"Brother Feng, have you been taking care of the little girl named Avril?"

Cao Yan looked at Ye Feng curiously and wanted to know about the poor little girl he saved once and was kidnapped in the end.

"It's always me and Huang Liang who have paid for her life." Ye Feng nodded, "but Huang Liang is not good at dealing with women or children, so it's normal for little Avril not to like Huang Liang."

"Hum." Huang Liang relied on the light yellow wall in the ward. Ye Feng bet that it was a white wall more than ten years ago.

"Therefore, I will visit little Avril from time to time. She is a different little girl. She has been very sensible since childhood. After so many failures, fortunately, she did not go astray. Instead, she developed morally, intellectually, physically and in an all-round way. In fact, I didn't do much. Although I really care about her, she has grown up to this day thanks to her own credit. She is a good child Son, I haven't been worried, "said Ye Feng with emotion.

"So anyone who wants to hurt her will regret coming to this world," Ye Feng added coldly.

"Er... Ok..." Cao Yan took a sip of water. "Her skill is very good. Did you teach her?"

"Skill? No, I've always been committed to keeping her away from dangerous things," Ye Feng said with a frown. "Maybe she learned it herself. I really don't know this. I only know that she's always skipping grades. She's a rare mathematical genius in the world."

"Oh... That's right..." Cao Yan whispered thoughtfully, "her skill is great. At least she is better than me in controlling her body."

"Really..." Ye Feng also wondered about little Avril's extraordinary skill.

"Where did I just say?" Cao Yan inquired, "Oh, yes, it's a Tauren..."

Without any tips or other help, Avril, who first came into contact with the "gods", found a way to hit the giant buffalo man without a teacher.

When all the people in the venue stared at the picture shaking up and down in the big screen, a small window appeared in the upper right corner of the big screen, showing the third person perspective of the game character controlled by Avril. Through this picture, the audience could understand the difficulty of Avril manipulating the character controlled by her, Dizzy aerial acrobatics.

Avril cut the boss's joint. First, she cut off the left arm of the giant buffalo man through the Longinus gun in her hand, followed by the other arm. When the boss who was cut off his two arms issued a sad roar, Avril saw the right time, jumped safely from the boss who had fallen into a violent state, and cut off the two ankles of the giant buffalo man in succession within the next two minutes.

Cao Yan dared to swear that during this period, he saw Linda Wang's white hands clenched with his own eyes.

With the characters whose limbs were controlled by Avril abandoned, the giant buffalo people finally fell heavily on the ground and stirred up the dust all over the sky after making a deafening roar.

The game character controlled by Avril didn't make the dying boss struggle any more. With the audience through the first perspective of the game character, the Longinus gun was deeply inserted into the head of the buffalo man retracted to the normal size.

The first boss battle ended in a very short time. The audience did not even see the attack moves of the giant buffalo man. Many conversations triggered by the boss were not demonstrated, and everything just came to an abrupt end.

"This is only the first level," Linda Wang's face was a little white. "It will be more and more difficult later."

She should be the first boss who did not expect the "gods" to be defeated so easily. Cao Yan's shock was the same as Linda Wang. He also didn't expect that someone could do such amazing actions in the game with 90% authenticity. In particular, he was a teenage girl. He looked weak and pitiful on the outside.

However, Avril's performance has just begun.

She finished the second level more easily. Even though the rainforest was full of undetected traps, Avril's controlled role was not hurt by any poisonous arrow or animal trap. She quickly passed through the scene. Before the audience had time to react, she had jumped over a dead water with white smoke and came to the second boss battle.

When two giant brothers with exactly the same hair color appear on the big screen, Cao Yan can tell where the prototypes of the two giant bosses come from from the giant hammer in their hands and their black and golden hair color. Sure enough, when the two bosses introduced themselves to the role controlled by Avril, zenober and gebelberg, the two loud names representing the God of light and the God of darkness in Slavic mythology, became the boss in front of Avril.

"Two are always more difficult to deal with than one," Linda Wang's tone seemed to comfort herself. "I am pessimistic about the outcome of this battle."

The pessimistic result expected by Linda Wang did not appear.

The battle with the two gods of zenberg and belleberg was even easier than the battle between Avril and the buffalo.

In the face of the two giants holding the sledgehammer, Avril skillfully flows like a trickle, silently between the two grumpy and bloodthirsty giants, so that their divine power can only pour on the innocent land. Even zenberg and belleberg. The two huge gods brandished a huge hammer enough to smash the top of the mountain, but they couldn't do the slightest damage to Avril's controlled character.

In the extreme anger, zenberg and belleberg directly entered the second stage. Their bodies became more huge, and their power when waving the giant hammer was more terrible. Their attack triggered the earth shaking like the end of the world, but they were just blindly venting their divine power and trying to smash the tiny creature around them, But this did not happen.

Finally, when zenberg and belleberg waved the giant hammer in their hands crazily, they broke each other's brains, just because Avril guided them into madness in the battle, and finally closed their rational eyes.

"This is also a way of customs clearance..." Linda Wang stared at Avril, who was a few steps away in front of her, and looked at Avril, who was running fast on the suspension machine, with an iron blue face.

Even in the game test, Avril has never done this way to kill the boss. There is no doubt that while opening her eyes, Linda Wang was more angry

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