After an impressive 15 minutes, Ye Feng staggered into the first floor of the windmill mill. His body was covered with blood, all of which were the blood of the Japanese rabbit people who were hacked to death by him.

"Are you satisfied? What do you want me to show again? What is a real man?" Ye Feng, who was tired but still excited, shouted at dick on the first floor and xiangdai squatting on the stairs after trying to regain control of his body.

"Oh, maple boy, remind you, you just killed the Japanese rabbit people in half the village."

Dick looked at what was happening without expression. It seems to be awakened by the voice of Ye Feng. Ye Feng, who returned to normal, began to stare at the broken bodies of Japanese rabbit people inside and outside the house, and then stared at his own hands that caused all this, falling into silence.

While Ye Feng was silent and stunned, the simple equipment Dick had just built on the roof finally gave an electronic prompt: "the beacon is about to arrive." Dick quickly turned and went upstairs to check the specific data information on the equipment.

"OK, we just need to wait a few more minutes, maple boy. Fortunately, you killed almost all the Japanese rabbit people during your madness." after verifying the specific landing location of the good thing, Dick's voice came from the roof, but it didn't comfort ye Feng who was still silent.

"Your friend, has his brain been hit, ARU?" Shandy, who followed Dick, asked in a low voice.

"I always think he has a family history of mental illness. Although he doesn't look like a family," Dick whispered in a low voice, "after all, I can't find the clue that he was synthesized. He may have a family he doesn't know. After all, most humans have parents."

"Oh..." said xiangdai with lingering fear. "He really scared me just now. Even the craziest red eyed Japanese rabbit is not as cruel as he showed..."

"Human is a very complex creature. He may preach benevolence, righteousness and morality," Dick said to xiangdai slightly reluctantly. "But both hands are doing the business of destroying everything."

"The Japanese rabbit people are the same, ALU." xiangdai said silently.

"Listen to my advice, don't find a human man as a boyfriend," Dick said half jokingly and half seriously.

"I'll remember, ALU." xiangdai couldn't help smiling.


"It's okay, maple boy. We're TM's stupid aliens. You know, there's no problem pushing the old man of the windmill down the stairs, or killing dozens of crazy Japanese rabbit people."

After leading Ye Feng away from the windmill, Dick said carelessly to Ye Feng, who was still sleepwalking beside him, as he rushed to a certain location in the middle of the night. Of course, with Dick's expression, even if ye Feng had nothing to do, he would be said to be slightly depressed

"Dick, it's a problem. I'm not one of the anti resistance organizations. I'm still dizzy until now. I can't hack people everywhere in a planet I've never been to, and then I can feel at ease for the rest of the day as if everything hasn't happened. It's you and xiangdai who have been stimulating me. -"

Ye Feng's voice of defense is getting smaller and smaller. Without Dick's reminding, Ye Feng himself realizes how weak his words are. After all, his past life is full of destruction everywhere for no reason, and then he sleeps with his head in peace after completing the task.

Ye Feng, as a mercenary, takes people's money and eliminates disasters for others. All Ye Feng's words at this time seem to be just self consolation

"Hey, hey!" said xiangdai discontentedly, "don't talk about our anti resistance organization as if it were a despised existence, ARU!"

"Isn't it?"

"Do you want to try this, ALU?" xiangdai pointed the selfie stick in her hand at the abusive Ye Feng. She and Ye Feng stood still and faced each other.

"You've been provoked so many differences, maple boy. Because someone from TM came to the door!"

Dick pointed to the riot Japanese rabbit people who were only tens of meters away from them. They were coming here quickly. Ye Feng noticed that more than half of the Japanese rabbit people were red eyed Japanese rabbit people. This new group of Japanese rabbit people should have the same purpose as those who died just now.

Needless to say, it will be a bloody battle.

"Have you noticed? The leader is still an old man."

Dick looked at an old man with fierce eyes coming out of the Japanese rabbit crowd and said to Ye Feng and xiangdai. This big bellied, white haired and white bearded Japanese rabbit grandfather, his suspender jeans are covered with the blood of unknown people, to be exact, and some brains mixed with blood are obviously stained on his trouser legs. From the blood dripping from the mace in the hand of the elderly Japanese rabbit, he definitely played very high, very high this night


The Japanese rabbit grandpa gave Dick and Ye Feng a ferocious smile. He seemed to be the leader of this group of Japanese rabbit people. With his eyes, the group of Japanese rabbit people quickly dispersed and formed a circle around Ye Feng, Dick and xiangdai in the center of the circle.

He obviously intended not to give Dick, Ye Feng and xiangdai a chance to escape, but did Dick really need to escape?


"Damn it, I don't want to die with two aliens, ARU..." xiangdai frowned slightly and whispered to herself.

Because ye Feng and Dick are completely unknown aliens, all the Japanese rabbits surrounding them have no intention of rushing up and chopping.

Who knows if these two aliens who don't have hair on their bodies have the last means to save their lives. None of the Japanese rabbits who have survived years of chaos are stupid goods who want to die in vain.

Therefore, a very embarrassing situation happened: Ye Feng and Dick, who had nothing, stood quietly in the circle. The Japanese rabbits in the adult circle stared at each other because the two aliens in the circle didn't respond, but no one wanted to be the first bird. Only xiangdai, who was also surrounded, raised her selfie pole in tension, Be ready

"If everyone has no objection," Dick raised his arm and shouted, "why don't we just pretend we haven't met each other and continue on our own journey?"

"Well thought! Cut him!"

The white haired old man of the Japanese rabbit family roared and opened the prelude to the battle

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