This is an elegant castle. It stands on the top of a mountain, backs against a steep cliff, surrounded by lush forest trees on three sides, and is so close to the natural environment.

Giant fountains, luxurious open-air swimming pools, exquisite and luxurious sculptures everywhere, and the main body of the castle, all make everyone who sees the castle at first sight deeply sigh: how much does it cost him to build such an unprecedented miracle

Of course, the owners who live here now don't pay a penny. They just wave the selfie pole and brutally knock all the previous owners of the castle to death. The doves occupy the magpie's nest.

This is a castle that shows the original elegance incisively and vividly. In the past few hundred years, only those really decent Japanese rabbit people are qualified to enter this luxurious and excessive castle. But now, everything has changed. It is no longer full of noble ancient classical music, but a hot and chaotic death metal and a restless mess.

Except for those enslaved workers, there are no red eyed thugs who are very cruel to bears in the ancient castle. This is the nightmare in the hearts of all Japanese rabbits in the whole area. It is a crazy place that really makes babies stop crying, a death place that no one dares to approach, and the source of all sin and pain.

In this vast land, more than 90% of the wealth and almost all the rights are in the hands of less than 100 red eyed thugs who are having a party in this castle.

It can be said that the wealthiest, most powerful and most criminal gangsters in this field gathered together in this magnificent castle that is not appropriate to describe luxury, celebrating tonight's Carnival Party and their group standing at the top of the pyramid and using cruel and ferocious means to surround this originally quiet land with fear, And they get nutrition from it.

"What did these red eyed bunnies do? Do you hate them so much?" surprised by xiangdai's cruel and decisive means along the way, Dick smacked his tongue after xiangdai tore a red eyed mob into two pieces.

"They deserve it, ALU!" whatever it is, all the red eyed thugs in the castle live, but today Dick has no doubt about it.

"Most of the red eyed thugs reveled in the banquet hall and let them die drunk. It's too cheap for them, ARU." xiangdai locked the location of most of the red eyed thugs in the castle through the thermal imaging system installed on rick54. She muttered a little angrily.

"Don't worry," Dick patted xiangdai on the shoulder. "Even the drunkard who is drunk to the limit will wake up immediately when he sees me and your shining debut."

"That's right, ALU." xiangdai's face showed an eager look.

What did this girl film go through? How much stimulation does it have to be to become like this? Forget it, it's none of my business, have a good carnival, and then pat your ass and leave!

Dick, who has never had any bottom line, doesn't care to follow behind xiangdai. This is an internal dispute between the peace loving ordinary Japanese rabbit people and the bloody and belligerent red eyed thugs. He is an outsider who is not qualified to comment. In fact, Dick is not interested in caring about who is right and who is wrong. He has been angry with many red eyed rabbit people along the way. It's time to return ten times.

Dick has never been a broad-minded man. In fact, he may be the smallest and most penny pinching master in the universe


In the crazy and irritable melody that seems to smash and kick the musical instruments in their hands, the red eyed thugs in the banquet hall in the castle are frantically pushing each other for cups and lamps, like a gluttonous appetite, wasting the food on the table. In fact, these crazy bunnies throw away more than they put into their big mouths!

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's respect that this is another day's Carnival!"

A bald and red eyed mob dressed in exquisite handmade gowns. Although his gowns did not fit well, and his clothes were covered with brains and blood stains, he raised his wine glass, stood up from the main seat on the main table in the banquet hall, and began to address other red eyed mobs who were picked, lying or sitting in their positions.

He is the owner of this castle: Mubarak, the leader of this group of red eyed thugs, the most crazy and cruel madman, is the red eyed thug at the top of this group of madmen.

"-- let those timid guys be slaughtered by us!" driven by Mubarak, the red eyed thugs present drank the wine held up in their hands one after another, and then everyone began to applaud Mubarak warmly. After all, even in a crazy atmosphere, flattering those in high positions should never be slower than others

"Wait, what's going on outside? What's going on?"

Mubarak vaguely heard screams and fights outside the banquet hall. He turned back and looked in the direction of the sound: the main door of the banquet hall behind him.

Then, before Mubarak could go and ask the voice questions, the door behind him was suddenly smashed without warning. In the surprised eyes of all the red eyed thugs in the banquet hall, Dick and xiangdai in rick54 armor swaggered into the reception hall.

"Hi, is this the last dinner?" Dick stared at a pair of dead fish eyes and looked casually at the layout in the banquet hall.

"Who are you? What do you mean?"

Mubarak asked Dick. As the eldest brother of this group of red eyed thugs, Mubarak is also the most crazy and cunning existence. Mubarak is acutely aware that the alien wearing steel armor and strange appearance suddenly appears in front of him, exuding a very terrible atmosphere. So Mubarak's first words to question Dick didn't mean "you want to die?", "somebody kill this bastard for me!", "do you know where this is? Do you want to see God?" and so on. Instead, Mubarak carefully expressed his dissatisfaction and willingness to communicate in a tone of inquiry

"Yo, you big rabbits who have committed red eye disease can still speak human words?" Dick's presumptuous attitude and indomitable contempt in his eyes made Mubarak even more afraid to act rashly.

Damn it, how did he get here? What do the guards in the castle eat?!

Mubarak actually misunderstood his guards. Those red eyed thugs fought fiercely, although they eventually turned into broken bodies

"The thing is, I don't want to evaluate your practice. I'm just an ordinary person from other planets, but this girl is one of the innocent people hurt by you..."

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