"Er..." Ye Feng stared at the cracked and crumbling corridor wall and not only swallowed his saliva, "the owner of this big arm should be the" spirit "mentioned in the previous alarm. At least it can be determined that it is not a ghost..."

"..." looting and killing "didn't say anything. His fighting consciousness was shaking wildly, reminding him that things were bad!

"Shit!!! Run!!!"

When the owner of the big arm completely appeared in front of Ye Feng and "looting", Ye Feng screamed and turned around and ran away. Now he knew why people had to squeeze into the elevator. This monster was terrible!

In this spacious corridor, the corridor that can accommodate medium-sized buses is crowded full by this big monster called "zero". There is not much space left on the left and right sides. His huge head of nearly four meters makes him like a raging beast. The monster's body presents a morbid dark green, which makes people involuntarily associate with radiation, plague, death and disaster. There is only one big underpants cut from unknown material all over his body. The purple big underpants are of amazing quality and are stretched abnormally by the monster's muscles, but they still show amazing flexibility.

But Ye Feng knew that the monster was "he", not "it". It was a human sized head completely incompatible with the huge body. The face was actually Dr. Stella's thin face, but at this time, the contour was similar, but the dark green face was shocked and ugly. There was no sense in those round eyes, full of madness and hatred.

During the deadly rush, Ye Feng shouted to the "looting and killing" beside him: "I know why he called" zero ". This goods should be Dr. Stella himself! Shit! Playing so big!"

"I see..." looting and killing "thought a little, and felt that Ye Feng's analysis was very reasonable.

"What shall we do now?" Ye Feng asked "looting and killing" habitually.

"Run separately." "plunder and kill" after saying this, he directly started the chameleon armor, concealed his body shape and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing that "looting and killing" wants to sell himself, Ye Feng is angry and will curse the street, but the strange loud noise behind him makes Ye Feng quickly look back. When he cast his vision behind him, Ye Feng just saw the "killing" lifted by the "zero" single arm. At this time, the "killing" was inexplicably funny because the chameleon armor broke down when it was hit by "zero". The "killing" body appeared and disappeared at high frequency, looking like a partially damaged led billboard.

"Looting and killing" originally planned to run separately with Ye Feng. Under the cover of chameleon armor, he squeezed past "zero" and escaped from Shengtian. The abacus of "looting and killing" was jingling. Ye Feng was used as a bait to attract "zero" attention. He looked for a way out of the opposite discovery and flew away with the No. 115 virus he had got. As for the end of Ye Feng who was abandoned by him, the idea of "looting and killing" was that Ye Feng was an adult and he would take good care of himself.

But what makes "looting and killing" feel very embarrassed and depressed is that "zero" seems to have some investigative ability. When "looting and killing" carefully approached "zero" and was preparing to pass through the narrow gap between "zero" and the corridor wall, "looting and killing" suddenly noticed that "zero" lowered his head and leaked yellow teeth towards the position of "looting and killing", The corners of his mouth were covered with an evil smile.

After "looting and killing", he scolded secretly in his heart, and then he was carried up by "zero" in an upside down way.

Ye Feng noticed that "looting and killing" was caught by "zero". He slowed down with great interest, jogged and looked back to observe the situation. When he noticed that "zero" began to throw onions, he grabbed the two ankles of "looting and killing" and hit the ground one after another. Ye Feng simply stopped and enjoyed the scene tens of meters away.

"Red Queen," Ye Feng whispered, "take a picture of this scene for me and upload it to my social networking website. Remember, you must" kill. "

"Are you not afraid of his revenge?" the Red Queen controlled the useless "heavenly eye" floating around Ye Feng and recorded the scene of "zero" beating "looting and killing".

"Whether my ex husband can live today is a problem." Ye Feng's face is filled with a brilliant smile, "looting and killing", it's time! Let you always sell me! You have this day!

"By the way, the Red Queen, let Tianyan check whether there are other exits on this floor. The elevator I used before can't be expected. I have to run while the big monster's interest is in the tyrannical ex husband." Ye Feng didn't forget that running is the business at the same time.

"..." three seconds later, the voice of the Red Queen sounded again in the communicator, "there is only one channel to the surface on the T1 floor. Behind the bookshelf in an office, there is an elevator to the ground of Fuhu dam."

"Specific location," said Ye Feng, hiding in the room next to him. It happened to be a tea room. Listening to the screams of "looting and killing", Ye Feng frowned and looked at the escape route displayed on the screen. If he wanted to enter the direct elevator, he had to go back through the corridor guarded by "zero". According to the map, there was no other route except that Ye Feng had the ability to break the wall all the way and ignore the building like "zero"

"Damn..." Ye Feng fell into meditation and listened to the weaker and weaker resistance of "looting and killing" in the distance. Ye Feng knew that there was not much time left for him to think. When "looting and killing" was killed, "zero" would focus on Ye Feng. At that time, facing "zero" alone, the situation would be extremely dangerous.


Ye Feng thought about it and still had to save "looting and killing". At least the bottle of No. 115 virus on "looting and killing" was worth 20 million Asian dollars. Ye Feng must be responsible for his wallet.

"Hey, big guy!"

After a little preparation, Ye Feng jumped out of the tea room he was hiding, holding a tray with one large and one small cake blank coated with jam on both hands.

Ye Feng stuffed the small piece into his mouth and couldn't help sighing about the delicious cake. When he noticed that zero's attention was completely attracted by the cake in his hand, the big mouth was constantly flowing out of the saliva. Ye Feng raised the remaining huge cake blank and shouted to zero, "big guy, do you want to eat?"

"Eat... Eat!" as Ye Feng thought, Dr. Stella, who was transformed into a monster, still had some intelligence. "Zero" threw aside the ragged "looting and killing" he had played, and "zero", which had been bound by hunger for a long time, walked towards Ye Feng's position without thinking.

"Good, good, big guy, come to Dad..."

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