After talking along the way, Ye Feng learned a lot about xiangdai, a beautiful girl of Japanese rabbit nationality.

Different from Ye Feng's imagination, although Xiangxun looks sweet and innocent on the outside, what is completely different from her age is that she can be called an old driver in the old Jianghu and Japanese rabbit family.

As one of the veteran members of an uprising force on the Japanese rabbit planet, xiangdai is a promising young man who dares to resist, dares to resist and is keen to resist. In fact, Ye Feng discussed with xiangdai whether she should resist by means of violent armed resistance. After all, it is only on such issues that xiangdai will put down her resentment against Ye Feng, Fully engaged in dialogue with Ye Feng

"........ I know the idea in your heart is great, glorious and based on justice, but I still can't agree that the current situation faced by the Japanese rabbit people can be solved by inciting hatred."

Ye Feng, who is keen on all kinds of history in the world, has seen too many similar examples in history books. Although he doesn't want to crack down on xiangdai's resistance enthusiasm, he doesn't want xiangdai to sacrifice his life for a young life without nuts and empty shells, for an idea without truth, just for dedication. Ye Feng can't agree. Let those smelly men sacrifice, At least a beautiful girl like xiangdai should not be involved!

"As a foreigner, it's easy to say. For thousands of years, the Japanese rabbit people have endured endless suffering all the time. You know, for the manic red eyed Japanese rabbit people in recent years, I don't dislike them in my heart, and even appreciate them. It's because they have no scruples about destroying this decaying planet We have the rebellious nature of the Japanese rabbit people. We need to fight and free those compatriots who are hungry in poverty, ARU! "

For xiangdai's sincere and firm look on her face, Ye Feng has no doubt that this is the real idea of the girl with some accidents, but Ye Feng still wants to persuade her to at least let her know that there may be another way to solve the problem in addition to her firm belief, although in fact, Ye Feng can't say any better solution.

"I don't know how to express it, but I know there must be other ways that are much better than your violence. Do you really believe that your weapons can completely destroy the sins in the world? No, when your enemies are knocked down, you will eventually become the boss in front of the latecomers. Xiangdai, I - shit! Dick, why did you hit me!"

Ye Feng is preparing to give a speech that makes people urinate. Dick's slap on the back of his head wakes Ye Feng, who has stepped into a no man's land. At this time, Ye Feng noticed that xiangdai had already quickly opened the distance between her and Ye Feng. Ye Feng had been immersed in his own world and spoke to the air with both voice and emotion.

"Shut up." Dick glared at Ye Feng, "are you going to chase a girl with great truth? To make her fall in love with you by refuting her belief? You TM are not only a coyote, but also a low home fool. Is it time to discuss ideals and state? You TM look like a beggar and have to meddle in other people's internal affairs. Is there something wrong with you?"

Dick was so angry that he was very angry that Ye Feng had been angering the only guide. This Maple boy has absolutely something wrong with his brain. He's sick!

"..." Ye Feng followed Dick's steps dejectedly. "Dick, am I annoying?"


"Really?" Ye Feng's dim eyes lit up again. "Do you mean I still have a chance --"

"I mean, you're not annoying. You're annoying for all creatures with basic intelligence and basic aesthetics. Can you shut your damn mouth!" Dick stopped and turned angrily to stare at Ye Feng.

"..." Ye Feng didn't say anything. He was immersed in the loss abandoned by xiangdai, like a walking corpse


"How about this place? Can it meet your requirements?"

Xiangdai asked Dick excitedly, pointing to the windmill mill standing on a hill. This skyscraper has a gray white coating, while the conical roof is made of black stone bricks. The huge fan is constantly driven by the wind. It seems that it has never stopped rotating since the beginning of the earth.

Along the way, although there was a wave of bandits and red eyed Japanese rabbit people, there was a powerful soldier xiangdai integrating output and meat shield. Ye Feng and Dick only needed to supplement their firepower from time to time and close a few heads in a relatively safe position.

Although Ye Feng has no outstanding combat effectiveness, Dick has an endless stream of strange small devices, including belt buckles that can be transmitted immediately, armpits that can spray poison gas, ears and eyes that can emit fire, and high-speed running shoes that can fly close to the ground.

All kinds of powerful weapons on dick not only made xiangdai cry loudly, but also strengthened her belief in helping Dick. In fact, xiangdai was going to start with Dick and Ye Feng and directly grab all kinds of things from Dick. But Dick consciously said to her, "all my guys have identification locks, which only I can use. Even if I rob them, they can only be used as scrap metal." after that, xiangdai gave up the evil idea and decided to make a deal with Dick.

"Well..." Dick looked carefully at the windmill on the hillside not far away. "I'm not sure if it's suitable. In short, go and have a look first."

"Promise me the reward, you see --" xiangdai jumped up to Dick. Under the ears of two Plush rabbits, a pair of bright big eyes looked at dick with expectant eyes.

"Don't worry, I always keep my word," Dick said shamelessly.

"Fart..." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Dick turned back and squinted at Ye Feng.

"Nothing." Ye Feng walked to xiangdai as if nothing had happened. "You'd better leave snacks. This old guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Then I'm the fuel-efficient lamp, ALU?" xiangdai didn't shake Ye Feng, turned and continued to move forward.

"..." Ye Feng looked at xiangdai's back sadly and angrily. He went to Dick's side, "Grandpa, do you have hair cream? Give me a can."

"I have a bottle of depilatory cream here. Don't bother. Even if you are hairy now, xiangdai won't like you. You refute the little girl's ideal. Give up." Dick patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and advised him with great sincerity.

"... you'd better give me a bottle of hair increasing cream. It's best to use it once. The effect only lasts for up to three days."

"Fuck off."

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