
Ye Feng groaned bitterly. The forced landing of Dick's broken spacecraft made Ye Feng experience a real hard landing, and his whole body parts were protesting to him. Ye Feng stretched out his legs hard, kicked open the co pilot's door and separated from the cockpit of the scrapped spacecraft approaching the explosion.

"I'll tell you," Dick in the driver's seat was much better than Ye Feng. He stretched out a mechanical arm from the seat behind him to help Dick open the door. Then Dick got out of the car almost unharmed and said to Ye Feng, who was trembling away from the exploding ship, "We shouldn't provoke the Warner Protoss. These aliens who claim to be high gods do have two sons."

"You m..."

For Dick's shameless, Ye Feng can only use these two powerful words to express his anger. I don't know what Ye Feng has been trying to persuade the old bastard to stay away from the golden giants of Warner Protoss. It's really a day's dog.

It was originally an ordinary shopping trip. I don't know what wind Dick had. He had to take Ye Feng to clean up treasure in the flea market in every corner of the universe. It may be that dick gained a lot from this leak picking trip. On the way back, the old guy had to drive a broken spaceship to enjoy the beauty of the universe, which made Ye Feng very unhappy, You know, Ye Feng was forcibly grabbed from the dinner table by Dick when he was dating Kate alone. Ye Feng held back his resentment

Dick, our authority in the field of death, became very interested in the huge Warner Protoss ship he happened to meet during his return. Ya directly attacked the glittering space fortress. Under Ye Feng's frightened gaze, the old man happily tried all the weapons carried on the broken ship. Dick relied on his delivery gun, You can get away from this at any time. It's useless for Ye Feng to persuade the Warner Protoss who keeps warning the broken spacecraft.

What Dick didn't expect was that the Warner Protoss was far stronger than he thought. The warning between each other didn't work. He directly blocked the space by some means and sent a dense high-energy beam to the broken spacecraft.

Just when Dick was ready to start the transfer gun, open a large enough space-time door, and drive the spacecraft to plunge in and escape, the old guy was stupid. The transfer gun not only didn't work, but also exploded directly!

Fortunately, Dick devoted a lot of effort to the patched junk spaceship. With a ruthless effort, he killed a bloody path in the gunfire of Warner Protoss. Relying on the great advantage of spaceship speed and flexibility, he almost narrowly escaped the pursuit of Warner Protoss.

In fact, Ye Feng and Dick can barely escape, and Warner Protoss are really not interested in this small ship that dares to provoke them. This is a symbolic fight back. It has nothing to do with chasing closely. It's just a small bug. There's no need to worry about it.

Ye Feng and Dick really managed to escape from the sky, but when Dick frantically stepped on the accelerator, the engine of the broken spacecraft sent out a series of roars and directly scrapped.

In the face of this situation, Dick was dumbfounded. He tried to stop the crash of the broken ship, but the engine of the broken ship could no longer run. After accepting that the power could not be restored, Dick shouted to Ye Feng, the co pilot, "ready for forced landing!" , all the emergency plans on the broken spaceship were started. Finally, relying on the limited power provided by the standby engine, at the expense of the broken spaceship, we successfully landed on the appropriate mysterious planet searched by Dick in case of emergency.

"Well, I have to find out which planet we are on..." Dick put on a pair of silver framed eyes and kept clicking on what it is in front of him. "Well... Planet x-56 in golden donkey, well, I seem to have heard that here, what kind of Japanese people live on this planet?"

"Rabbit?" leaf maple, leaning against a big tree in the forest, suddenly spoke.

"Rabbit? Yes, yes, yes! It's the Japanese rabbit. How do you know, maple boy?" Dick slammed his hands together and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. He was glancing at Ye Feng raising his arm and pointing to the direction behind Dick.

"Hmm?" Dick looked back. Several big Plush rabbits dressed in cowboys, tall enough to walk upright with two hind legs, were waiting for big red eyes full of blood and looked at Dick unkindly.

"Er... Japanese rabbit people with red eye disease..."

Dick moved to Ye Feng's position without a trace. When he quietly pulled away from the five Japanese rabbit people standing behind him, Dick ran away. Ye Feng, who was sitting on the ground against the trunk, didn't know what Dick was doing at this time, but after a long time with Dick, Ye Feng's body began to act before his mind reacted. Ye Feng and Behind Dick, his legs were frantically tossing, afraid of becoming the slowest one.

"What are you smoking!? why are you running!" the oncoming wind kept pouring into Ye Feng's open mouth, but he still wanted to know what happened to Dick.

"Do you know the Japanese rabbit? Do you know what a rabbit with red eye disease means? It means death!" Dick shouted without looking back.

"If I know this, I need to ask you?" Ye Feng choked angrily.

"Ordinary Japanese bunnies are very docile and like peace, but this is not because they are weak and not good at fighting. On the contrary, Japanese bunnies can be said to be one of the most powerful races in the lower universe!" Dick shouted.

"Lower universe race?" asked Ye Feng.

"A broad reference to the biological race that is still not separated from the organic body. This is not the point." Dick explained unhappily what is "lower cosmic race".

"Oh. You go on."

It seems to be the first time to see the human race. The five big rabbit people chasing after Dick and Ye Feng did not directly use their strange weapons to fire on Ye Feng and Dick. It seems to be a selfie stick? But watching these two alien creatures falling from the sky. It is not difficult to see that they are very relaxed from their leisurely and slightly shaking three petal rabbit lips.

"What did I say before? Oh, by the way. The Japanese rabbit people don't like war because they are born strong soldiers. Every rabbit person is a born dancer and sharpshooter. When they fight, it usually turns into a fight between both sides. In the end, no one can fight. This extremely inefficient solution is finally hated by the Japanese rabbit people." Dick explained.

"What the hell is this?!"

Ye Feng runs in despair.

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