"I must save her!"

With these words, Ye Feng rushed to rescue the Japanese rabbit girl he fell in love with at first sight.

"You can pull it down." Dick grabbed Ye Feng, held him in place and hid him behind the thick trunk. "Maple boy, you are careful and quiet. It's not these red eyed rabbits beating up the little girl, but the little girl you like, who is abusing those red eyed rabbits unilaterally!"

"Er..." at this time, Ye Feng put away his surging heart and carefully observed the direction of the battle. As Dick said, it was indeed the beautiful girl warrior of the Japanese rabbit family who was able to beat the three red eyed Japanese rabbit people around her. "Since you can't provide charcoal in the snow, it's better!"

"Stay honest," Dick grabbed Ye Feng's arm and didn't let him rush out directly. "Don't look for trouble. And how can you be sure that these beaten red eyed rabbits are bad guys? The rabbit girl you like is a positive role?"

"It's so obvious," Ye Feng glanced at Dick. "Look at her face value! This sister's face value is so high. She must be the number one with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty, from inner beauty to face! She may not be the number one in all stages of my brilliant life, but she is undoubtedly the number one in this experience!"

"..." Dick looked at Ye Feng speechless and directly raised his hand and gave Ye Feng a big mouth.

"What are you doing? Woo woo!" before Ye Feng's roar came out of his mouth, Dick's big hand covered Ye Feng's mouth.

"Keep your voice down!" Dick said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "You don't pee and take care of yourself. As far as your fleeing virtue is concerned, can a little girl like you? In human aesthetics, your boy may be able to cheat a few simple girls who haven't been out of society. However, on the planet of the Japanese rabbit nationality, the issue of race is put aside. As far as I know, people's aesthetics is a muscular man who likes smooth hair, just you white and pure Clean skin, not popular. "

"Really?" Ye Feng looked at Dick suspiciously. The latter removed his hand bitten by Ye Feng and nodded solemnly.

"Shit..." Ye Feng was a little lost. "It's not easy to feel excited. Race has become an insurmountable gap between me and her. Master Dick, do you think she will be different, that is, she naturally likes me, a handsome boy with smooth skin?"

"You think too much, ALU." a pleasant voice full of sunshine suddenly came from the direction behind Dick and Ye Feng.

"Er..." Ye Feng quickly stood up and came out of the tree trunk. As he expected, the owner of the voice was the beautiful young Japanese rabbit girl, "did you hear it? Sorry, I just --"

"I've seen a lot of people like you. Although they are not aliens, it doesn't matter. Young man, if you have time to dream of marrying a daughter-in-law, you'd better do some business and see how far you've been? Are you experiencing life recently or are you really begging, ALU?" the beautiful girl of Japanese rabbit nationality stared at a pair of glittering eyes and looked up and down at Ye Feng and Dick.

When she faced Ye Feng and Dick, who were aliens to her, she was very indifferent. Obviously, this was due to her absolute confidence in herself.

"Er..." Ye Feng was not sure what he said when he was make complaints about the beautiful rabbit in front of him. He was somewhat inconsistent with the image of a quiet and gentle girl in his mind. He appeared to be a little bit of the sun powered energetic Japanese girl who stood in front of him.

"Alu -" when Ye Feng was about to speak, Dick stopped him. The old guy whispered to Ye Feng, "maybe it's her usual spoken language. Don't pay attention to this. It's impolite."

"Oh..." Ye Feng nodded and then said to the beautiful Japanese rabbit girl who was about to turn around and leave, "Hey, my name is Ye Feng. Next to me is my friend Dick. We are adventurers who happened to land on this planet -"

"ALU, the adventurer in the universe?" the lovely big eyes of the beautiful Japanese rabbit girl burst out in an instant. "I thought you two were beggars in the universe, ALU."

"Er... No, no, in fact, we just had some trouble." Ye Feng had a headache about his first impression in the hearts of Japanese rabbit beautiful girls. It seemed that he had failed very much.

"Oh." the beautiful Japanese rabbit girl nodded and directly turned away, "good luck and bye ALU."

"Hey!" Ye Feng hurriedly shouted, "can you help us out of difficulties?"

"I'm not interested in Aru." the Japanese rabbit girl continued to walk without looking back.

"Depend on... The development of things is a little biased. Shouldn't I exude male charm? She threw herself into the arms directly, begged for nothing, chased me back, and left this rabbit planet with me to live a happy life without shame?" Ye Feng squatted on the ground discouraged and talked to herself with no God in her eyes.

"Do you think you are long Aotian? Those who don't have a handle have to revolve around you? Crazy." Dick spat hard on the ground. Then the old man ignored Ye Feng squatting on the ground and drew a circle. He quickly caught up with the beautiful girl of Japanese rabbit nationality.

After a few minutes, Dick led the Japanese rabbit girl back! Although I don't know what Dick and the Japanese rabbit girl said, the latter's attitude changed 180 degrees. He became very enthusiastic about Dick and Ye Feng. After listening to Dick's request, he directly led the two humans forward.

"What did you promise her?"

Following the Japanese rabbit girl named xiangdai, Ye Feng asked dick in a low voice.

"Nothing," said Dick, with his dead fish eyes open and wondering where his eyes were focused. "I improved her weapons and told her that if I could find a tall building for me, I could give her a few more gadgets in return."

"Oh, yes." Ye Feng nodded a little lost.

"You're right. Xiangdai's impression of you is very bad. She thinks you're a stupid boy who doesn't have hair and can't do things fast." Dick cruelly mended Ye Feng's fragile young man's heart.

"You don't have hair on you!" Ye Feng's dissatisfaction was a little strange. Although Ye Feng also knows that he doesn't have a god level handsome face that makes the opposite sex wet at first sight, he is always much more handsome than dick! Why, this old man is easier to get the favor of his sister than himself.

"I can improve the performance of her weapons by several grades, can you?" Dick glanced at Ye Feng.

"I! I! I, damn it, I can't beat her again, and I don't have talent and unique skills..." Ye Feng couldn't help sighing

"So you'd better stop, ALU." xiangdai's voice was like a sharp knife, deeply stabbing Ye Feng's heart

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