Due to the shielding of a full set of armor, Kobi can't see her expression. However, as a strong woman whose adventure gene has long been integrated into her blood, Kobi's heart is more expectation, tension and excitement. It was milk bald. He was very curious and poked the device worn on his wrist. He felt very novel.

"Don't look like a recruit's egg just drilled out of the mushroom field. Be brave. After this device is activated, it can make a gas field around your whole body to ensure your oxygen demand when you move inside. However, you'd better pay attention that this thing has no defensive effect, so you should be careful when you move inside." Dick told Ye Feng about them.

"Inside? What inside?" milk bald actually didn't understand what he was going to do in the past. He was just idle and boring to join the fun.

"I don't have time to ask you Baogen. Hold your breath before it's over, or your lungs will be over." Dick pushed a device similar to a height measuring instrument in front of Ye Feng and others. Looking at the foot pad below and a spiral laser transmitter above, Ye Feng and others couldn't help swallowing.

"Let's go, everybody!" looking at Dick's smile, not to mention baldness, even Kobi, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, has a cold wind under his feet

"Hurry, stand up." Dick commanded the crowd and asked Ye Feng to stand on the instrument he pushed.

"Milk bald, don't worry, I'll you go over there.", "stay away from me.", "Coby, that bastard milk bald pushed me." "Er, brother Ye Feng, why are you lying with your eyes open...", "shut up, I warn you, don't push me on Coby again, ah! Don't hit your face!"

After the three of Ye Feng crowded together and stood on the platform at the bottom of the instrument together, Dick directly pulled the control lever, and a pink laser shot out of the instrument screw head on Ye Feng's head and his face on the three people. In the screams of milk bald and Ye Feng, the magical combination of one person, one Orc and one spirit was instantly reduced to a degree that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

Dick bent down and took out a small red jar from the instrument platform. As the old man walked, he pressed the jar into a syringe he had escaped from his arms and went to Jane, who was groaning faintly in pain on the hospital bed. Dick was ready to give Jane a needle in the position of her liver.

"Big dick? Big Ye Feng, where are they?"

Dick's keegu housekeeper, shilek, suddenly opened the door of the laboratory and came in (shilek is one of the few creatures that can directly enter the experimental building and walk around the laboratory, which even naibald and will can't do...). Dick, who was looking for the injection position, was surprised by shilake's sudden visit. His hand trembled, "Pooh", and the syringe in his hand was stuck on Jane's chest and skewed

"Uh... Busy," Dick said to shilake, scratching his head with his other hand.

The needle pierced Jane's body. Ye Feng, Kou Bi and Nai bald fell directly into a space full of dark red tissue along the pink liquid. They were reduced to a very small shape by Dick and injected into Jane's body!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah -"

Milk bald and Ye Feng held together and shouted. Human and orcs closed their eyes and screamed recklessly.

After landing, Kou Bi stood up and gave Ye Feng a kick. She pointed to Ye Feng with her hand. The latter immediately closed his mouth, came up to the still screaming milk bald body and gave milk bald a big mouth.

With Kobi's effective measures, Ye Feng and naibald finally calmed down.

"Maple boy? Can you hear me? Go north." Dick's voice came from the device on Ye Feng's wrist.

"Dick, where am I?" Ye Feng stood up and asked.

"According to the location of my injection, you should be south of the entrance," Dick said.

"What entrance?"

"Breast. Welcome to the body world." Dick said to Ye Feng in an artificial tone, which did not reduce the fear in Ye Feng and naibald.

"Oh, my God, this is incredible." milk bald looked at the dark red meat walls around.

The three men team walked in the direction Dick said for a while. The various tissues and organs passed by all the way opened Ye Feng's eyes. The ORC was stunned. In the blood vessels, the river is formed by the bright red blood. Looking at the platelets of different sizes flowing in the blood River, they are chatting with the waves one by one. Not to mention the baldness of milk, even Kou Bi feels a little confused.

"Brother Ye Feng, what are those things?" Nai bald pointed to the direction behind him and loudly reminded Ye Feng and Kou Bi that something seemed to happen in the rear.

When Ye Feng looked back, he just saw more than a dozen black spheres emitting metallic luster, stirring up two thin leg like structures, which seemed to be chasing two fast-moving spherical creatures, black and white, running in front of them.

These main bodies are creatures with round spherical structure. Although there are great differences in shape and color, the structures similar to limbs extending from the body are all slender strips out of proportion to the body, with organs similar to hands and feet, which generally look cute.

"Maple boy, Coby, bald lad, do you see the device on your wrist? There is a red button to aim the device at those black balls. Yes, aim at them. These dark things are the nano robots in Jane's body. They are the culprits that make Jane's body worse. According to my inspection, these nano robots seem to be programmed No, putting my modified upgrade program into their bodies can make them back to normal. "Dick's voice came.

"How do you do everything you say?" Ye Feng shouted anxiously.

"It's very simple. As I said just now, shoot them. The code I programmed will enter the processor in your body through the laser beam emitted by the device on your wrist. Hurry up. This upgrade program has the function of automatic replication and propagation. According to the total number of nano robots in Jane's body, you need to shoot about 100 groups of nano robots you encounter , we can almost complete the program upgrade iteration of the nano robot in Jane's body, "Dick said lightly.

"Brother Ye Feng, there's no time for ink, shoot them?" Nai bald shouted at the nano machines that were close at hand.

"Shit, I don't understand, forget it, dry!!!" Ye Feng roared and pointed the device on his wrist at the black nano robot people, sending out a dazzling laser.

"Hey! Have a taste of my milk bald!" milk bald is like a runaway wild dog, which can be regarded as spreading his joy.

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