Just when Dick, Ye Feng and xiangdai were in despair.

They and the people around them were attracted by the harsh noise. All of them raised their heads and stared at the starry sky.

Two red light spots flew from the sky at a very fast speed, like two fallen stars, breaking this strange and solemn atmosphere. The two dark blue man-made stars, in Dick's cheers, happened to fall in the circle of people surrounded by the grumpy day rabbit, and landed safely at Dick's feet.

The two blue cubes falling on the ground shine brightly in the night. In the surprised eyes of these crazy day rabbits, they begin to open and deform. In less than two seconds, the two dark blue metal cubes have become devices with two metal platforms close to the ground.

Dick stood on the right platform without saying a word, and then the device under his feet suddenly shot a golden light, enveloping Dick's body. After the dazzling light disappeared, Dick was equipped with an armor model rick54 out of thin air!

The color scheme of rick54 is light gray and black. It can receive the user's instructions (allowing ultra remote operation) and positioning through a microchip (which has been implanted subcutaneously by Dick and maple leaf).

Rick54 can be divided into multiple parts, and each part has an independent power and control system. It has a super advanced brain wave and motor nerve capture system, which can accurately make corresponding actions by capturing the user's brain wave and identifying motor nerve instructions.

Rick54 is designed with a directional energy reactor and can be guided to other parts of the armor and weapon systems, which can double the speed, strength and firepower of the armor. It can generate a small energy shield and is equipped with electromagnetic weapons.

Rick54 also carries a variety of weapons and equipment, including rockets, missiles, machine guns, foldable cannons, portable laser weapons, shoulder machine guns, grappling hooks, ultrasound, pan alloy bayonets, cryocannons, anesthetic bombs, pulse cannons and other weapons.

These two sets of rick54 armor were made for today's desperate situation. Dick is definitely a leader in the whole universe in how to save his life. Especially after meeting Ye Feng, he paid more attention to his investment in this aspect

"Maple boy." after changing his equipment, Dick made a "please" gesture to Ye Feng, who was as stunned as the crazy day rabbit, who stood on the metal platform on the left.

After the golden beam of "zizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizi.

This is cool! After being equipped with this armor, Ye Feng's intuitive feeling is that although the armor he is wearing may not be able to catch up with Kobi's hell bat suit that he loves and hates, the firepower of this rick54 armor can make him and Dick walk sideways on this crazy planet full of grumpy day rabbit people!

In front of the powerful red eyed Japanese rabbit, Ye Feng no longer needs to hide and run!

"I'm sorry, xiangdai," Dick said to xiangdai, who stood looking forward to it, "this armor needs to set the driver in advance. In this case, it can only be used by me and this smelly boy, but don't worry. I'll let you drive this baby later."

"Really Aru?" xiangdai's eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Sure. Honey, you'd better stay away from here and don't hurt you." when he noticed that xiangdai ran all the way to safety, Dick turned his head to Ye Feng, who was eager to try.

"Time to play," Dick said to Ye Feng without expression. Then the old man fired a miniature missile at the red eyed rabbits around them


The four red eyed Japanese rabbit people locked by Dick's Micro missile were blown into a blood mist all over the ground in an instant. It's fun!

Different from Dick, who was full of fire and rushed into the rabbit herd like a hungry wolf, Ye Feng squatted on the ground to defend after he was equipped with rick54, and did not fight the red eyed Japanese rabbits who surrounded him and waved a butcher's knife.

After all, in Ye Feng's eyes, these crazy rabbit people trying to kill them are likely to be amiable and honest good people in front of other rabbit people. Although they turn into outright demons at this moment, Ye Feng still doesn't want to take these people's lives.

After all, he's just a stranger, and he's really not a rebel. Ye Feng tried to explain these misunderstandings and make the red eyed rabbits become peaceful and kind-hearted.

These villagers have their own families and have their own fetters. Ye Feng doesn't want to kill these people when he can ensure that he won't be hurt by them.

This is different from defeating all the enemies standing on the battlefield. When Ye Feng kills these killing machines that choose to fight for money or desire, he can completely harvest these people's lives without any psychological burden. In Ye Feng's eyes, this is their choice. What these people pursue is constant fighting, Killing the enemy or being killed by the enemy on a more cruel battlefield and being killed by his leaf maple is not a waste of time in this world!

It is because of the indifference in his heart that Ye Feng can talk and laugh and kill the enemy in the battle

"Foreigner, stop talking nonsense! We don't care if you are a rebel. We just want to kill an alien! We want to see what color the blood in your body is!"

The words of a red eyed Japanese rabbit who besieged Ye Feng aroused the approval of other red eyed Japanese rabbits.

Originally, Ye Feng hesitated, but the words of the red eyed Japanese rabbit finally made Ye Feng understand that these Japanese rabbit people have different moral concepts from humans. At least these red eyed Japanese rabbit people are different. They are immersed in killing and can't extricate themselves!

Everyone has a temper, and Ye Feng still belongs to the kind with a good temper. Since there is no mercy to the lunatics of the Japanese rabbit family, Ye Feng squatting on the ground and holding his head is frantically besieged by more than a dozen red eyed Japanese rabbit people, and the angry Ye Feng is gone

"Ah ah! Fuck nm!!! The tiger doesn't get angry. I really think I'm Hello Kitty!"

In the fury, Ye Feng suddenly burst up and bounced all the red eyed Japanese rabbits around him. Then Ye Feng caught a glasses boy nearest to him and pulled his neck collar to lift him in the air. Ye Feng grabbed the glasses boy's head with his other hand and pulled it hard, "Zila", and Ye Feng stubbornly pulled the glasses boy's brain seeds down, crushing them with one hand.

"Usually drop more eye drops! You red eyed bastards!"

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