Just after returning to the new metropolis, Ye Feng received a bad news: Jane was seriously ill.

In fact, Jane has been feeling a little weak in recent months. She often can't keep up her strength. In recent weeks, she has suspended her night attack with Audrey and Chu Qian in the hope that her body can rest well.

But Jane finally fell ill. The day before Ye Feng returned to the new metropolis from Fuhu dam, Jane passed out in a coma without warning until Chu Qian, who returned from the trip, found Jane unconscious.

The doctors in the hospital were powerless. When the women were anxious and at a loss, Ye Feng came back.

After a brief understanding of the situation, Ye Feng picked up Jane on the bed without saying a word. In the eyes of Audrey and others, Ye Feng directly held Jane and left.

Ye Feng thought of dick for the first time. He immediately took Jane to the sparsely populated countryside, and then sent an emergency distress signal to Dick.

Dick didn't lose his chain this time. In Ye Feng's prayer, a light blue space-time appeared in the wilderness. Without saying a word, Ye Feng took Jane through the space-time and came to Dick's experimental building.


"Yo, brother Ye Feng!? when did you come?" milk bald walked all the way into Dick's laboratory with his hands on his back. He saw that Ye Feng, who was full of anxiety, was discussing something with Dick.

"Milk bald? Why are you here again? I want to lead soldiers out to war. I told you 800 times, no way!" Dick shouted angrily.

"Big dick, you really want to kill me. If you don't let me move, my arms and legs are going to rust." due to Dick's foot ban, milk bald has been farting recently.

"Get out of here -" Dick wanted to drive Nai bald out, but on second thought, the goods were a tank against high blood and thick attack. This time he could use it. Dick changed his expression and asked Nai bald seriously, "Maple boy needs help. Will you help?"

"Is it dangerous?" a pair of small bean eyes of milk bald burst out in an instant.

"Very dangerous," Dick nodded.

"No problem, count me!" Nai bald shouted excitedly, looking at Ye Feng one side stunned.

"Hey, since you want to help, I'd better obey your orders." to Nai bald's surprise, his request was not rejected by Dick this time. In fact, almost every time Nai bald wanted to do something, Dick didn't agree. After all, Nai bald's goods can really make trouble

Hey, hey... Silly hat, I sent it to the door... Dick smiled contemptuously in his heart.

"Milk bald wants to join, which can help you," Dick said to Ye Feng.

"Well, thanks, milk bald," said Ye Feng.

"Brother Ye Feng's business is my business." milk bald patted his strong pectoralis major, "can you call will?"

"Will, the tribe can't live without it, and it's not combat," Dick shook his head.

Ye Feng knows that this must be a dangerous journey, but it is his responsibility and obligation. He has no choice and doesn't want to have a choice.

"I'm sure to go! How long has it been, not to mention the appearance rate, and there are few lines..." Nai bald said firmly.

"Chivalrous, bald. OK, this operation will be you two -"

"Don't you go?" Ye Feng's heart suddenly sank. This bastard didn't go in person, which shows that it's not an ordinary danger!?

"This has nothing to do with me. I don't have a damn blood relationship with you. In fact, our relationship is not as close as you think. Don't lose your conscience, Ye Feng. You come to me to help you solve so many bad things. I'm doing my best to help out of my noble virtue. I'll be your leader in saving Jane this time Commander in chief, direct your actions in the rear! "

Dick put aside his relationship with Ye Feng and had a sense of "if you force me, I'll leave it alone".

"It's all right, brother Ye Feng. The big deal is death. What are you afraid of." milk bald always keeps its domineering spirit, which can be called domineering side leakage.

"- well, well, I see. Come down." just as Ye Feng and naibald were talking, Dick was communicating wirelessly with Kobi on the roof. The fairy beauty asked dick to turn the roof over and open it. She wanted to come in.

When Ye Feng came here holding Jane's body through time and space, Kou Bi received the signal that Ye Feng was nearby. She immediately drove the hell bat armor to fly towards the experimental building where Ye Feng was located.

"I'm going too." the full-color and black hell bat armor slowly landed in the laboratory from the patio.

"Alien elder sister, why are you here?" the milk bald sb asked cobby, but Dick slapped him directly.

"How can I talk to my eldest sister? Bastard!"

"Ah?" Nai bald covered his face and wanted to talk. But Dick raised his hand and stifled it back.

"Kou Bi, this operation must be unsafe. Don't get involved," Ye Feng said to Kou Bi.

"If you need help, I will stand idly by when I know? Just you and naibald. If I don't go, let me watch you die?" although it's very warm, Ye Feng is always a little moved when looking at hell bat clothes.

"What you said is reasonable. I don't worry about your safety. You can pay more attention to me. If the milk bald boy can't save it, don't save it and concentrate on protecting my safety -" before Ye Feng finished his words, he felt his arm pulled all of a sudden.

"Brother Ye Feng, how can you say this in front of my face? Alien elder sister --, er, elder sister, don't listen to brother Ye Feng's nonsense and cover me at the critical moment." milk bald has a simple and honest smile, but his ugly face with turned chin and small eyes really doesn't show any sprouting.

"I'll think about it," Corby said coolly.

When Kou Bi first came to the razor tribe, he was harassed by many orcs. In fact, it's normal. An alien suddenly appeared around you. You will also be curious. In the face of these curious orcs, Kobi's strong combat effectiveness left a deep impression on naibald. To some extent, except Dick, Kobi is the most frightening existence on the planet

"OK, now that it's decided, put this thing on your wrist." Dick threw three wrist like devices to Ye Feng, Coby and naibald. Although they didn't know what it was for, Ye Feng and others put everything on their wrists according to Dick's instructions.

"What is this?" Ye Feng took a step back subconsciously with a cautious look on his face.

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