More than a dozen nano robots have never seen the existence of Ye Feng at all. When they stay, Ye Feng, Kou Bi and naibald directly kill the four sides, and more than a dozen beams of light are emitted. All nano robots are shot, paralyzed in situ and no longer move.

As for the black and white things pursued by more than a dozen nano robots in the upgrade system, Ye Feng, who is the enemy of the enemy, didn't attack them rashly. After reaching out to shoot off the action that naitu wanted to shoot, Ye Feng went to the two round rolling people sitting panting on the ground and said tentatively, "are you two?"

"Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm a nano robot? My name is Natalie Portman, and people familiar with me call me Nabo." the black round roll choked angrily.

"Ah? Are you kidding? You really call this. I'll go... Er, I want to know why you are pursued -" Ye Feng was chased by the name of Lei.

"Are you three the products of cancer cell mutation? Why do you look so strange?" the white circle looked at Ye Feng with smart eyes. "By the way, I am the prince of the white cell Kingdom, the white prince."

"White blood cells?" Ye Feng asked.

"It seems that we were saved by idiots." Nabo sighed, as if he couldn't let go of his being saved by Ye Feng?

"It would be nice if I hadn't been killed. Please allow me to apologize to you for my friend's rudeness." the white Prince bowed gracefully to Ye Feng and others.

"Er... You're Napo, you're the white prince. How did you get together?"

Ye Fengmeng forced to look at the two circles in front of him. He didn't know that the world in his body was so colorful!? Although Ye Feng knows that the human body is composed of many independent life bodies, he did not expect that the white blood cells in the body should be so humanized.

"Before the nano essence brainwashed the nano robot, our white blood cell Kingdom and the nano corps have always maintained a good strategic partnership." the white Prince is also looking at Ye Feng curiously. In the human world, Ye Feng is also the first time he has met this kind of life.

"Nano essence? What do you mean?" at this time, Ye Feng had 10000 questions in his mind, and he was ready to ask them one by one.

"Nabo, you have the most say in this regard. Please explain it to our life-saving benefactor." the white Prince poked Nabo, the nano robot standing beside him with a cold face. Although the latter showed some reluctance, he still spoke.

"No nano robot can explain how nano essence originated. It seems that there are bugs in the program of a nano robot, which has evolved into today's form.

"As long as the nano robot is eroded by the program of nano essence, it will be transformed into a mob that destroys all the other residents in the human world. Our nano robot was originally fighting to protect the world, but the emergence of nano essence amused and destroyed all this. Our nano robot people are no longer guardians, but outright terminators."

Napo seemed unwilling to mention this topic, and his mood was even lower.

"Well... A simple understanding is that people don't work hard on nano machines, but start to destroy them. Is that what you mean?" Ye Feng concluded.

"Well, you can understand that," Napo nodded slightly.

"Nabo is one of the few nano robots that are not affected by nano essence, so it joined the camp of our white cell Empire to fight against the uncontrolled nano machines. In a previous encounter, Nabo and I managed to escape under the siege of our soldiers at the cost of their lives, but the pursuers soon caught up with us. Without your help Napo and I will be honored to help you. Please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to you again. "The white Prince bowed deeply again.

"It's nothing to do. We're here to solve the nano robot riot." Ye Feng said to the white prince. He saw that the white prince was good in all aspects, but he was too polite. It's really a little tired.

"Thank you." Napo glanced aside and whispered to Ye Feng.

At this time, the dozens of nanorobots that went down began to turn on one after another. Napo and white Prince immediately looked at these nanorobots. Ye Feng was also a little nervous. He didn't know whether what Dick just said was reliable or not.

In short, after the restart, the dozen nano robots did not attack Ye Feng. They began to repair the damaged area in the blood vessel. After completing the repair, some nano robots made a call with nanowaves standing silent and left directly along the blood vessel.

"Haha, by the way, otherwise you would join our team. We are not familiar with our life. It is difficult to find a suitable number of small nano robots. Our goals are the same and we can help each other. How about?" Ye Feng suggested to Prince Bai and Napo.

"Well, Nabo, what do you think?" just witnessed the pursuit of their own nano machine, people returned to normal, and the white Prince turned excitedly to ask Nabo's opinion.

"Well... I think so."

"I think it's OK. It's settled. Welcome, Nabo, white prince. Let's formally introduce myself. My name is Ye Feng. The fairy beauty standing next to me is Kobi. You can also call her eldest sister. This big man with sparse hair is called naibald. His name is very vivid." Ye Feng talked to white Prince and Nabo himself.

"Hello." the white Prince shook hands warmly one by one. Nanorobot Napo just nodded slightly, showing a very cool performance.

"Come on, let's act quickly." Ye Feng was not dazzled by the beautiful scenery in front of him. Their original intention was to save Jane, not to visit.

"Maple boy, your social skills are not bad. In just a few minutes, the team members have expanded?" Dick's voice sounded in Ye Feng's ears.

"By the way, Dick, I need your help." Ye Feng suddenly remembered a special skill of naibald.


"We need walking tools. If we walk on two legs, I doubt Jane can hold on until we find 100 groups of nano robots," Ye Feng said.

"The forces of nano essence are scattered in all parts of the body world. The gathering point closer to our location should be in the liver, where we can go." the white Prince suggested to Ye Feng and others.

"OK, just go there. Dick, milk bald can become a sports car. You need your voice command." Ye Feng said aloud.

"That's it? It's a small matter." Dick agreed happily, "9527, change!"

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