"If I can get on top of that windmill mill, I can launch the coordinates of our planet. In the orc planet, your Kobi can send us the equipment we need badly."

As there was nothing to hide, Dick told his plan directly in front of the beautiful Japanese rabbit girl xiangdai.

At this time, the sky is still dark. Ye Feng is a little tired after a long journey all day. Although xiangdai consumes the most in the battle, she is really in good condition among the three, which makes Ye Feng envy. Her natural good physique is still proving how much the Japanese rabbit race is favored by the creator.

Hell is empty and the devil is on earth. It describes the planet where Ye Feng and Dick are located. Among the three men walking in the dark, Dick was holding a bloody firewood chopper in his hand, and Ye Feng was carrying a long handled axe.

These farm tools are weapons seized when they fought against those irrational Japanese rabbit robbers. Although these farm tools don't show mountains and dew on the surface, after use, Ye Feng knew that the ordinary long handle axe in his hand was extremely sharp, and the material was very special and light, but the strength and toughness exceeded Ye Feng's imagination. This is a magic weapon worthy of paying for its life!

As the saying goes, the journey to the windmill is unusually long. After walking for a long time in the night, Ye Feng finally approached the goal he needed: a high point. The shining windmill in front of the three should be high enough to send signals. Determined, Dick and Ye Feng followed xiangdai and marched firmly towards the windmill in the dark.

"Remember, if there are masters there and they want to kill us, we'll kill them first. Aru." in the process of going to the windmill, xiangdai seriously told Ye Feng and Dick behind her.

"Of course, your territory is up to you." Dick nodded approvingly.

"We don't have to kill anyone, xiangdai, can we not do this? We should pursue the realm of not firing a shot and passing the customs through the whole process." Ye Feng is actually subconsciously singing the opposite tune with Dick. You said East, I went west, Dick said kill, Ye Feng said stay.

Of course, not dealing with Dick is only one reason. Ye Feng himself is not a person addicted to killing. After all, Ye Feng always emphasizes that he is not a good man who kills for killing, although Ye Feng has done a lot of killing and arson

"Pussy, are you all human men like this, ALU?" xiangdai pointed to Ye Feng and said an obscene human word contemptuously. She didn't know where she learned this insulting word.

"Just him pussy, although people like him are very common on earth, I can assure you that there is at least one man on earth who is a real man with iron blood, that is me." Dix didn't care. Ye Feng on one side was almost disgusted to vomit. He really thought that what he said was not farting, but truth

"Oh? Really, ARU?" xiangdai turned around and led Dick and Ye Feng to the windmill.

"Ye Feng, if you still want to see the sun tomorrow, you have to give up those unrealistic ideas." now is the time for "Dick's outlook on life".

"I'm not unrealistic!" Ye Feng retorted angrily.

"Men, especially those like you, are always so twisted, pulling good family women into the sea and persuading dust women to be good. How dare you say you are normal?" Dick squinted at Ye Feng and said expressionless.

In the two men's words, Ye Feng and Dick soon reached their destination: the windmill standing in the dark.

Xiangdai stepped forward and knocked on the door under the windmill mill. A few seconds later, the door was opened from the inside. A small Japanese rabbit uncle appeared in front of Ye Feng and Dick.

This is an old man wearing ordinary or even plain Japanese rabbit. His hair has turned gray. The old man is wearing a white shirt, a light gray vest, dark trousers, a yellowish brown bow tie around his neck, a pair of round lens glasses on his head. Maybe the degree of the glasses is very high, and his eyes look small, Like two small black spots nailed in the center of the orbit.

Well, in terms of dress, this should be an amiable old man who loves reading and literature.

"I'm not interested in joining the resistance. If you want to kill me, I just ask you to be quick."

He opened the door and looked at two tall and short hairless aliens standing outside his house, as well as his neatly dressed compatriot xiangdai. The old man looked at the bloody firewood knives and long handled axes in Dick and Ye Feng's hands. The bookish Japanese rabbit said to xiangdai calmly.

He didn't see the excitement or shock that Ye Feng and Dick, two aliens, should have. The old man didn't panic. He is worthy of being the bottom people of the Japanese rabbit nationality who have experienced turbulence for decades. His psychological quality is really strong!

"We don't have this plan." seeing that the Japanese rabbit uncle in front seemed to have no threat at all, Dick put down the firewood knife held high in his hand.

"We are not interested in anything else. Sir, we just want to send a message for my friend on the top of your windmill mill. She is on another planet." Ye Feng said sincerely to the nerd. I was moved to see a gentle and gentle Japanese rabbit uncle who did not show madness. I saw too many killing Ye Feng all the way and was about to cry

"By the way, there is life on other planets, but that's not the point," Dick added.

"You can hide in my windmill and send signals. But the condition is: you have to listen to me talk with me. I haven't communicated with creatures for a long time, and I'm lonely." the old man's request is not excessive, nor bloody, or even surprisingly simple. Dick and Ye Feng agreed.

"OK.", "deal!"

"I'll go to the roof and get things ready, maple boy. Listen to him. Xiangdai, feel free," Dick arranged his own division of labor with Ye Feng: Dick was responsible for setting up beacons, and Ye Feng was responsible for chatting with the owner of the windmill.

Xiangdai didn't say much. She had been looking at the imitator coldly, and her eyes kept scanning the surrounding environment.


Ye Feng readily agreed. From Ye Feng's point of view, chatting with the old man should be his most comfortable leisure this evening. To be able to stay in a safe and warm windmill, let alone listen to people's nagging, even if it is for this to break his oath not to indiscriminately kill innocent people, Ye Feng can't consider

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