"I've heard such speeches countless times in school," said Avril. The last thing she wants to hear now is red tape speeches.

"I've been committed to the healthy growth of the next generation all my life," Linda Wang said seriously. "I've made promotional films and spent countless money to establish a treatment center. I've also recorded countless programs to explain my point of view with countless bloody facts. You must have seen my special program."

"Don't mention it. Successive head teachers talk about your program all day." Avril reluctantly said to Linda Wang.

"It's not enough." Linda Wang nodded, "but I know how to end it. I came up with an ending plan, which is the Eden plan. An era without Internet, no social platform, no online games, no bad websites, no evil customs."

"At the same time, there is no convenient communication and convenient life. Can you destroy these first?" Ye Feng couldn't understand Linda Wang's crazy idea.

"Isn't it desirable to have a world without Internet poisoning young people? God of death, I know it will bring pain, very strong pain, and human society will regress for decades. However, changes will bring sacrifices. To solve the problem of Internet, this sacrifice is acceptable and inevitable!"

"What do you want to do?" Ye Feng knew that the craziest part was coming.

"It's very simple. Because of the convenience brought by the network, no one will really face the negativity brought by the network. They all choose to turn a blind eye, so you must solve the problem from the source. Just let all the network operators' databases, their hosts and their devices overload and paralyze." Linda Wang said lightly.

"You... You're crazy..." Ye Feng smacked his tongue and stared at Linda Wang.

As for Huang Liang, he seems to have fallen asleep now. The sunglasses on his face block his eyes, but it is not difficult to see from his slightly tilted head that he should have slept soundly

"This." Linda Wang took out the silver flash memory, "this little thing is actually very important. It is a key. With it, I can unlock all firewalls and security systems in the world. The original key was made by the kosad Security Bureau and is now in the hands of a big man. My dead friend -" gadfly " Sir, I used to be a senior agent of kosad. He was in charge of this project. His professional knowledge allowed me to make a replica. Even so, it took me a lot of manpower and material resources to make it. You don't know how powerful computer processing power is required to copy such a small thing. "

"Px360" and "gods"... "Avril murmured.

"Yes. This is a great cover. So many professionals, so many equipment, a factory with processing capacity, in fact, everything is for this little thing." Linda Wang turned her eyes to Avril, "Dear, thank you for your help too. You have helped me solve some small problems left over these days. I have to admit that your intelligence makes me reluctant to kill you."

"As long as you use this key to open the network operator's security system, and then put some network viruses in it, so that their equipment can run overload, directly shut down and scrap, everything will be solved.

"No matter how hard they try, as long as I press a few buttons, all their efforts will come to naught. In a few times, all developers will face bankruptcy. They will realize that they can't make money and give up this business.

"Yes, many people will be unemployed and affected. Yes, I know, human beings will feel pain, they will. But after the severe pain, a purified world will come, a world without network, and an era that can let our next generation grow normally will come!"

"I'll interrupt," said Ye Feng, staring at Linda Wang with an excited face.

"Hmm?" Linda Wang, who was in a good mood, nodded to Ye Feng.

"Can't you have children?" Ye Feng asked abruptly.

"How did you know?" Linda Wang blurted out with wide eyes.

"You are too paranoid about the growth of the next generation of mankind. This is not the mentality of a mother, but the hysterical appearance of a woman who can't be a mother." Ye Feng waved his hand and said helplessly.

"..." Linda Wang stared into Ye Feng's eyes. "Come on, take these two guests to their bedroom."

"Hey, Avril," Ye Feng struggled desperately when she was taken away by several strong men in black, and said to Avril, who was still controlled by the winter soldiers, "I will save you, dear, believe me, I will get you out!"

"You'd better save your strength." Linda Wang stared at Ye Feng contemptuously.

"Ah?" Huang Liang was dragged up with an ignorant face and was escorted away with Ye Feng.

"Did you really fall asleep just now?" Ye Feng's face was loveless. Huang Liang fell asleep at such a moment? How big is your heart? Ye Feng thought wildly.

"No, just took a nap..." Huang Liang muttered.



They were slammed shut, the door bolt was tightly closed and locked, and the footsteps of the strong man in black gradually disappeared. For a moment, everything was quiet, and there was only the breathing sound of Ye Feng and Huang Liang in the room.

Exactly, this is a cell.

This small single room is actually a metal box, almost four meters high and small. There are no furnishings in the room. There are two speechless men, Ye Feng and Huang Liang, standing empty. No window, no toilet, nothing.

The closed door and the wall are inlaid together without any gap. There is nothing on the door, not even a key hole.

Having nothing to do, Ye Feng groped around the walls with his fingers. Although he knew he was doing useless work, he was reminded of Avril's little face with pear flowers and rain as soon as he was free. In this way, Ye Feng was more uncomfortable, so he had to find something to do for himself.

They were all thick steel plates. Ye Feng fumbled all the way down, with few gaps. He went to check the door again and still found nothing. The iron door was closed. The ceiling is the same, except that I don't know where the light comes from. The ceiling is like a mirror, reflecting Ye Feng's frowned and locked face and Huang Liang sitting on the ground sleeping?

"Shit!" Ye Feng directly ran over and kicked Huang Liang to the ground, "let you sleep! Let you sleep!"

"What's the matter? What's the matter?!" Huang Liang hurriedly got up from the ground and didn't forget to straighten the crooked sunglasses.

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