Just when the truck driver and the guard were speechless, two guards were checking the truck body. One of them was lying on the ground to see if there were any abnormalities on the truck site. The other man was trying to stand on tiptoe and carefully check whether there were people other than the driver in the cockpit with the light of his flashlight, but he didn't find anything.


After the inspection, several guards released the truck.

The driver drove into the factory slowly, as if he was observing something. After a short search, the truck finally found an unloading area not far away. The driver immediately turned around and drove towards the dim factory building. There are more than a dozen vehicles parked there.

The driver turned off the engine and walked out of the door awkwardly. After carefully jumping out of the cabin, he lingered for a while before locking the door. Then, without saying a word, the driver handed the car key to the man like the manager who came to collect the key, and got an A4 paper similar to a receipt, which recorded his workload and specific time node today.

The driver left, but he didn't go in the direction of the drivers' dormitory, but silently moved in the opposite direction until he quickly walked into the shadow and disappeared. No one noticed the driver. Similarly, no one noticed a dark figure all over the body, which disappeared in the shadow at the same fast pace


"But I'm frozen to death..." Ye Feng, who was wearing a thin black tights, was shivering all over by the cold wind in the evening. "Huang Liang, you have the most in mind. Is that why you let me dress like this and pretend to be the seat under your ass?"

"Hum." the Huangliang beside Ye Feng didn't speak, and gave a cold hum.

Separated from the unloading area, Ye Feng and Huang Liang meet in the shadow of a building corner. Huang Liang dressed as a truck driver is very warm, but Ye Feng, who is extremely thin, shivers in the cold wind.

Ye Feng obeyed Huang Liang's plan and stuffed himself into the wide seat at the truck driving position, so he couldn't wear too thick to avoid being seen. Therefore, Ye Feng had to endure not only the pain of being pressed by Huang Liang in the carriage (although Huang Liang was also very painful in this process), but also the cold night wind outside.

"But your plan is quite successful, man. You really have a lot of fancy intestines in your stomach." Ye Feng patted Huang Liang on the shoulder, grabbed Huang Liang's sleeveless down vest and wanted to win it.

"Separate action." Huang Liang flicked Ye Feng's hand and said coldly.

"How can we get in touch? By cell phone? Is that too high-profile?" Ye Feng asked, staring longingly at the down vest on Huang Liang.

"I can find you." Huang Liang turned and walked out of the shadow.

"But I can't find you! Damn it, this bastard." watching Huang Liang's figure go farther and farther, Ye Feng whispered a curse.

Because Huangliang has a complete camouflage, he can swagger under the lights of the park. As long as he doesn't make obvious moves, Huangliang is almost no danger. But Ye Feng is different. He is dressed in black tights. Anyone who notices him will immediately regard him as a dangerous intruder. Ye Feng can only carefully avoid the sight of others and avoid exposing himself to the searchlight.

Ye Feng looked around. He can sneak into the factory silently, but he doubts that his bad luck will not allow him to spend such a long distance safely. There is no doubt that the park is full of patrol guards and monitoring probes everywhere.

Ye Feng doesn't know whether Avril is really here. He only knows that the damned woman Linda Wang is in a building in this area. But her intuition told her that there must be something that Linda Wang attaches great importance to here. After all, this woman spent so much money to build such a huge software development park in the remote towns of neon country. If she burned her hands just because of too much money, Ye Feng would never accept such a reason. More importantly, she has invested so much in the implementation of a security system with an excessively high level of security. There must be something hidden.

This shady thing is undoubtedly of great value, at least for Linda Wang himself. It can become a chip for Ye Feng to exchange Linda Wang for the kidnapped little Avril, so Ye Feng decided to take risks and make trouble in this dangerous park.

Ye Feng groped through the factory and walked to the FRP frame building at the core. Whenever he heard any small sound, Ye Feng would immediately step down, hide in the shadow and hold his breath. Only when the surrounding environment is absolutely safe will he move on. It's good for him to be cautious. After all, all Ye Feng's talent points are death

Ye Feng noticed the sound from the loudspeakers around him. He hid in the corner. When the broadcast finished in neon language, he continued to walk quietly towards the glass building with great visual impact.

Ye Feng walked close to the side of the building next to him. Fortunately, the roads he walked were hidden in the huge shadow of the building, and no one had noticed his existence. At the end of the corridor, there is a fire ladder. The metal staircase spirals up. Ye Feng is just ready to observe the surrounding situation from a high altitude. When he climbs the fire ladder, he can clearly see the surrounding situation.

In front of the glass building not far away, Linda Wang was coming out of an extended limousine. Ye Feng suddenly understood the content of the broadcast just now. There is no doubt that it is explaining the arrival of Linda Wang, the owner of the "isolated island".

Ye Feng also saw another acquaintance, the winter soldier, damn Norman Lincoln. The latter is standing next to Linda Wang. While his employer is talking to his men, he is looking at the surrounding environment coldly. Ye Feng found that the winter soldier's eyes suddenly strafed over. He quickly lowered his head and jumped down from the fire ladder. In order to avoid being found, Ye Feng quickly left the area. With his keen intuition for the winter soldiers, Ye Feng was also a little timid while swearing in a low voice.

The last time I fought with the winter soldiers, I was with Huang Liang. They almost died together, and then they managed to defeat the winter soldiers. This time there was no sorghum beside him, and he was unarmed and unprepared. Ye Feng couldn't mention the idea of fighting with the winter soldiers. He didn't want to fall into the hands of the winter soldiers before saving little Avril.

"Dry..." Ye Feng muttered in a low voice while running, "it's really uncomfortable for TM to play at someone's home..."

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