"Then why are they so unfriendly to us?"

In the deadly rush, because the five red eyed Japanese rabbits chasing after him have begun to shoot bullets with their retractable rod-shaped weapons, Ye Feng has to do several difficult jumping movements from time to time to try to ensure that his key is not hit.

"Generally speaking, the Japanese rabbit people are very popular in the universe. They can fight, but they have no tendency to violence, so no one will provoke them. We'll talk about this later and run first."

Dick also noticed that the fire of the five red eyed Japanese rabbits chasing behind him was fully open. He no longer carefully observed her and Ye Feng. The old guy suddenly arched up, his ass pouted back, and a small jet propeller stretched out on both sides of Dick's crotch.

"Come on, maple boy!" Dick yelled.

Although Ye Feng resisted, he still stubbornly accelerated, jumped up directly from the ground and rode on Dick's back. Seeing that Ye Feng was in place, the old man directly started the jet thruster. Two hot flames suddenly shot out of the jet thruster, burning the hair of the two red eyed rabbits who ran fastest and had no time to avoid behind him. Dick flew a few centimeters away from the ground with his feet.

"Shit! The selfie poles played by these long haired children are still so sharp." Dick was shot several times by a long-distance sniper and gnashed his teeth in pain.

"Selfie stick? I'll go. These big rabbits are holding selfie sticks? I thought it was a high-tech weapon." Ye Feng reacted that the rod-shaped weapon in the hands of the five rabbits was a selfie stick?! No wonder they put a few posts from time to time in the process of pursuit, following the principle of keeping their chin thin

"Don't underestimate the selfie pole, especially the Japanese rabbit selfie pole." Dick said seriously, "the special selfie pole they developed can be far and near. If you get a pole, you will know its power."

"By the way, you go on, why are the Japanese rabbits with red eye disease so grumpy." Ye Feng lies on Dick's back in a very strange position. Because he doesn't want to have too much physical contact with Dick, Ye Feng keeps his body balance in an awkward kneeling position. He needs other things to divert his attention.

"Yes? Just now, no one provoked them. Yes, it's here. In fact, in a strict sense, red eye disease is just a misunderstanding of the red eyed Japanese rabbit people we just got rid of. They don't get sick. They're just encountering atavism, which is what I call it." Dick explained.


"Well, in fact, the red eyed Japanese rabbit race is the real fighting race. The docile Japanese rabbit race is just a Japanese rabbit race that has been eliminated naturally and is more suitable for the continuation of the race. However, in the last half century, there have been a lot of atavism among the Japanese rabbit race. It seems that more and more red eyed Japanese rabbits appear. Of course, I personally think this is greatly different from the environment of the planet "Pollution has a lot to do with it," Dick gushed.

"Environmental pollution?"

"Well, because the Japanese rabbit race is gentle and hardworking, and many other races in the universe cooperate with the Japanese rabbit race. At a relatively low cost, various OEM factories have sprung up on the Japanese rabbit planet. In fact, I also had the idea of building factories on the Japanese rabbit planet, but because I took the high-end route, I don't need a large number of factories "Workers," Dick explained patiently.

"The factory appears on a large scale and the environment is inevitably destroyed. It's really an old-fashioned story." Ye Feng nodded.

"Who says not? In a word, the increasingly severe environment has not only brought natural and man-made disasters, but also brought the red eyed Japanese rabbit people back to the stage of history. This group of violent rabbits with red eyes know the destruction all day, which has brought a huge crisis to the public security of the Japanese rabbit people. Several friends I know have withdrawn the factory from the planet of the Japanese rabbit people. After all, it is the safest It's important, "Dick continued.

"To tell you the truth, I think the environment of this planet is very good." Ye Feng looked at the lush woods around.

"It's all the credit of the red eyed Japanese rabbit people. They drove away the factories and capitalists. The environment has improved, but they don't mean to disappear. It's easier to ask God than to send God." Dick sighed.

"These are small things. As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke them, it's a big deal to go around these red eyed rabbits. Dick, what shall we do now? I don't want to delay for a minute. I want to go back to the earth!" Ye Feng remembered that Dick had been leading his mind all the time. Now, how can we have time to care about the big rabbit with red eye disease or how to go back to the earth!

"Er..." seeing his efforts for so long, he still didn't dizzy Ye Feng. Dick grabbed his hair and said frankly, "I haven't thought of paying attention yet. You ask me, who am I going to ask?"

"Don't be kidding. Can't you make another delivery gun?" Ye Feng asked nervously.

"It's a little fun to make a delivery gun. It'll be done in minutes," Dick said without shame.

"Then you -" Ye Feng looked excitedly at the back of Dick's head.

"Listen to me, maple boy," Dick said seriously. "The conveyor gun is easy to do, but we can't go anywhere without a special conveyor fluid."

"Can't you take a few bottles with you for a rainy day?" Ye Feng tried to choke the old guy from Dick's back. If you can succeed, Ye Feng really wants to have a try.

"Teleport is an important guarantee for me to settle down. If someone gets it, where can I cry? All right, think about something practical. Let's find a high-rise location first and see if we can get in touch with the orc planet." Dick thought for a while and decided to see if we can get in touch with his hometown first.

"... I'll die in your hands sooner or later." Ye Feng muttered.

"Maple boy, you still know yourself very well." Dick nodded approvingly.

"I'm not praising you, old bastard!"

"You scold me again!"

"Old bastard, what can you do to me!? leave me and let me be eaten by the red eyed rabbit as a carrot? I tell you, old man, I've endured you for more than two days. If you can understand people a little bit, we'll come to this point!?" Ye Feng, who was dazzled by anger, directly tore his face with Dick.

"You! You! You want to die!"

Dick was not the one who was scolded and didn't fight back. The old guy directly pulled up vertically and flew into the air. Knowing that he had reached a very high altitude, Dick stopped the upward trend. Instead, he began to stop in the air without warning and then began to rotate. The old guy was determined to throw Ye Feng from the high altitude.

"Shit! Ah ah ah ah!!!"

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