In fact, without Dr. Blu's warning, when Ye Feng and others noticed that the monster troops were attacking them, everyone moved very quickly and got into the car compartment. Facing the tide of E. coli, even the fearless Kobi sits quietly in the train carriage. There are too many enemies that she can't cope with alone. Since the jelly man is ready to drive, let's quietly and respectfully watch Dr. Blu start driving.

On the surface of the high-speed train, there are more than a dozen E. coli rushing ahead and climbing up. This monster, which is about the same size as Ye Feng and others, has a spider like lower body, and the upper body is an upright pink crystal. Among them, it is the DNA structure of these E. coli. These monsters look very personal.

"They come in through the window!!!" Dr. blue has been screaming, screaming and screaming all the way

"Do you need to make such a fuss? The army of this thing has been left behind. There are only a dozen E. coli on this car. I'm afraid of farting..."

Ye Feng looked at Dr. Blu speechlessly. As long as there was danger along the way, he would dutifully act as Dr. Blu, a pig teammate. Ye Feng couldn't help thinking silently in his heart: you said you looked like a piece of pork jelly, so you were stunned to be a pig teammate all the way. I'm afraid it's not appropriate

"According to the movies and TV dramas I've seen from Dick infinite TV program in the past, people like Dr. blue usually die before the last minute, right, brother Ye Feng?"

When baldness and E. coli fought hand to hand, I didn't forget to take the opportunity to disgust Dr. bloom. In the eyes of naibald, compared with Nabo and the white prince who have parted ways, he doesn't look at Dr. Blu who can only scream. It's not that both of them are born without a few hairs on their heads, but compared with their comrades in arms who have been fighting side by side, naibald still thinks that Dr. Blu is a little too counselled. This character is difficult to be appreciated by iron blooded orcs like naibald.

"Isn't it --" Ye Feng took milk bald's words.

"Bullshit! If it hadn't been for me, you would have been chewed up by various pathogens. Do you have a conscience? I was talking and laughing in the face of the nuclear bomb explosion -" in the face of the milk bald run, Dr. Blu, who was holding the bus steering wheel, immediately turned his face. How can it endure being run by orcs in the universe known as "brain melon seeds lack a string"? Dr. Blu will defend his dignity to the death!

"Don't talk nonsense. You blew up a miniature nuclear bomb I developed. They may not know what's going on. I know the whole story. Don't blow it. I'll be ashamed of you." Dick, who was haunted, suddenly made a noise and interrupted Dr. Blue's plan to "remember the great years of the past" (just like a river flowing eastward) ......

"Er... Dick, you must remember to give me the" teaser "you promised me."

Dr. Blu honestly shut his mouth and began to concentrate on driving the high-speed bus. From time to time, he took a sharp turn to get rid of the pathogens hanging on the bus and shared the pressure for Ye Feng and others to a great extent.

In fact, what Dr. Blu said about the nuclear bomb explosion happened not long after he had just known Dick. At that time, milk bald had not grown out of the mushroom field, so he didn't know, but Dick had controlled the planet full of orcs at that time, but at that time, all orcs were under the unified management of a tribe by Dick.

The whole story was very simple. At that time, an orc boy who was an armory keeper was very different. His idea was very unique. He even thought of making a delay trigger device for micro nuclear bombs when the upper orcs came to inspect the powder magazine. This bastard is going to make a powder magazine explosion and kill all his bosses at one stroke.

Although the killing effect of assassination and sneak attack on the promotion of ORC strength is not as obvious as that of regular single combat and battlefield promotion, you can't stand many people and high quality! (ORCs can improve their strength by fighting and killing, which is why orcs are so crazy about war.)

The orc boy used a hand-made model picked up from Dick's garbage and Dr. Blu, who was helping on the orc planet at that time, in exchange for the delay trigger device of the miniature nuclear bomb made by Dr. blu.

Everything is ready. The orc boy really did it.

One minute before the implementation of the plan, the orc boy found an excuse and hid far away. After the nuclear explosion destroyed the powder magazine and more than a dozen high-level orcs in it, the orc boy who mispredicted the scope of the nuclear explosion was affected by the explosion and seriously injured.

But the hospital bed has not been lying in vain in recent months. With the fact that the orc boy is the only survivor of the nuclear explosion, the orc boy has forcibly shaped himself into a hero who sacrifices himself to save others and ignores danger with his three inch tongue. According to what the orc boy handed down at that time said in an interview: "in the face of nuclear explosion, I rushed into the explosion range angrily just to save the lives of my brothers. But I hate ah, but as an orc boy, I didn't save my brothers! I'm ashamed of my organizational training, ah!"

This established a reputation for the orc boy. More realistically, it was promoted from the orc boy to a high-level Orc in one fell swoop. The span was beyond the imagination of all orcs, including the orc boy himself. With this nuclear explosion, the orc boy squeezed into the young leadership of the orc tribe, and then achieved a high position step by step with its "efforts".

In fact, it is precisely because the orc boy is promoted too fast and too fierce, so its strength is almost equal to No. This goods is also a master who cherishes his life. He doesn't make do with any danger. He is playing the tricks of secretly Yin people. want

Dick didn't doubt the wechat nuclear bomb explosion. After a thorough investigation of the whole incident, the orc boy really stepped on the bodies of those high-level orcs and reached the peak it longed for.

Because he was involved in this matter, Dr. blue had to be often called by Dick. He knew that in the explosion of the miniature nuclear bomb, some rare things Dick hid in the Arsenal were destroyed together. Dr. blue had burned incense before Dick frustrated him.

This is his nature. In this operation, the nature of Dr. Blu's pig teammates was vividly demonstrated.

As for how Dick found out about it, the reason is also very simple, but during that period, the orc boy talked about the nuclear explosion hero all day, which made Dick who was already in doubt impatient. He simply used his own black technology gadget to check the truth of the matter, and sure enough, The nuclear explosion was not what the orc boy said.

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