"Er... Er..." "zero" trembled and stretched out his right hand. It seemed that he grabbed Ye Feng before death, but his action was abnormal, and "zero" could not roar at this time, leaving only a gasping for death.

"Want to take me to hell, big guy, don't dream, you -"

"Ye Feng! Damn it!" "looting and killing" suddenly realized that something was wrong. He quickly reminded Ye Feng, but he was still a step late.

Having fallen into a dying state of "zero", his trembling arm suddenly grabbed Ye Feng. The latter was caught by "zero" without warning. Then he grabbed Ye Feng's right hand, and Ye Feng's body made a terrible sound of "Ga Bang"! Ye Feng suddenly had an illusion that 206 bones in his body were crushed by "zero" at the same time. The pain sweeping into the brain nerve center made Ye Feng faint for a moment, and then immediately recovered his consciousness due to the stimulation of severe pain.

"Ah ah!!!!"

"Loot kill" raised his feet high and stepped on the x-21 metal dagger with the tip stabbed into the skull of "zero". With the roar of "loot kill" and the last roar before "zero" died, the huge monster finally released his tightly clenched palm, and his huge body fell on the concrete ground, stirring up a burst of flying dust.

"Are you dead?" "looting and killing" went to the side of Ye Feng, who was still tightly held in the palm of his hand by the body of "zero", stretched out his hand and dragged the fainting Ye Feng out of his huge palm. Looking at Ye Feng, who had become a blood gourd at this time, "looting and killing" had an impulse. He slowly pulled out the short blade inserted in his waist and extended it to Ye Feng's neck.

"Kill people?"

Ye Feng, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened and stared straight at extending the short blade to his "killing". The latter shrugged, regretfully inserted the short blade into his waist, and then turned it directly onto the body of "zero", which was not too buried. He began to pull out the x-21 metal dagger he had inserted into "zero".

Looking at the "looting and killing" busy on the "zero" body, Ye Feng turned his head to one side in disgust, then stood up and climbed up the "zero" body. It was not that Ye Feng wanted to do something to the "zero" body, but because the corridor was filled with the "zero" body, he had to climb up the body and walk to the office equipped with the escape elevator.

"Eh?! how could this happen..." Ye Feng suddenly uttered a surprised voice full of doubt and shock. "Looting and killing" looked up at Ye Feng and wondered what Ye Feng found.

"What?" "plunder" asked.

"Nothing... Nothing..." Ye Feng raised his head and walked forward slowly without looking back.


After looting found all the x-21 metal daggers in the capital, he went to the position where Ye Feng had just stopped. Where was the left shoulder of "zero". Looting found a digital symbol printed on the left shoulder of "zero". This digital symbol is very beautiful. Although the variation of "zero" body led to some deformation of the digital symbol, However, this extremely exquisite and exquisite style, "looting and killing" is the first time I met.


"Looting and killing" turned around and looked at Ye Feng who was slowly moving forward. He didn't know why Ye Feng had such a big reaction just now, but "looting and killing" could be sure that it was this digital symbol that suddenly changed Ye Feng's temperament and became introverted and silent


Taking the elevator directly to the ground and coming to the seemingly long lost sun, Ye Feng sincerely has the impulse to sing loudly. In the past few decades, Ye Feng has explored the edge of death several times, which makes him physically and mentally tired.

In particular, when he saw the digital symbol "zero" again, Dr. Stella himself, with the digital symbol "42" printed on his shoulder, Ye Feng couldn't help but subconsciously touch his own digital symbol, which had been hidden by Dick. His is "25". Although Ye Feng didn't know what the number meant, he was vaguely aware of it, Behind these digital symbols, there must be a huge secret that he can't even imagine.

"Hey," Ye Feng noticed that "looting and killing" was leaving him. "Don't you say goodbye? Ex husband."

"Never again." "plunder" left without looking back. Soon his figure disappeared in the deep forest around Fuhu dam and in the vision of Ye Feng.

"Never again? In fact, I'm looking forward to it."

Ye Feng took out a bottle of test tube containing 115 elements from his arms, and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly.

The bottle Ye Feng threw to "looting and killing" was another empty test tube of the same style found by Ye Feng in the laboratory where he found 115 good virus. The liquid in it was actually a bottle of soft drink Ye Feng found in the tea room. In the process of being chased by "zero", Ye Feng realized that "looting and killing" would take the opportunity to make trouble with himself and take back virus 115. Therefore, when hiding in a room, Ye Feng avoided the sight of "looting and killing", and poured the bottle of soft drink with similar color into the empty test tube to confuse "looting and killing".

Ye Feng doesn't know if this move can hide from "looting and killing", but from the current results, "looting and killing" doesn't know everything.

"The evacuated harrier plane arrived in 153 seconds. Congratulations, God of death, you completed the task." the voice of the Red Queen sounded in Ye Feng's ear, still sarcastic, but at this time, Ye Feng didn't feel disgusted in his ear.

"If the task is successful, you can go home and take a good bath. Well, it must be a bubble bath."

"You really haven't pursued." the Red Queen sneered.

"Maybe. Put me through to captain Shengli," said Ye Feng.

"......... Ye Feng, Congratulations, you have successfully saved the crisis facing mankind." Captain Shengli's tone showed an undisguised surprise. He still seemed to be incredible that Ye Feng had completed this task.

"Don't be polite. You know I'm a noble man with fame and wealth like dirt, a man divorced from low taste, a pure man -"

"What exactly do you want to express?" Captain Shengli couldn't help interrupting Ye Feng.

"When will my 80 million Asian dollars arrive?" Ye Feng asked calmly.

"80 million? Are you crazy? The shield bearer alliance only owes you 20 million -"

"80 million, Captain, you know my character. You played a lot of tricks on me during this mission, which really made me suffer a lot of unnecessary pain. 80 million, you'd better not let me repeat it for the third time." Ye Feng interrupted captain Shengli.

"... 80 million has been transferred to your account. If I find the fake virus 115 you gave me, you'll wait and see." Captain Shengli threatened Ye Feng and directly hung up the communication.

"This is life." looking at the 80 million Asian dollars in the account, Ye Feng looked at the Harrier fighter approaching quickly in the sky with satisfaction, "come back with a full load."

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