Dick pointed to xiangdai, who glared at Mubarak behind him, and then said:

"- I guess you feel at ease to do some bad things and put her in an inhumane environment, even if the girl has never offended you.

"You are hiding in this solid ancient castle. In some ways, it is like that you have an armed mecha, while the innocent people who have been hurt by you have nothing, and even the opportunity to revenge you has been deprived.

"But now the situation is even. So, xiangdai?"

While talking with Mubarak, Dick slowly retreated behind xiangdai and let xiangdai, fully armed and equipped with rick54, face the group she hated most: the red eyed thugs in the Middle East in the banquet hall.

Under the gaze of a group of people, xiangdai walked coldly to Mubarak. The Japanese rabbit girl looked coldly at the stunned eyes of the latter. Xiangdai didn't give Mubarak any chance to speak and resist. She directly cut Mubarak's neck with the pan alloy bayonet popped from her armored arm.

Because the pan metal bayonet was too sharp, Mubarak's big head was directly cut off by xiangdai, and his headless body gushed thumb thick blood like a fountain from the wound at his neck. The body staggered for a few seconds, and stood on the ground for a few seconds before Mubarak's body fell down, and then he reluctantly fell to the ground and fell Beside his wide eyed, dead head.

This cruel and bloody scene immediately shocked all the red eyed thugs present. They never thought that they would be rushed into the nest and kill their boss directly in front of them? Even the craziest red eyed thugs never had a similar idea in their crazy heads

Among the onlookers, only Dick stood in place with no expression and tasteless food and accommodation. Dick was glad that Ye Feng didn't participate here. Otherwise, he should grind and haw constantly to destroy the atmosphere here

After killing Mubarak cleanly, xiangdai flew to the main table in the banquet hall without expression. Xiangdai standing on the table opened fire and began to kill the red eyed thugs who were still stunned at Mubarak's tragic death one by one. Xiangdai had no mercy in the face of these vampire moths on the planet with innocent blood on her hands. She knew it clearly One truth: there is no need to be kind to treat madmen without kindness!

"Didn't expect this day to come? You damn maggots! Taste my anger! Go to hell, you Alu!"

Watching xiangdai burst all kinds of foul words and frantically pour fire on those red eyed thugs, Dick stood aside with his arms in his arms and looked at it with expressionless cold eyes.

Dick could not say disgust, let alone pity, for the Cruel Japanese rabbit lunatics in the room that xiangdai killed at this time.

These red eyed thugs emerged in recent years. In just a few decades, they have accumulated wealth and expanded their power by crazy and cruel bloody means and by sucking the pain and blood of innocent people.

Although it can't be said that the accumulation of all original wealth is bloody and dark, Dick knows what countless crimes these red eyed crazy rabbits who wantonly slaughtered their compatriots have committed through various reports on the Japanese rabbit star published in cosmonews weekly in recent years.

The red eyed thugs in this banquet hall, when they frantically slaughtered and looted those peaceful families, countless Japanese rabbit people, their lives, were cruelly and changed in the disaster that befell them without warning.

Dick saw a picture that even a hard hearted man like him was moved. The picture showed a naked Japanese rabbit girl crying and staggering out of her burning home. Behind her, a red eyed thug who could be the head of the little girl's father was walking towards the little girl with a ferocious smile, His hand was hanging on the little girl's head, and the picture was fixed at this moment.

Dick didn't read the report at that time. He couldn't bear to know how tragic the final fate of the little girl who lost her family was. The painful Japanese rabbit girl and the tall red eyed mob in the photo were deeply engraved in Dick's mind. So that when he needed to make a forced landing, Dick subconsciously chose the Japanese rabbit star

Dick can deeply feel xiangdai's anger and hatred. These red eyed rabbit people who are not civilized creatures have destroyed the planet almost madness. From his personal contact with Japanese rabbit people these days, Dick sadly found that more and more ordinary Japanese rabbit people have also been brought into a crazy vortex by these red eyed crazy rabbits.

In Dick's view, these red eyed thugs bear the deep sins of being tortured and killed. Although as an alien from other planets, Dick is not qualified to condemn these people's actions, as xiangdai, who is deeply devastated by these madmen, she has the right to punish these worst criminals on the planet.

It's time for these criminals who have been at large for decades to be punished. It's time for them to experience the pain they have inflicted on other innocent people. What kind of hell is it

"Dick, do you want to get involved?" after blinding a bald red eyed mob, xiangdai kicked the new blind man away. She looked happy and turned back to Dick.

"Seriously, my desire to kill has been satisfied. It's meaningless to do it again."

Dick has satisfied his killing impulse in the next few years in his "Carnival" tonight. He really doesn't have much desire to kill people at this time.

"Don't you really want to come, ARU?"

Xiangdai flew up and rushed at a fierce fat man who rushed at her. She punched the fat man who hit the table in the face.

In a short time of less than a second, the fat man who was hit dozens of times by xiangdai was even more swollen and turned into a big red balloon

Xiangdai, who kept moving, gushed fiercely at a thin and tall red eyed mob who screamed, and directly burned the red eyed mob like a thin bamboo rod into a burning man.

"Dick, it feels great, ALU!" xiangdai, who had a great time, didn't forget to invite dick to the party where justice defeats evil

"But... Well, mind him."

Facing xiangdai's repeated invitation, Dick finally hesitated a little and agreed.

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