"There's nothing to talk about, between us." after drinking a few mouthfuls of milk tea, Ye Feng put down the porcelain cup in his hand.

Has the final say, "Linda allow all doubt."

The five of them sat on the lawn. As soon as the tape on Avril's mouth was taken off, she said to Ye Feng, "I'm really sorry. I won't go to the first game alone in the future."

"You should at least ask me to go with you, dear," said Ye Feng to little Avril. Although the little girl has no blood relationship with him, and although Ye Feng sees her only a few times a year, after all, Avril grew up watching Ye Feng. In Ye Feng's heart, the little girl occupies his softest area.

After a few words with Ye Feng, Avril sat quietly in the chair and didn't say anything. Ye Feng knew this was Avril's fear.

"Well, we finally got together and became a happy family. I always wanted to have a family, but --" Linda Wang kept talking.

"Your winter baby is infertile?" Ye Feng said.

"Norman, little thumb," Linda Wang said coldly.

"Hey!" Ye Feng softened, "I apologize. I shouldn't talk nonsense."

"Hum." Linda Wang glanced at Ye Feng and continued, "You should all know my past. My parents are very rich, super rich, and perhaps one of the richest people in the world. My father is a businessman, so he is also a very boring person. Similarly, my mother lives a leisurely life of dignity every day. No matter me, she is not interested in me. To tell the truth, I don't like her.

"As their only child, I enjoyed their love. I had everything I wanted when I was very young. The money in my storage tank may not be earned by most people in the world for a lifetime." Linda Wang's tone was very flat.

"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt you," Ye Feng stared at Linda Wang coldly. "What are you doing?"

"Tell me about my past."

"I don't want to hear it, Huang Liang. Do you want to hear it?" Ye Feng looked at Huang Liang who was almost asleep beside him.


"What about you, Avril?" Ye Feng turned to look at Avril.

"Not at all."

"Winter baby?"

"I don't -- what are you calling me?" the winter soldier, who was surprised to feel that he had slipped his tongue, shouted at Ye Feng angrily, looking like he was going to eat Ye Feng alive.

"... if you interrupt me, I'll let Norman use his dagger," Linda Wang continued with a cold face, "When I was 15 years old, my parents and I had a serious disagreement for the first time. They wanted to send me to the best financial college in the world so that I could learn all the skills of running a family business. I was really a talented businessman, but my favorite was the talk show. I wanted to stand on the stage and accept everyone's applause. I was only a teenager at that time, but Yes, I know, I will be the queen of talk show one day. In fact, I did it.

"When I told my father about my dream, he made no secret of his disappointment. He thought I was just fooling around, which was a little girl's unrealistic dream. He didn't see anything related to entertainment, and he was really disappointed with me. What he expected was that I would become a cold industrialist like him in the future, and they didn't want to let me pursue my dream.

"In fact, if the plane crash hadn't happened, I don't know what my life would be like, at least not now. Although I know it's not good for me to say so, I really can't say how sad I am in the face of my parents' death, although I have to pretend to be like that.

"When the accident happened, I knew that the goddess was on my side. She wanted me to pursue my dreams. She wanted me to be the big star I wanted to be. She promoted my life and made all the obstacles in front of me disappear. I always believed that I was a lucky person."

"Good luck?" to your parents, it should be the opposite. "Ye Feng could not help but make complaints about it." he looked at Avril and saw how she responded. At this time, Avril sat stiffly on the chair, everything seemed to be isolated from her surroundings, and her face was pale. But the aunt was still strong enough to let herself collapse without showing any mood swings.

It must be hard for her to sit with Linda Wang, the pervert who also lost her parents... Ye Feng thought sadly.

"In short," Linda Wang continued, "no one can stop me. I inherited a large legacy. It's really astronomical. In fact, until today, I don't know how much money I have. I don't care because I know I can't spend it.

"When I was in my early twenties, I became the actual owner of a famous TV station. Of course, many people didn't know this at that time. With my personal strength and a little external push, I easily stood out in a talk show host selection competition and became the final champion. You should be familiar with these? Good.

"After that, my career took off all the way. Soon, I became the most loved and popular star in the world. I'm not exaggerating, I'm telling the truth. The ratings of my programs have never fallen out of the top ten. The stars on my programs were the hottest celebrities in those years. Everyone in the entertainment circle was proud of my programs at that time.

"After achieving my dream, life became boring until I found an ideal I could fight for. I wanted to help people. In fact, I have been helping people all the time for nearly 20 years. God of death, don't look at me like this. I know I must have a bad impression in your heart. But I'm not a bad person. I raise and donate hundreds of millions of money every day King goes to charity. And I want to remind you that I was knighted.

"I'm not for fame or anything else. I just want to simply help people. I have money, I have energy and I have the ability to make people in the world live better. Why don't I take action? Do you know how much money I can raise for a single? That's enough to feed a backward small country!"

"Living saint, why do you kidnap an innocent little girl?" Ye Feng said unbearably.

"I didn't want to kidnap her at first. I said I wanted her to die in a car accident," Linda Wang said with a smile.

"Why? Why do you want to kill me?" Avril looked cautiously at Linda Wang.

"Your performance on stage was so good that I invested tens of millions of developed games and turned them into garbage," said Linda Wang lightly.

"So you're going to kill a little girl?" Ye Feng's voice increased eight degrees.

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