Avril is a top player.

This is Cao Yan's first thought after witnessing Avril's performance in the teaching level.

She is simply too strong. Although the game has strengthened elements, she doesn't think that this little girl must be very good in real life. Even in terms of body control, body coordination and flexibility, in Cao Yan's eyes, she completely exceeds the level of world-class Aerobics athletes.

In the "gods" game, which takes "reality" as the biggest selling point, Avril is like a duck to water. With 90% authenticity, Avril can avoid the male lions and rhinoceros attacking her by making some incredible and difficult actions. She hardly uses other weapons and uses the "Longinus gun" called by Linda Wang throughout the whole process It is a silver long gun with extremely luxurious decoration.

"Today is my lucky day, dear Avril is a super girl!"

Somehow, Cao Yan noticed a chill on Linda Wang's bright smiling face. He immediately shook his head, focused on Avril, who had reached the teaching level, and focused all his attention on the game screen on the big screen.

"Chilly? What can you find with your poor observation?" said Ye Feng disdainfully.

"Brother Feng, it's true. Well, maybe I didn't notice anything at that time, but according to my reasoning, after looking back on the things I experienced, these points that originally made me suspicious can be explained at once." Cao Yan seriously said to Ye Feng.

"Before Xu wenweak provides me with useful clues, I'll bear with you for a while. Remember, use concise words to describe what happened yesterday. Don't say too much nonsense." Ye Feng said to Cao Yan.

"I, I know..." Cao Yan drank water, moistened his throat and continued to look back

When the environment changed from the prairie to the room, the man said a few short words to the protagonist who passed the test, which probably meant "you have the strength to complete the test". The protagonist controlled by Avril directly entered a small landing boat. After a rapid fall, she directly came to the magical planet.

The audience followed Avril's perspective and climbed out of the landing ship. In the dark night sky, a plush and smelly creature with a cow head was standing not far from the protagonist, quietly watching the outsiders falling from the sky. Cao Yan can clearly see the Tauren's huge eyes shining like stars from the screen, and his body skin is full of divine luster.

"Death is coming," said the Tauren with his lips still. "Life or death depends on one thought."

"I'm here to complete my adult ceremony." the protagonist's voice doesn't carry a trace of emotion.

"In this forgotten place." the buffalo man's wise eyes deeply attracted Cao Yan. "If you want to survive, you must be in awe."

"What do you fear?" asked the protagonist.

"Everything," said the Tauren.

In response to the buffalo man, Avril controlled the hero's laser.

In the initial stage of the battle, the boss's few attack modes were cracked one by one by Avril, either by excellent response or by strong fighting consciousness. In short, in the first stage of the boss, you move, I retreat, you are hard and straight, and the combat methods I output are repeated again and again.

Just when the audience's interest began to weaken, the second stage of the buffalo man appeared. The buffalo man, who was only about three meters tall, suddenly turned into a moving hill in a flash of lightning and thunder. The nerves of the audience were tense again. The towering monster on the screen looked so magnificent and terrible from the first person perspective, Especially in the image rendering with 90% authenticity, Cao Yan and all the audience couldn't help trembling, and an extremely small sense of frustration shrouded in the venue.

When humans face huge creatures, that innate fear envelops the audience.

Linda Wang seemed very satisfied with the reaction of the audience. When she noticed that the people dressed by reporters were recording their feelings on their mobile phones, the corners of Linda Wang's mouth rose slightly. She had just been worried that Avril's playing too well would greatly reduce the first impression of the "gods" in the hearts of the audience. Now it seems that, This powerful mysterious little girl has not caused much damage.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the buffalo man's body was expanding rapidly, and his eyes began to burst into flames. Under the gaze of Avril and all the audience, the huge Tauren in the mountains opened his mouth, and a huge fireball merged in his mouth. His body, the land under his feet and the air around him were burning with flames!

The picture on the screen began to vibrate violently, as if the ground began to tilt and rotate. With Avril's operation, the audience finally began to immerse themselves in the magnificent destruction of the world. All the audience were worried about the protagonist manipulated by the little girl and how she should deal with this divine beast.

Avril handed over a calm answer.

Without any influence, she ran to the huge Tauren and skillfully avoided the Tauren's palm or trampled huge foot through running and somersault. Avril controlled the protagonist of the game, jumped up from the Tauren's calf and climbed all the way. Like a flexible ape, she jumped onto the Tauren's back several times and pulled the mane on the Tauren's neck tightly.

"It's so easy for you to finish..."

Cao Yan dared to swear with his own life. From his position, Linda Wang attached to the ear of Avril and said such a sentence, word for word.

In fact, it was at this moment that Cao Yan suddenly realized what he had been feeling against, Linda Wang.

"Can you still talk?" Ye Feng sat on Cao Yan's bed and chewed an apple he "borrowed" from the next ward. "Don't lie."

"Brother Feng, I'm retarded in your eyes, aren't I?" Cao Yansheng asked lovelessly.

"Well, it's not much different." Ye Feng nodded seriously.

"..." Cao Yanqiang resisted the urge to put the half eaten apple into Ye Feng's throat and choke him directly. He said to Huang Liang, "brother Liang, you know I can speak lips. You testify for me."

"Does he really know how to talk?" Ye Feng looked at Huang Liang.

"Well, as far as I know, he will." Huang Liang nodded.

"Well, you go on. You have at least proved that you are a little better than weak intelligence." Ye Feng shrugged indifferently.

"..." Cao Yan suddenly wanted to put on a quilt and sleep directly

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