After flying back to Atlanta from neon country, Ye Feng made contact with Linda Wang while preparing the plan.

Finding Linda Wang's contact information is very simple. Ye Feng just sent her a private letter on the online Linda Wang's social platform. The latter directly asked him to bring things to Los Angeles to find her. Linda Wang said in her private letter that she would wait for Ye Feng in Los Angeles villa.

Linda Wang ignored Ye Feng's question about Avril. While Ye Feng was helpless, she immediately called others and rushed to Luo Shengdu.

After all, he has lived in luoshengdu for some years, which is also the home of Ye Feng, but Ye Feng really didn't care where Linda Wang's big villa is. There is no doubt that it must be in the rich area, but where it is in the rich area, Ye Feng is really at a loss.

However, when Ye Feng got into a taxi and said he was going to Linda Wang's villa, the taxi driver immediately started the accelerator and drove with Ye Feng and Huang Liang towards Linda Wang's villa.

"She's really famous..." sitting in the back seat of the car, Ye Feng once again lamented Linda Wang's strong popularity as a world star.

"The contemporary saint, the taxi driver of quanluo Shengdu, all know the location of her big villa. Many people come here inexplicably to go outside the beautiful house. What's the name of that word? By the way, pilgrimage." the taxi driver can talk very well. He is almost talking with Ye Feng all the way.

"Contemporary saint?" Ye Feng smiled a few times. "As far as I know, there is no old demon woman left. She has his winter baby with her."

"Winter baby?" the taxi driver asked suspiciously. From the rearview mirror, he noticed for the first time that the passenger, who had not spoken since he got on the bus, had changed his expression for the first time. He seemed to be smiling.


"I'll go..." Ye Feng was shocked by the beautiful and luxurious house in front of him. "Damn money... How much does it cost to decorate like this?"

"500 million Asian dollars," Huang Liang said coldly.

"Ah? How do you know?" Ye Feng looked at the sorghum beside him suspiciously.

"I checked it online. Three years ago, Linda Wang bought this house for 500 million Asian dollars." Huang Liang said coldly.

"OK..." Ye Feng once again found that Huang Liang was particularly keen on numbers, especially those related to money.

This is a very luxurious big house. It is said that Linda Wang fell in love with it at the first sight. This building is indeed extraordinary. It occupies a large area of land. A milky white brick wall blocks most of people's sight. There are two huge wooden doors on the wall. Various patterns are carved on the wooden doors. Ye Feng glances at it and sees the patterns of angels and holy light.

"She really treats herself as a saint." Ye Feng said contemptuously.

Looking beyond Gao Qiang, Ye Feng could vaguely see a sloping house roof, behind which was an exquisite high-rise building covered with all kinds of green plants, which seemed to be vines such as Parthenocissus. Most of the flowers and plants in the flower bed can't be named, which makes them more precious. Ye Feng has no doubt that the value of these flowers and plants can be equal to the income from his three entrustments, which must be the kind of expensive reward given to him by the shield holder alliance.

"I'm death. Open the door." Ye Feng rang the doorbell and said to the phone.

Although it looks like birds are singing and flowers are fragrant here, I don't know if it's a psychological effect. When Ye Feng looked at it, these buildings seemed so evil. After all, there lived an old witch here.

The gate opened automatically. Ye Feng and Huang Liang looked at each other and went in. Walking along the path paved with pebbles, Ye Feng and Huang Liang, led by two maidens and a butler, passed through a fountain. In the fountain was a statue of the virgin, and passed a porch. Then Ye Feng and Huang Liang were led into a white villa.

The scenery along the way is very gentle and soft. The faint fragrance of soil in the air makes Ye Feng feel lazy, but this sleepy feeling is broken by the music from a house. Ye Feng knows that this saliva song is Linda Wang's song, and she is playing her own record.

The front door of the villa opened. Entering the grand luxury hall, Ye Feng didn't see Linda Wang or the winter soldier, so Ye Feng and Huang Liang stood in place, waiting for the owner to appear.

"Hey, we meet again. Who is this handsome guy? Your friend? Death." Linda Wang's figure appeared from the second floor. She wore a Tennis uniform today, which completely highlighted her protruding figure. When he saw the Yellow sorghum beside Ye Feng, Ye Feng clearly saw the light in Linda Wang's eyes. There is no doubt that the Yellow sorghum suits Linda Wang's taste very much.

"She has a crush on you." Ye Feng whispered to Huang Liang beside her.

"Hum." Huang Liang snorted coldly.

"Cough, why isn't winter baby here?" Ye Feng looked around and didn't find the figure of the winter soldier.

"He'll be there soon." Linda Wang gracefully came down from the second floor. Ye Feng and Huang Liang stared at Linda Wang who was walking down the stairs leisurely. At this time, there was no bodyguard around her. This was the best time to start.

But just because none of the bodyguards saw it, Ye Feng and Huang Liang did not act rashly.

"Hey, don't stand, come and sit down." Linda Wang binruo walked to a richly carved wooden chair and sat down gracefully. She picked up a puppet cat sleeping in one seat, leisurely waved to Ye Feng and Huang Liang and asked them to come and sit down.

"..." Ye Feng and Huang Liang looked at each other and read their thoughts in each other's eyes: don't act rashly and proceed as planned.

The silent tacit understanding made Ye Feng and Huang Liang walk towards Linda Wang.

"Where is she now?" Ye Feng didn't sit down. He stood in front of Linda Wang and asked coldly.

"This is my home," Linda Wang's face darkened. "Only I can ask questions. Do you understand?"

"OK, madam." if the students who are criticized by the head teacher for not doing their homework, Ye Feng subconsciously replied.

"You see, if you calm down, we can still communicate." Linda Wang stood up and carefully put the sleeping cat in her arms back on the seat cushion. She said to the wrist like device, "Norman, bring her in."

Less than half a minute later, the winter soldier came in, and little Avril was with him.

When little Avril saw Ye Feng's figure, she was moved to tears, but because of the seal on her mouth, she couldn't speak. She just kept staring at Ye Feng with tearful eyes, which was heartbreaking.

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