Seeing the distance between "zero" and himself getting closer and closer, ye Fengqiang restrained his impulse to run. He suddenly threw the cake blank in his hand into the air when "zero" had come to his eyes. "Zero" focused all his attention on the cake blank coated with jam and emitting tempting sweetness, and ignored the leaf maple drilled past him. After all, from the perspective of "zero", the toy thrown to him can be used as a sports tool after dinner. He is not in a hurry.

"Dead or not?" Dick ran to the "loot kill" and gently kicked the dying "loot kill".

"Take me out..." "looting and killing" said hard.

"You are almost half paralyzed. I put myself together to save you. I don't have such dedication." Ye Feng shook his head.

"Here you are..." looting "simply threw the No. 115 virus pinned to his waist to Ye Feng.

"I have a little hobby. I like collecting knives..." Ye Feng took the No. 115 virus and stood on the ground leisurely, without the slightest intention of helping "loot and kill".

"You!" "plunder" noticed that "zero" had finished the cake blank in his hand. This time, he began to come here contentedly, "here you are! Take me out of here!"

"Looting and killing" threw the 12 x-21 metal daggers collected all the way to Ye Feng, who was satisfied to put away the booty, and then directly pressed the detonator in his hand.


A huge flame broke out in the body of "zero", accompanied by a huge sound. In the dark corridor made of metal and cement, it began to collapse and smoke everywhere.

"Looting and killing" stared at the scene. Then he asked, "is there a bomb in the food?"

"Well," said Ye Feng, who was holding the "looting and killing" and nodded, "I actually have the idea of trying. After all, you can't play hand-to-hand with this monster. You can't fight it. Then you can only rely on IQ to win.

"Fortunately, Dr. Stella has been transformed into a monster with incomparable power but low intelligence. If" zero "has both Dr. Stella's excellent IQ and a monster like abnormal body, he is really difficult to deal with. Personally, I hate the enemy with thick blood, high defense and strong attack. If he has abnormal IQ, don't fight this battle."

"... do you know how to get out?" he noticed that Ye Feng would look at the screen on his arm from time to time and asked.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out safely. You pay me. I'll fulfill your long cherished wish and win-win." Ye Feng patted "looting and killing" on the shoulder.

"Hum." "plunder and kill" snorted coldly, and some lonely stopped talking.


"Soon," Ye Feng said to "loot and kill," turn left after the fork in front, and it's the office with the elevator. "

With the self-healing ability of "looting and killing" working, Ye Feng no longer needs Ye Feng's help to walk at this time. Although the speed still can't be improved, Ye Feng didn't urge "looting and killing" to go faster because there may be only "looting and killing" and himself in the T1 layer of Noda's underwater base.

"Brother ex husband," said Ye Feng leisurely, "fate has bound us two men with different personalities. You spared my life, I saved your life, I betrayed me, but I saved you regardless of past grievances -"

"Don't say yourself so noble," said the "looting and killing" stares at Ye Feng coldly. "If you can just walk away, you will never be kind enough to take me. And I have no doubt that in case of an accident, I will be directly abandoned by you as a bait."

"You're right," Ye Feng nodded. "Brother ex husband, you'd better pray that no unplanned things will happen before we leave the underwater base. Whether you die or I die is obvious."

"You'd better pray, too." the eyes of "looting and killing" twinkle with a threatening cold light, "don't let me receive the entrustment that the target is you."

"Put it down, you won't receive such a commission. My subconscious mind has been very good recently," replied Ye Feng.

"Ah?" "looting and killing" didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning.

"It's too troublesome to explain. You can ask Adeline. Don't worry, brother ex husband, I'm not you. I won't be jealous. I know that Adeline loves me now." Ye Feng said with affectation.

"Love is you? Hum..." looting and killing "stared at Ye Feng sarcastically," do you know Adeline's secret? "

"Secret? She's a housewife at home. What secret can she have? Except for your disgraceful predecessor." Ye Feng's words let the "looting and killing" release a fierce murderous spirit, but the "looting and killing" is also clear. In his current state, tearing his face with Ye Feng is tantamount to looking for death, and his eyes are just more gloomy.

"Is that what she told you? Idle Fu is at home?" "looting and killing" made Ye Feng a little uncomfortable. "Let her tell you something."

"Your way of speaking is very annoying, you know? Either don't say it or make it clear. Pretend to be a big tailed wolf and play tricks with me here. Believe it or not, I've you - is it an earthquake? Brother ex husband." Ye Feng suddenly felt that the ground in the corridor began to tremble slightly, and the degree of trembling was developing towards an increasingly fierce trend.

"..." "plunder and kill" didn't answer Ye Feng, but leaned on the ground and listened to the sound with his ears.

"Damn it!" Shasha suddenly stood up and ran to the front corner.

"Shit! You call me!" Ye Feng ran behind the "loot kill" without thinking. When he saw that the "loot kill" ran fast, Ye Feng found that the weakness before the "loot kill" was pretended!

"Do you want to take advantage of my unprepared, he meow to me!" Ye Feng was not only afraid.

"What if it is." "looting and killing" simply admitted.

"... you have seed!" Ye Feng held back for a long time and didn't know what to scold.

"Shit!" on the left wall of the corridor in front of Ye Feng, a behemoth suddenly rushed out. It was the "zero" that Ye Feng had previously shadowed. He just knocked open the wall and blocked between Ye Feng and "looting and killing", separating them. At this time, "zero" looked very miserable. His left hand had disappeared, and only the fracture at his wrist was constantly flowing with green blood. The belly of "zero" was blown open a big hole, and his intestines were stretched out from it, moving disgustingly like vicious snakes.

"Don't want to use your left hand to roll this goods in the future... Is this the Revenge of killing your wife?"

In Ye Feng's mind of downtime, there is only such an idea

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