"Do you want a face?" Huang Liang flicked Ye Feng's hand on his shoulder in disgust.

"This boy is easy to be shy. Forget it, ignore him," Ye Feng turned to the red devil and said, "Hey, Lucifer, have you been in Kyoto for some days?"

"Well, two or three months." Lucifer nodded.

"You know where the girl is - shit!" Ye Feng scolded angrily and looked up at the direction of Huangliang. The latter held a metal square thin box in his hand, which hit Ye Feng's skull hard.

"Why did you hit me? What is this?" Ye Feng opened the thing in Huang Liang's hand and put a flash memory in it.

"Are you still free to find a girl? Take this. I don't know what it is, but from the security forces, it should be something secretly developed by Linda Wang, maybe --" Huang Liang said.

"Eden plan!" Ye Feng suddenly remembered the action code he heard from Linda Wang's conversation. "This thing should be related to Eden plan."

"Maybe. Anyway, in that park, the security force around this thing is the tightest, so I managed to take it out." Lu said flatly.

"By the way, how did you find me?" Ye Feng suddenly remembered this question.

"Huang Liang told me. He put a locator on you. Don't you know?" Lucifer pointed to Huang Liang, "I wanted to take you to a safe place. I didn't know you had been exposed until I saw you almost drowned by red wine. Fortunately, Huangliang has been transferred safely. Otherwise, I can't take you two to blink at one breath."

"You can only take one person at a time?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Well, if you are a particularly strong man, you can only cut it in two and transport half at a time." Lucifer said half jokingly and half seriously.

"... all right."

There was nothing to say all the way. Huang Liang drove the car, left Ye Feng in the boarding Hotel, and went out with the red devil again. Ye Feng could not lift any strength because he was almost drowned by red wine. When he returned to the room alone, almost as soon as he stuck to the bed sheet, Ye Feng fainted, and fell asleep at noon the next day.

Ye Feng, who woke up at about 12 noon, simply washed and changed into civilian clothes, and walked out of the room. First, he knocked on the Huangliang room and found that there was no one in the room. Ye Feng simply walked alone to the restaurant in the hotel and had a delicious meal.

After eating dessert, Ye Feng, who was bored, suddenly received a phone call from Huang Liang and asked him to hurry back to his room to pack up and set off for home immediately.

Ye Feng hurried back to his room and found that Huang Liang had packed his bags. He stood at the door of the room and stared at him. Ye Feng packed his bags in a few minutes and returned his room card with Huang Liang. After walking out of the hotel, Ye Feng got on Huang Liang's SUV, which took a breath and asked Huang Liang, "what's the matter? What happened?"

"Linda Wang's people have found Jingdu. Before their people infiltrate the airport, we have to leave neon country." Huang Liang starts the car and drives towards the airport.

"I haven't said goodbye to the red devil yet." Ye Feng said regretfully.

"It doesn't matter. Did you see the assassin alliance forum today?" Huang Liang suddenly asked.

"No. I'll go up and have a look." Ye Feng immediately took out his mobile phone and boarded the website of the assassin alliance forum. A top post attracted Ye Feng's attention. The reason is very simple. This is a letter to Ye Feng himself.

Dear Mr. death, how do you do

If you want that young girl to come back to you intact, please give me back what you stole from me. Although I don't know how you stole it from me, it's chilling that you gave me such a good return after I entertained you with so many precious wines. I know you have the ability to contact me within three days If you can't get what belongs to me, get ready for the funeral.


I'm not a patient person, so you'd better not let me wait too long.

Mysterious lady who loves you

"Damn..." Ye Feng murmured, "Linda Wang is really willing to spend money to put a post on the forum of Assassin alliance, at least tens of millions..."

"This thing is very important to him," Huang Liang glanced at the silver flash memory held by Ye Feng. "She has fallen into madness."

"Although this can be a bargaining chip for little Avril," Ye Feng said coldly, "I think in the end, it will only be us."

"..." Huang Liang didn't speak.

"Little Avril is too important to me. The winter soldier knows this. He will force me to give up resistance by hurting little Avril without hesitation, MD, this beast..." Ye Feng tightly clenched the silver flash memory in his hand.

“Extreme ways are back again**Extreme places I didn't know**I broke everything new again**Everything that I'd owned”

"Hello?" Ye Feng answered the phone and asked in a bad tone, "who?"

"It's me, maple, gentle and weak." Xu wenweak's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Fat man? What's the matter?" Ye Feng tried to cheer up.

"Did you read the post on the forum?" Xu wenweak asked carefully.

"Well, just finished reading it," said Ye Feng coldly.

"Well, what are your plans?" Xu wenweak then asked.

"I don't know yet. I'm a little confused now." Ye Feng told the truth.

"Actually, I have a plan here. To be exact, I didn't think of it -"

"Plan, the plan to rescue Avril?" Ye Feng immediately came to the spirit.

"Well, it can wipe out Linda Wang and her forces in one fell swoop," Xu wenweak said to Ye Feng.

"True or false?" Ye Feng asked excitedly.

"Listen to me carefully..."

In the next five minutes, Ye Feng's mood rose all the way from the bottom of the valley and regained his confidence. If the plan can be implemented smoothly, Ye Feng knows that he can not only save Avril, but also send Linda Wang to hell!

"Yes, who came up with this plan? It won't be you. You're not so creative." Ye Feng asked Xu wenweak curiously.

"Who else can it be? Ye Feng, think about it. Except -"

"Is it her?!" Ye Feng thought for a moment and suddenly exclaimed.

"Well, it's her. Maple, we're all old."

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