Now that the truth has been found out, the fate of the orc boy can be imagined. It is finally used as a fertilizer to nourish the mushroom field of the new arms plantation. But Dick, who was not ready to kill Dr. bro, just took a chance to beat Dr. bro afterwards. After getting Dr. bro's frightened horse, it was simply over.

"Dick, it's coming to his nostrils soon. The situation is still under control, but who knows what will happen later!?" Dr. Blu is at the end of his rope. At present, the only one who can save Ye Feng and others is Dick. Ye Feng sincerely begged Dick not to fall off the chain at this time.

"Right away, maple boy!"

At this time, Dick, who was driving a broken aircraft, had reached the universe. Dick, wearing a breathing helmet, opened the co pilot's door, hugged Jane's body and went into space.

Because the nano robots in Jane's body have basically returned to normal, Jane can be in space without wearing any spacesuits, which provides a timely basis for Dick's plan.

After that, Dick kicked Jane into the vacuum of the universe. Anyway, Jane was still in a coma, and Dick was not afraid of being retaliated.

Dick closed the co pilot's door, opened it for a short distance, and aimed the front of the broken aircraft at Jane's body floating in the universe. As Dick operated the junk aircraft, he was in the front of the car. The magnifying ray gun was ejected. "Zhizhi", the amplified ray emitted by the device accurately hit Jane's body. In just a few seconds, a giant almost the size of the whole planet floated in the universe!

The orcs on the whole planet were shocked by this magical scene and watched the aliens appear in the sky. After all, this huge alien, from the perspective of ORC aesthetics, is a strange look that can't be accepted at all. It's disgusting like that dick big guy. The alien's chin is a pointed chin, not the turned chin respected by orcs. It looks very disgusting

In particular, the white skin of the alien giant is unbearable for the whole body of brown and yellow beasts. Many orcs are disgusted to vomit. For the orc race, white means illness, death and aging of the body. How disgusting it is, how disgusting it is

"Ah, I'll go!!! There's a runny nose ahead!!!"

Ye Feng flew out an E. coli trying to enter the carriage from the window with one punch. Turning around, Ye Feng saw a huge dark green substance blocking the passage on the road in front of the bus, which was obviously a huge snot with strange luster, especially the viscous pus flowing on it, Ye Feng's original idea that she had no nose shit about beauty was a different idea, which disappeared in an instant.

"I'll go!!!!!"

Milk bald hurried forward to help Dr. blue. The big beast Ren tried his best to hold the emergency brake lever of the bus. The speeding bus wheels made a harsh friction sound with the ground.

Under the full pull of naibald, Dr. Blu stepped on the brake pads and almost scrapped them. Finally, the bus slowed down to an acceptable level. The whole bus maintained a relatively vulgar speed, barely controlled the direction of the front of the bus, and suddenly crashed into the huge runny nose in the way. Countless disgusting tissues ran through the way and drilled out from the other side of the runny nose, He glided hard on the ground for a distance, and then he stopped slowly.

Fortunately, Ye Feng and other villains closed all the windows of the bus before the bus rushed into the runny nose, which avoided the tragic end of being submerged by the big runny nose

"Oh, my God, brother Ye Feng, are you all right?" naibald jumped out of the bus carriage that had completely become scrap iron. He shook his head and asked Ye Feng.

"I'm fine. I'm covered with cobby."

When she saw that the situation was bad before, Kou Bi ran directly to Ye Feng and protected Ye Feng with her bat cloak. Therefore, Ye Feng was not hurt. She was dizzy and shook her head too much.

"Dr. Blu, are you okay? Are you dead? Dr. Blu, you'd better clean up and die, you --" naibald muttered something to himself, looking very piously forward to what it expected, but the ruthless facts broke naibald's fantasy.

"I won't die if you die! Don't worry. When you die, I'll spill it on your tombstone." Dr. blue patted the stain on his body and said expressionless to the milk bald face.

"How did they take over the beam?" Ye Feng looked curiously at naibald and Dr. blu.

"It seems that the contemptuous attitude of the opponents of baldness annoyed Dr. blue. You may not have noticed that they have been noisy all the way and are very difficult to deal with." Kou Bi, who has been hanging in mid air and watching the situation coldly, explained to Ye Feng in a low voice,

"I really didn't notice. Maybe I was fighting with nano robots at that time." Ye Feng nodded after listening to Kubi's explanation.

"Hey, you guys, it's nostrils." Kubi, who was already flying in the air, was checking the surrounding environment. She turned and said to Ye Feng and others behind her.

"How beautiful..." Ye Feng looked at the scene outside his nostrils - the planet where he had been trapped recently. This is to appreciate the whole picture of the planet from the perspective of outer space. It's magnificent, strange and simple. It's a mess of beauty.

"My mushroom... Where are we now?"

Milk bald grew up and couldn't believe what he saw. Dr. Blu is not so surprised. Dr. Blu, who often travels in the universe, has seen the grandeur of the universe many times. On the other hand, he is not interested in everything except doing it.

Although naibald saw what the universe looked like in "Dick infinite TV program", this is the first time he has seen the universe with his own eyes. Although after the initial shock, naibald tried to put on a look of "that's what it was" in order to make himself not so surprised.

While Ye Feng and others were still feeling the magnificence of the universe, Dick flew in his broken aircraft from his nostrils and stopped in front of Ye Feng and others. Dick pushed the co pilot's door open, and a lot of wine bottles fell on the ground. The old guy really didn't drink less all the way

"Blue, are you not dead?"

Dick asked aloud when Ye Feng sat in the co pilot.

"Hum! What are you going to do?" Dr. blue angrily put his hand in front of Dick.

"Here! Go home and lick it. Don't make a fool of yourself here." Dick said to Dr. blue in disgust. Dick never looked down on his old man.

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