Truck driver is a romantic career, at least tosano thinks so in his heart.

The man of nearly 40 years old loves his career from his heart. Driving a heavy truck on the beautiful highway every day can give him enough time to think and free himself from trivial and ordinary life.

Although it is unfair to his wife and children, he does like to be alone. When he sits alone in the cockpit of the truck, he will be more relaxed and comfortable. He likes this kind of person, a car, a road and an end. It is simple, relaxed and comfortable, so that he can really feel it, As a middle-aged man, he still has his own personal space. In this, during this period of time, he can really be himself. He is a child, he is a tramp and doesn't need any disguise.

But this joy of freedom has recently disappeared, at least.

Since working for the talk show queen, his journey has become boring. Every delivery has to go through layers of procedures. Hiroji Dongye doesn't know what he delivers every day, but according to his life experience, goods that need such strict precautions are usually not good things.

He doesn't know what the luck is. In fact, he doesn't care at all. From the first day of working for this software development company, he was acutely aware of a principle to protect himself and keep this highly paid job: don't ask questions.

Today is the third time to transport goods. He especially hates this short distance work. His favorite is long-distance transportation. He can drive his own car through a city with beautiful scenery, instead of looking at the same boring scene outside the window every day, which makes him tired of his daily work, but he has nothing to do, He was reluctant to part with the generous reward.

"Damn it!" thinking, hiroji Dongye slammed on the brake. Because the two trucks he drove didn't have much load, he reluctantly parked the front in front of the man blocking the middle of the road, which didn't lead to an accident.

"You want to die -" hiroji Toyono lowered the window and was about to yell.

"Help my brother, help him!"

Otano stuck his head out of the cockpit. Before he could finish the curse words, he noticed that the man who was almost hit by him was holding another man with his eyes closed in his arms and was walking towards otano. The man's face is full of anxiety and helplessness. He is on the verge of collapse and seems to cry at any time.

"Damn it, what's the matter with him?"

Dongye Haoer didn't think much. He opened the door of the truck cockpit and jumped out of the front of the truck. As an enthusiastic truck driver, when he meets people in need of help on the road, he won't sit idly by.

"Nothing. I'm just sorry for you. You're a good man. I hope you won't get hurt too much."

The man directly threw his brother in his arms to Dongye Haoer. Under the helpless gaze of Dongye Haoer, the sick man with closed eyes suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Dongye Haoer, saying a series of inexplicable words in the air.

Tokano subconsciously opened his arms to catch the man, but under his shocked gaze, the man in the air turned a somersault directly and landed steadily in front of tokano. Then he saw the man's arm flash in front of him. He lost consciousness and passed out in a coma.

"Have you had enough?" Huang Liang walked behind Ye Feng and asked coldly. He was squatting on the ground to check Ye Feng, the unconscious truck driver.

"He's fine. He can sleep for more than ten hours at most." Ye Feng lifted the truck driver's body and walked towards the SUV he and Huangliang drove. "It's fun. I knew that the trick of" brother saving brother "would never be out of date."

"It's not necessary at all." Huang Liang climbed into the truck and pushed the vehicle to the side of the road.

"Of course it's necessary. Put it on quickly." when Huang Liang walked back to the SUV, Ye Feng had stripped off the clothes of the unconscious truck driver. Huang Liang took the clothes and changed them directly.

"HMM... perfect." Ye Feng looked at Huang Liang's dress at this time. He wore a plaid shirt, sleeveless down jacket, jeans, big leather boots, a certain baseball cap on his head, big sunglasses on his face, and a standard dress of a middle-aged truck driver, "perfectly integrated into the role of truck driver."

"Damn it, I regret this plan..."

Huang Liang's face was gloomy and looked at Ye Feng in a black tight suit. At the thought of what happened in a while, Huang Liang felt a headache.

"Man, I haven't complained yet. What do you have to say?" Ye Feng walked towards the truck in high spirits. Huang Liang sighed and had to follow quickly.


It's just after 4:00 p.m., but the sky is gloomy. The night seems to have completely defeated the day and is dragging the latter down the sky to let the darkness cover this gloomy earth.

The searchlights around the park have been lit, shining brightly on the factory park located in a remote place.

Gates, walls and guards with guns can be clearly seen from a distance. Light brings both artificial light and dark shadow with light. The two kinds of light and darkness that accompany each other but oppose each other are intertwined in the factory, which not only brings warmth and peace to people, but also provides shelter for outsiders.

A late truck is approaching the entrance of the park. The driver is a strong man wearing sunglasses. He exudes a chill, which makes it difficult to get close. When the indicator light at the door turned red, the driver stopped and waited to be checked.

Due to his late arrival, the guard who came out for inspection had some words. He had been complaining that the driver should not make such a mistake. According to the timetable, he should deliver the goods 20 minutes ago. The driver didn't explain anything. He silently handed over his certificate. It was a plastic card with his personal information and a photo on it.

When the guard compared the information on the plastic card with the data stored on the terminal in his hand, another guard was checking the situation in the car. Compared with the guard who checked the vehicle, the guard who checked the truck driver was not so conscientious. He simply looked at whether the data were compared, He returned the certificate to the driver with most of his face in the shadow, and even didn't let the latter take off his sunglasses.

In the eyes of the foreign guard, the drivers hired locally from "liangnai county" all have the same faces. In fact, it is difficult for him to distinguish the differences in the faces of these people.

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