"Keep your voice down. So what? Of course, thanks to Norman's reminder, I didn't miss a talented girl with such a high IQ. Your illegitimate daughter has helped me a lot these days." Linda Wang said to Ye Feng.

"She's not my illegitimate daughter, I'm just her guardian," Ye Feng said.

"Your supervision is really in place." the Winter Soldier sneered at Ye Feng.

"Show you have a mouth? Winter baby." Ye Feng couldn't bear to show weakness and turned back.

"Where did I just say?" Linda Wang waved her hand to stop the quarrel between Ye Feng and the winter soldiers. "By the way, I aim to help people."

"But the problem is, there are some things that money can't work. I want to make a change, but that's the root of people's evil. He knows that some things are harmful but not beneficial, but he just can't quit, such as drinking, smoking and indulging in the virtual world.

"Do you know how many young people indulge in the Internet and eventually neglect their studies, life, family and everything? I have opened dozens of Internet addiction schools, and many young people have been sent in, out and in again and again. No matter how much money I spend, let them contact the society and provide them with opportunities for further study, or It is to give them jobs. Most of them will indulge in the virtual world again and degenerate willingly.

"A few years ago, through legal means, I closed a famous company making violent and bloody games, for which I paid a lot of money and time. But those game producers changed a company and began to make violent games that addicted young people. I suddenly realized that the best solution was to let these game producers disappear, so I found it Norman, and he has worked for me since then. "

"You made the ghost of the collective killing of game producers a few years ago?" Avril opened her eyes with shock.

"Well, basically Norman did it." Linda Wang nodded comfortably, intoxicated with herself, "In the next few years, I killed a lot of people. A game studio was filled with cement, and now the excavation is still in progress. There is also a well-known boss of social platform, who was divided into three parts in the refrigerator of a hotel room on a resort island. There is also a CEO of a video website, who spoke unkindly to me on the phone. Now his body should be dead On the ice of the Arctic, I don't know if it has been eaten by polar bears. "

"I have to do some extreme things. Really, I have to do that." Linda Wang looked at Avril, "I really don't want to kill a smart and beautiful little girl like you. If you can finish the game demonstration earlier, you won't be watched by me. But you must understand that I can't let your guardian ruin my plan, so I must use you to lead him out. Of course, at least you can die together, can't you?"

Avril didn't say anything, but stared at Linda Wang. If her eyes could kill, Linda Wang would have been cut by the murderous spirit in Avril's eyes.

Linda Wang continued: "the world needs to be healed. If you want young people, the future of the world, to get them on the right track, sometimes you have to take extreme measures. After all, I have tried the mild method and it doesn't work.

"I am very proud that I have changed the lives of so many people. I really helped them. I spared no effort in philanthropy and tried my best to make the world a better place. I acted and remained steadfast."

"Killing won't make the world better," Huang Liang said coldly.

"You used to be able to talk?" Linda Wang looked at Huang Liang in surprise. "Are you interested in working next to me?"

"Hum." Huang Liang snorted coldly.

"Why do you just want to recruit him, not me?" Ye Feng asked angrily.

"I hate men who talk too much and are immature," Linda Wang said bluntly.


"What is the Eden plan?" asked Ye Feng.

"This is a good question," Linda Wang looked at Ye Feng approvingly. "I'm thinking about how to start this topic. The Eden plan is a plan I've been preparing in recent years, a plan to make the world better."

"Oh, really?" Ye Feng asked sarcastically.

"Yes," Linda Wang patiently answered the students' questions like a teacher, "sometimes a great plan will be misunderstood by the world as an evil activity. You don't understand me, and your illegitimate daughter doesn't understand me --"

"She is not my illegitimate daughter." Ye Feng rolled his eyes

"- but I really want to make the world better. This is my ideal and the goal I pursue all my life. And I am very lucky. Unlike those who have empty ideas, I have the ability to put my plan into practice. In today's era, entertainment is paramount, and the influence of talk show queen is beyond imagination. That's the fact.

"As I said before, there are too many evil things in the world. Do you know what is the most evil existence in the world?"

"That still need to say? It must be you." Ye Feng said naturally.

"You'd better not irritate me." Linda Wang frowned.

"I don't know. There are too many evil things. If I choose the most evil, I can't say it." Ye Feng shrugged.

"Internet!" Linda Wang's expression, as if the answer was the only one, "With the rapid development of the Internet, too many mentally unsound young people are addicted to it. They alienate their families and friends. They even lose the ability to communicate with strangers. They neglect their studies. Some even dare to misappropriate millions of public funds in order to reward some visible but untouchable network female anchors, and finally ruin their whole life."

"You're talking about cases -"

"No, the Internet is destroying our young generation!" Linda Wang said angrily. "Do you know how many young people would rather stay at home than contact people and participate in normal social activities -"

"This is a personal pursuit. You have no right to blame," Ye Feng said.

"No!" Linda Wang said, "for the sake of human reproduction, people have the obligation to bear the responsibility of giving birth to the next generation, but more and more young people no longer marry, find partners, or even have sex! You know what? The problem plaguing the world is the continued downturn of fertility!"

"Er... I think the main reason is that life is too stressful..." Ye Feng stared at Linda Wang.

"No, it's because of the Internet!" Linda Wang said bitterly. "The Internet takes up too much time and makes them farther and farther away from reality!"

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