"You are the reincarnation of a sloth?! can you sleep?" Ye Feng yelled at Huang Liang's nose. He was so angry at Huang Liang's big heart that he exploded.

"Anyway, I can't get out here. Why don't I sleep?" Huang Liang patted the big shoe prints on the leather windbreaker. He didn't attack, but sat on the ground again. "It's also good to recover his strength."

"I'm not as hearty as you. I can't calm down at all!" Ye Feng angrily walked to Huangliang and sat down next to him.

"Linda Wang must be monitoring us and eavesdropping on our conversation," Huang Liang said.

"Sure, that dead old woman's mother is very worried. It seems that menopause has not passed. She knows that she is disgusting all day." Ye Feng said maliciously.

"Still menopause? She must be 70?" Huang Liang asked calmly.

"I'll say you slept just now?" Ye Feng corrected. "How could it be 70? Let you nap just now and didn't take a good look at Linda Wang. The old demon woman is at least 80. The wrinkles on her neck are like a sand dog. Don't mention how disgusting --"

"I'm less than fifty. You're talking nonsense. I'll have someone tear your mouth!" Linda Wang screamed in the small room.

"Yo, mom sang, can you hear me?" Ye Feng smiled with a successful smile. "Well, we won't tell the truth if we know you can hear our brothers' chat. Anyway, you know in your heart that people can't deceive themselves."

"You wait for me!" Linda Wang continued to scream.

"Wait for what? Wait for death? At this time, do you think we will take chances? Whether we kneel and lick you obediently or speak the truth bravely, the final outcome is that you kill us?" Ye Feng said indifferently.

"You are dead, that little girl -" Linda Wang began to threaten Ye Feng.

"You're dead, too, I know. But don't worry, if Avril breaks even one hair, I won't let you turn into a fierce ghost." the vicious tone in Ye Feng's tone made Linda Wang shudder.

"If you understand, enjoy the last night of your life with your good friends. When the Eden plan is implemented smoothly tomorrow, I will send you to fly freely before opening the celebration champagne." after Linda Wang said this, she didn't say a word again.

"Fly freely? Why do I feel this word is high?" Ye Feng said to himself.

"Don't tangle, hurry up and rest. Everything depends on tomorrow." Huang Liang said to Ye Feng, twisted his body and put his head on his arm. In a few minutes, the even snoring rang.

"... how can you sleep?" he looked at Huang Liang helplessly. Ye Feng was also in a daze and fell asleep.


I don't know how long later, when the door of the small room was opened, a large group of people in black poured in. In a hazy way, Ye Feng and Huang Liang were directly picked up and handcuffed. Then they were surrounded by a large group of people in black and walked outside.

After passing through the corridor, he suddenly appeared in the dazzling sun. Ye Feng's eyes couldn't be opened by the sun. He narrowed his eyes and was taken into the carriage of a van, which was crowded with heavily armed security personnel. Ye Feng and Huang Liang looked at each other silently. They did not choose to act rashly. On the one hand, the situation did not allow them to act rashly, on the other hand, they did not have the will to riot.

Everything is going on as planned. Ye Feng can read this sentence from Huang Liang's eyes, and Ye Feng is also conveying the same meaning to Huang Liang.

The car, which had no obvious appearance, was traveling all the way. Ye Feng planned the route of the car in his mind. With his understanding of the terrain of luoshengdu, he inferred that the destination of the car was luoshengdu International Airport.

Ye Feng nodded at Huang Liang, who noticed and breathed a sigh of relief.

When the van was taken out, as Ye Feng inferred, he and Ye Feng had been taken to luoshengdu International Airport. They were standing in front of a parking garage. The small plane in the parking garage was envied by Ye Feng. It was an expensive toy worth hundreds of millions. Only people like Linda Wang could afford it.

Ye Feng always wanted to own his own private plane, but he finally decided to buy one. When he saw the annual maintenance cost of the plane, Ye Feng gave up the idea of buying a plane in despair.

Thinking of Linda Wang, Ye Feng looked around and saw Linda Wang and the Winter Soldier get down from a luxury limousine. Avril was next to the winter soldier. The little girl was also looking for Ye Feng. When she saw Ye Feng dozens of meters away, the little girl waved her hand and burst into tears.

"Oh, my heart is breaking..." compared with Huang Liang who has been calm to excess, Ye Feng has been in emotional fluctuations.

"Calm down, everything has just begun." Huang Liang said calmly.

"Well, I'll try."

"Hey, you look good. How's it going? Enjoy the wedding room I gave you?" Linda Wang walked up to Ye Feng and Huang Liang.

"If it weren't for your Pugs, I would vomit your face!" Ye Feng struggled a few times, but there were several muscular men hanging on his body, which made Ye Feng unable to move.

"It's nice to be so angry early in the morning." Linda Wang looked at Huang Liang with a smile. The desire in her eyes made the winter soldiers standing next to her unhappy.

"Hey, aunt, your winter baby is jealous." Ye Feng sneered.


"Don't you have any other lines?" Ye Feng glanced contemptuously and became a little white faced Winter Soldier.


"Come on, Norman, they'll be dead soon. What are you doing with them?" Linda Wang took the winter soldier's arm. "Let's go. It's time to go."

"Avril, how are you? Are you okay?" Ye Feng asked the little Avril in front of him gently.

"Well, I'm fine, Uncle Ye Feng -"

"Didn't you speak, brother Ye Feng?" Ye Feng corrected seriously.

"OK..." looking at the face that hasn't changed since she met Ye Feng, Avril is still used to calling him Uncle Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng looks like his brother's age, Avril doesn't know how old Ye Feng is. She only knew that Ye Feng had known her father hank before she was born. Avril sometimes looks through the old photos. Hank in the old photos is very young, and Ye Feng in the photos. Since then, he has neither grown old nor white hair. Years have hardly left any mark on him

Although Ye Feng looks only in his twenties, his age should be much older than his appearance. As for how much older, it has always been a mystery to Avril.

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