted and pitiless madness.

He committed countless crimes, but he was not aware of it.

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