When Huang Liang noticed the slight snoring, he didn't wake up Ye Feng. Instead, he lowered the temperature of the car air conditioner by one degree to make Ye Feng more comfortable. Huang Liang knew that although Ye Feng was still so dissolute and unruly on the surface, he was the one who blamed himself most for Ivy's affairs, He had a panoramic view since he didn't sleep at two o'clock yesterday morning.

If ye Feng can have a good sleep and keep the carriage quiet, why not?


"Hmm? Have you been there?" he felt someone pulling his arm. Ye Feng opened his eyes hazily and saw that Huang Liang had opened the co pilot's door and was unfastening Ye Feng's seat belt.

"Not yet, but we'll walk the rest of the way," Huang Liang said.

"How long have I slept?" when he got out of the car, Ye Feng stretched himself. His body was still a little tired, but it was much better than before.

"Half an hour. Let's go. The factory is two kilometers away." Huang Liang walked ahead. Ye Feng wrapped his coat tightly and followed Huang Liang.

Linda Wang's software development park, which covers a large area, is located near the highway. The transportation is very convenient and the location is not very remote. Huangliang and Ye Feng walked for more than ten minutes and saw the huge factory buildings from a distance.

After walking near the park, Ye Feng and Huang Liang were opposite the entrance of the park, across a road. They climbed on the cold ground and began to observe the situation of the opposite park with their binoculars.

Although the distance between the two sides is more than 100 meters, through the high-power micro single barrel telescope in their hands, Ye Feng and Huang Liang can clearly observe everything on the road, from super standard weapons on guards to cheap sunglasses on car drivers' faces.

After more than an hour's observation, leaf maple and sorghum have been lined up behind a row of bare trees on the roadside, hiding their body shape with shrubs without branches and leaves. After an hour of close contact with mother earth, Ye Feng thanked Huangliang from his heart for buying him this thick coat. Although the color and style are not up to the trend, it is really warm on his body, which is particularly important at this time.

"For a software R & D company, are the transport vehicles coming one after another too often?" Ye Feng looked through the telescope and watched another car being inspected by the guards at the entrance of the gate. He asked Huang Liang in some confusion.

"It's hard to say, but it's really too frequent..." Huang Liang said faintly.

"Damn it, if you can give me a cup of hot coffee, I'm willing to offer 10000 yuan." Ye Feng complained. As his whole body touched the cold ground, Ye Feng felt that his body was stiff and didn't listen to his orders.

"Ten thousand dollars." Huang Liang took out a coffee pot from nowhere, especially the coffee pot was still steaming.

"I'm kidding..." Ye Feng stared at Huang Liang silently. The latter took out a coffee cup and was pouring coffee into the cup. "You've really prepared enough..."

"Be prepared." Huang Liang drank half a cup of steaming hot coffee under the envy, jealousy and hatred of Ye Feng.

The park opposite Ye Feng and Huangliang is out of tune with the surrounding scenery. Most of these buildings are only three stories high, separated by an open distance, cold, scientific and accurate. This is the intuitive impression of the park to Ye Feng.

The whole park is surrounded by a double-layer wall. The top of the outer wall is covered with barbed wire, creaking in the quiet air. Almost every 50 meters, there will be a watchtower, on which armed guards are standing on patrol.

There are more than a dozen buildings in the wall, some of which are in regular geometric shape, while others are completely incomprehensible to the designer's intention. "Hey, Huang Liang, look, it's a piece of shit.", "shut up.", Huang Liang actually holds the same idea as Ye Feng about one of the dark yellow and strange buildings. Some people can be seen walking back and forth in a transparent building.

It can be seen that these more than a dozen buildings include office area, residential area and leisure area, with all kinds of supporting facilities, which is a small closed world. Among them, the glass fiber reinforced plastic frame building with a very modern sense has attracted the attention of Ye Feng and Huang Liang. This building is the most prominent in the park. Obviously, if Linda Wang is now in this park, nine times out of ten, she is in this building full of artistic sense.

Even without looking, Ye Feng bet that there must be a patrol team in the park, searching every corner of the park again and again, looking at the guns in the hands of these guards, Ye Feng once again felt heartfelt regret that neon country is a place where guns can be legally held.

"Why can't we, but they can take guns?" Ye Feng complained again.

"You are a foreigner, they are locals." Huang Liang grabbed Ye Feng's shoulder and motioned him not to talk nonsense.

"How can we get in? The inspection is more strict than the prison." Ye Feng frowned and said to Huang Liang. During the observation for more than an hour, Ye Feng and Huang Liang have been thinking about solutions.

Through this one hour observation, Ye Feng and Huang Liang had an intuitive understanding of the cumbersome procedures of entering the park. When a car wants to enter the park, it must first stop on the road and wait at the corner. When the signal light instructs it to come forward for inspection, the driver can drive the car away from the road and park the car in front of the gate of the park.

Two guards will come out of the guard room to carefully check the driver's certificate and compare it with the data in the database. Only drivers who pass the inspection can drive into the park, but before that, two guards will check the vehicle to ensure that there are no other people on the vehicle.

This is only a manual inspection. The high-definition camera at the entrance of the park, which can cover an all-round perspective, will thoroughly inspect the car up and down to prevent all possible situations from mixing into the park.

In short, without a pass, it will be extremely difficult to enter Linda Wang's Park.

"Man, have you come up with a good idea? Five hundred yuan, can you give me a cup of coffee?" Ye Feng's lips were purple with cold and his whole body was shaking.

"Cash." Huang Liang stretched out his hand.

"..." after handing over 500 yuan, Ye Feng drank the coffee that had actually cooled down. His psychological bitterness was better than that in his mouth.

Has this always been the case? Ye Feng is going to call Cao Yan sometime to ask this question,

"Let's go." Huang Liang stood up and bent down to walk.

"Where to?" Ye Feng hurriedly stood up, holding half a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Go to have lunch and we'll take formal action in the afternoon." Huang Liang said faintly.

"Do you have a plan?"


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