"It's really exciting to take risks with you..." the white prince, who hasn't had a chance to be photographed for a long time, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with lingering fear. When it fought with nano robots controlled by nano essence in the past, it didn't have a thrilling few hours.

"Hum." Napo snorted coolly, still maintaining his cold personality.

"I'm sorry to involve you. But thanks to your help, we couldn't update enough nano robots in such a short time." Ye Feng sincerely thanked white Prince and Napo.

"Nothing. It's our long cherished wish to restore peace to the world where we live. Talk, Nabo." the white Prince poked Nabo next to him.

"Hum." Napo's answer was still brief.

"How can I get out now?" Nai bald said aloud.

Although they escaped from the sphincter, they didn't end up dead by the fart sea. However, without the equipment and instruments placed in the emergency point in the sphincter, how to separate them from Jane's body has become a thorny problem.

After Ye Feng's friendly separation from the white Prince and Napo, Ye Feng took the time to ask Dick why he didn't help save them from Jane's body. Anyway, a sufficient number of nano robots have been updated along the way, and it's time to evacuate successfully.

But Dick's answer made Ye Feng give up the proposal of directly asking dick to shrink himself first and then use the conveyor gun to open a conveyor door in Jane's body. The reason is very simple. After doing so, it is likely to lead to devastating consequences for Jane.

"The space-time gate opened by using the transmission gun will leave a specific residual magnetic field at the transmission site. Anyway, I'm looking for traces like this to hunt dick in other parallel worlds. If you want to leave a signal in Jane's body that can be tracked by Dick in other parallel worlds, you're free, I don't care." Dick said carelessly.

Make complaints about other world's own? What's wrong with you? "Dick listened to his explanation.

"I'd love to. You mind me?"

"The purpose of finding Dr. Blu is to send us out safely and pollution-free from Jane's body?" Ye Feng finally understood why Dick had to cheat Dr. Blu with the restriction of "tease than Xia".

"You have a little brain," Dick said noncommittally.

"Yes, I don't want to die in someone else's body, relative -" milk bald muttered.

"Relative? Relative size? Shilek! Shilek!" after hearing naibald's complaint, Dick suddenly made an excited voice. Ye Feng thought he had come up with a good idea and quickly asked in the communication channel, "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"I'm going to have mixed vegetables for dinner, another glass of iced beer and a plate of laver rice. That's all. Go and prepare," Dick told keegu housekeeper shilake excitedly.

"......." Ye Feng scolded angrily, "we're not as important as your dinner!"

"Don't worry, I've come up with an idea, but it takes some time to prepare. I have to eat enough to work." Dick's mind suddenly came up with an idea, a plan that can separate everyone!

Dick got up excitedly and walked a few steps to the hospital bed where Jane was lying in a coma. Just entering the laboratory, shilake, who was preparing lunch for Dick, turned and went out. Although the latter was a little confused, he was still turning around to prepare the food ordered by Dick.

"Maple boy, can you find your left nostril?"

"Are you kidding? I'm only interested in Kobi's left nostril --", "pa Ji", Kobi showed Ye Feng the palm technique of falling from the sky - bus palm, and the Fan Ye Feng turned in a circle.

"No, maple boy, I mean Jane's left nostril." with Dick's voice, Ye Feng and others felt the violent shaking around and didn't know what happened.

"What's the matter, Dick? You've done a good job?" Ye Feng was shaking violently, looking for all kinds of opportunities to gather on Kubi.

"Calm down, I'm directing the robot I just transformed from a trash can to carry Jane into my car. Jane has to go into space in order to save you." Dick's voice sounded in the communicator in everyone's ears.

"Space?" milk bald asked in confusion.

"Anyway, you run to Jane's left nostril. When I'm ready, we'll contact. That's it." after that, Dick stopped talking.

"This good bastard... Well, let's start now. Goal: left nostril!" Ye Feng said loudly to the people.

"We can try walking on the skeletal system," Dr. Blu suggested.

"OK, just as Dr. blue said. There's no time for ink. Let's go!"

Ye Feng and others believe in the judgment of jelly people. After all, compared with Ye Feng and others, Dr. Blu's family is professional.

"Well, it seems you're busy. Dick, I'll put dinner on the table and you'll be free to eat later."

In Dick's lab, looking at Dick about to fly a patched aircraft from the open ceiling to the sky, shilake said in a daze.

"I'll be back in a minute. If one piece of laver rice is missing, I'll be angry."

"I know..." shilake looked at Dick helplessly.

Ignoring the shit Lake who slowly withdrew from the laboratory step by step, Dick started the broken aircraft expressionless. Jane's face in the co pilot's seat has eased a lot. Looking at the current situation, she can soon wake up from her coma.

"Now there are maple boys left."


"... OK, the installation is complete."

A group of people came to the bone system. During this period, milk bald transformed into a car one after another, and their body potential was completely overdrawn. In short, it is impossible for a group of people to drive quickly by turning milk bald into a car.

Fortunately, after all, it's an old acquaintance with dick for a long time. Dr. blue still has a lot of stock here, such as the school bus stored in a miniature capsule. Dr. Blu took out the orange minibus for emergency rescue as a necessary equipment for people to drive from the bone system.

In the cursing voice of Nai bald, the people began to board Dr. Blu's campus bus. Ye Feng suddenly felt a sound coming from the direction behind them. He turned around and saw that there were more than 100 tooth and claw waving pathogens emerging from a distance. Ye Feng shouted, "what the hell is that?"

"E. coli outbreak! Get in the car!"

Looking at the influx of E. coli, Dr. Blu shouted to Ye Feng and others, and then ran to the cockpit of the bus to start the bus.

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